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Introduction to Asia ILC R&D Seminar under JSPS Core-University Program. N. Terunuma. What is Core University Program (CUP)? Prof. S.Kurokawa coordinates this Asian CUP for the Promotion of Accelerator Science under the support of Japan Society for Promotion of Science, JSPS, from 2000.
Introduction to Asia ILC R&D Seminar under JSPS Core-University Program N. Terunuma What is Core University Program (CUP)? Prof. S.Kurokawa coordinates this Asian CUP for the Promotion of Accelerator Science under the support of Japan Society for Promotion of Science, JSPS, from 2000. This is 10 years project.
Core University Program The Core University Program provides a framework for international cooperative research in specifically designated fields and topics, centering around universities designated as core universities in Japan and in the counterpart Asian countries.
This Core University Program(CUP) makes a good network for ILC Asian Collaboration. Organization of CUP: (Sorry in Japanese or Chinese.) 日本側実施組織(Japan) Core University:高エネルギー加速器研究機構(KEK)実施組織代表者:鈴木厚人Coordinator:黒川眞一 (S.Kurokawa) Cooperating Universities: 東北大学大学院理学研究科・多元物質科学研究所茨城大学工学部東京大学大学院理学系研究科・素粒子物理国際研究センター・物性研究所東京農工大学工学部首都大学東京大学院理学研究科早稲田大学理工学部総合研究大学院大学教育研究交流センター新潟大学大学院自然科学研究科名古屋大学大学院理学研究科・大学院工学研究科自然科学研究機構分子科学研究所京都大学大学院理学研究科・基礎物理研究所大阪大学大学院理学研究科神戸大学理学部広島大学大学院先端物質科学研究科・放射光科学研究センター佐賀大学理工学部(16 Institutes)
中国側実施組織(China) Core University:高能物理研究所(IHEP)実施組織代表者:Cheng Hesheng Coordinator:Zhang Chuang Cooperating Universities: 中国科学院上海放射光施設 (Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility)中国科学院理論物理研究所 (Institute of Theoretical Physics)北京大学 (Beijing University)清華大学 (Tsinghua Univeristy)中国科学技術大学 (University of Science and Technology of China)山東大学 (Shandong University)浙江大学 (Zhejiang University)中国高等科学技術中心 (China Center Advanced Science and Technology)復旦大学 (Futan University) (10 Institutes)
韓国側実施組織(Korea) Core University:浦項工科大学付属加速器研究所(PAL)実施組織代表者:KO, In SooCoodinator:KO, In Soo Cooperating Universities: 浦項工科大学 (Pohang University of Science and Technology)ソウル国立大学 (Seoul National University)慶北大学 (Kyungpook National University)高麗大学校 (Korea Univeristy)延世大学校 (YonSei University)全南大学校 (Chonnam National Unversity)全北大学校 (Chonpook National University)李花女子大学 (Ewha Womens University)成均館大学 (Sungkyunkwan University)慶尚国立大学 (Gyeongsang National University)韓国高等科学院 (Korea Institute for Advanced study) (12 Institutes)
インド側実施組織(India) Core University:ラジャ・ラマンナ先端技術センター(RRCAT)実施組織代表者:SAHNI, Vinord ChandraCoordinator:KOTAIAH, Swarana JOSHI, Satish Chandra Cooperative Universities: デリー大学 (Delhi University)パンジャブ大学 (Panjab University)大学共同利用機関加速器センター (Inter-University Accelerator Centre)タタ基礎研究所 (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)インド科学研究所 (Indian Institute of Science)可変エネルギーサイクロトロンセンター(Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre) (7 Institutes)
Seminar program for JR-00-A3: The purpose of Sub-group(Seminar program JR-00-A3) is the promotion of Asian Collaboration for Study on ILC Accelerators. Present Sub-group coordinators(JR-00-A3): China: Pei Guoxi, Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) Korea: In Soo Ko, Pohang Accelerator Laboratory (PAL) India: S. Krishnagopal, RRCAT Japan: Junji Urakawa, KEK
History of Seminar program for JR-00-A3: 1st Seminar on Beam Physics at IHEP (9/18-20) in 2000 2nd Seminar at IHEP (9/22-23) in 2001 (JR-00-A2 and -A3 Joint ) 3rd Seminar at Nasu in Tochigi (10/4-6) in 2002 (JR-00-A2 and -A3 Joint)- 3rd Beam Physics Seminar and 8th International ATFCollaboration Meeting Joint Workshop at Kamogawa in Chiba for 4th Beam Physics Seminar and 9th ATF International Collaboration Meeting (3/19-21) in 2004 5th Beam Physics Seminar at IHEP (1/11-1/13) in 2005 6th Beam Physics Seminar in Shanghai (10/31-11/2) in 2005, Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility 7th Beam Physics Seminar in Pusan(9/12-14) in 2006, Pusan Natioanl Univerity, Korea #JR-00-A2:Beam Instability Sub-group in e/e+ Ring. All presentations recorded in http://atfweb.kek.jp/atf/WS/index.html .
Activities done so far : Electron Source Development (Photo- Cathode RF Gun), Beam Instrumentation, Production for ATF2 Component parts and so on. Photo-cathode RF-gun 5 years operation experience from Oct.2002 At ATF Cathode block with CsTe coating Cathode block End plate with cathode block
By Yosuke Honda (KEK) in 2007 ATF2 IP-BPM Development with KNU in Korea • goal • measure beam jitter at the focal point of ATF2 • produce a feedback signal for beam stabilization • requirements • ultimate high resolution (a few nm) • less sensitivity for beam angle • special cavity BPM • rectangular shape (X:5.7GHz, Y:6.4GHz) • thin cavity for angle signal reduction • small beam tube for high sensitivity • status • various properties were checked with beam (position sensitivity, angle sensitivity, etc.) • 8.7nm reslution was achieved by 3-bpm measurement sensitivity test
ATF2 development Highlights Q-magnet from IHEP (IHEP, SLAC, KEK) ~ 30 magnets were delivered. Cavity-BPM for Q-magnet from PAL (PAL, KEK) ~ 40 BPMs were delivered.
Trial Fabricating 9-cell Cavity, #1 PAL-IC [Will be done March in 2007]
Y. Sohn, Engineer from PAL Korea. He is contributing to the vertical measurements of 9-cell and single-cell high-gradient cavities at KEK.
Evaluation of large grain Nb made by China. Chinese production Co.: NingXia L-band Single cell cavity Achievement :48MV/m
1st Asian ILC R&D Seminar proposed and accepted by CUP Steering Committee in this year. The purpose of this seminar is to promote Asian ILC accelerator R&D as multilateral collaboration (China, Korea, India and Japan). Asian contribution into ATF and STF as ILC R&D Test Facility will be discussed in this seminar. 1st Asian ILC R&D Seminar is this Joint Workshop in Beijing. We hope following Seminars are agreed with our colleagues. 2nd Asian ILC R&D Seminar will be held in Korea. 3rd Asian ILC R&D Seminar will be held in India. Thank you very much.