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GreenTek Indika. IGBC Green Homes Rating System, Version: 2.o, October, 2011. A Brief Introduction By M. Prabhakar Rao , of GreenTek Indika. GTI. I.G.B.C. Green Homes Rating System, V: 2.0 (October, 2011):-. Core Areas of a Sustainable Homes
GreenTek Indika IGBC Green Homes Rating System, Version: 2.o, October, 2011. A Brief Introduction By M. Prabhakar Rao, of GreenTek Indika GTI http://greentekindika.com
I.G.B.C. Green Homes Rating System, V: 2.0 (October, 2011):- Core Areas of a Sustainable Homes • Site Selection & Planning: 2 Mandatory Requirements & 9 Credits, with a maximum of 9 & 17 Credit-Points, for Projects Individual Homes Multi-Dwelling Units, respectively; • Water Efficiency: 2 Mandatory Requirements & 6 Credits, with a maximum of 11 & 18 Credit-Points, for projects Individual Homes Multi-Dwelling Units, respectively; • Energy Efficiency: 2 Mandatory Requirements & 4 Credits, with a maximum of 24 & 27 Credit-Points, for Projects Individual Homes Multi-Dwelling Units, respectively; • Materials & Resources: 1 Mandatory Requirement & 6 Credits, with a maximum of 11 & 18 Credit-Points, for Projects Individual Homes Multi-Dwelling Units, respectively; • Indoor Environmental Quality: 3 Mandatory Requirements & 6 Credits, with a maximum of 15 for Projects both types; and • Innovation & Design Process: 2 Credits, with a maximum of 5 Credit Points, for both types. GTI http://greentekindika.com
I.G.B.C. Green Homes Rating System, V: 2.0 (October, 2011):- Core Areas of a Sustainable Homes • TOTAL OF 10 Mandatory Requirements & 33 Credits, with a cumulative maximum of 75 & 100 Credit-Points, for Projects Individual Homes & Multi-Dwelling Units, Respectively. • Projects Failing to conform to any one of the Mandatory Requirement, along with minimum number of Credit Points (i.e. 38 for Individual Homes and 50 for Multi-Dwelling Units) would become disqualified for Certification. • Projects of Multi-Dwelling Units, which are being built for sale or lease can obtain ‘Pre-Certification’ - immediately by submitting the Design-Stage Documents and Plans, so that they could go ahead with their ‘Marketing Campaigns’ and obtain Final Certification after the completion of the project, while Projects of Individual Homes can apply for Certification, only after completion of the project. However, these projects too need to submit their Design Stage Documents as soon as they are ready, for review so that the (final) Construction Stage Documents could be submitted later. GTI http://greentekindika.com
IGBC GREEN HOMES MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS:- • I) SITE SELECTION & PLANNING (2): 01) SSPMR-1: Local Building Regulations, • The following approvals are required from the competent local Government authority: • Approval of site plan • Fit-for-occupancy certificate 02) SSPMR-2: Adopt the following measures: • Soil erosion control measures for pre-construction and during construction must conform to the best management practices highlighted in the National Building Code (NBC) of India. • Fertile topsoil to be stockpiled prior to construction, for reuse later. • Develop appropriate measures to address soil erosion, post occupancy. GTI http://greentekindika.com
IGBC GREEN HOMES MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS:- • II) Water Efficiency (2): • WEMR-1: Rainwater Harvesting , Roof & Non-roof • Provide rainwater harvesting system to capture atleast 25% of run-off volumes from roof and nonroof areas. The harvesting volumes designed should cater to atleast 2 days of normal rainfall* occurred in the last 5 years. • In coastal areas where the groundwater table is shallow and water percolation is limited, collection tanks may be provided to meet the above requirement. • WEMR-2 : Water Efficient Fixtures. • Select water efficient plumbing fixtures whose average flow rates / capacities meet the baseline criteria. GTI http://greentekindika.com
IGBC GREEN HOMES MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS:- • III) Energy Efficiency (1): • EEMR-1: Refrigerants in Heating, Ventilation & Air-conditioning (HVAC) equipment and Use CFC-free Unitary Air-Conditioners installed in the building(s). • EEMR-2:Minimum Energy Performance (The project should achieve Seven Credit points either through Prescriptive approach or Performance based approach:) • IV) Material (1): • MRMR-1: Separation of Household Wastes GTI http://greentekindika.com
IGBC GREEN HOMES MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS:- • V) Indoor Environmental Quality (2): • IEQMR-1: Tobacco Smoke Control, • IEQMR-2: Achieve minimum daylight factors as below in atleast 25% of the regularly occupied spaces in Individual Homes and 25% of the regularly occupied spaces in 90% of the dwelling unit(s). • IEQMR-3: Fresh Air Ventilation : Provide openable windows or doors to the exteriors in all regularly occupied spaces of each dwelling unit such that the openable area is designed to meet the criteria of Living Spaces 10%, Kitchens 8% & Bathrooms 4%. • TOTAL: 10 MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS. GTI http://greentekindika.com
I.G.B.C. Green Homes Rating System, V: 2.0 (October, 2011):- IGBC will recognise homes that achieve one of the rating levels with a formal letter of certification and a mountable plaque. • Parking areas need not be considered as part of the built-up area • Fee is inclusive of service tax • Registration and Certification fee are non-refundable • Membership discounts can be availed only if the project owner is a member of IGBC GTI http://greentekindika.com
Documentation: - • The project team is expected to provide supporting documents at each stage of submission for all the mandatory requirements and the credits attempted. Supporting documents are those which provide specific proof of meeting the required performance level, such as, specifications, drawings (in native format only), cut-sheets, manufacturer’s literature, purchase invoices and other documents. These details are mentioned in this guide, under each credit / mandatory requirement. Documentation is submitted in two phases – design submittals and construction submittals. • The design submission involves those credits which can be evaluated at the design stage. The reference guide provides the list of design and construction phase credits. After the design submission, review is done by third party assessors and review comments would be provided within 40 working days. • The next phase involves submission of clarifications to design queries and construction document submittal. The construction document is submitted on completion of the project. This review will also be provided within 40 working days, after which the rating is awarded. • It is important to note that the credits earned at the design review are only considered as anticipated and are not awarded until the final construction documents are submitted along with additional documents showing implementation of design features. If there are changes for any design credit anticipated, these changes need to be documented and resubmitted during the construction review phase. GTI http://greentekindika.com
Pre-Certification:- Projects by developers can register for Precertification. This is an option provided for projects aspiring to get recertified at the design stage. The documentation submitted for precertification must detail the project design features which will be implemented. The rating awarded under precertification is based on the project’s intention to conform to the requirements of Green Homes Rating system. It is important to note that the precertification rating awarded need not necessarily correspond to the final certification. Precertified projects are required to provide the status of the project to IGBC, in relation to the rating, once in every six months until the award of the final rating. Precertification gives the owner/developer a unique advantage to market the project to potential buyers. Those projects which seek precertification need to submit the following documentation: • For each credit, a narrative on how the project would meet the goal • Design calculations, wherever appropriate • Drawings (in native format only) as appropriate • Filled in templates wherever applicable IGBC would take 40 working days to review the first set of precertification documents. On receiving the clarifications posed in the first review, IGBC would take another 40 working days to award the precertification. A certificate and a letter are provided to projects on precertification. GTI http://greentekindika.com
Objective:- • Green concepts and techniques in the residential sector can help address national issues like handling of consumer waste, water efficiency, reduction in fossil fuel use in commuting, energy efficiency and conserving natural resources. Most importantly, these concepts can enhance occupant health, happiness and wellbeing. • IGBC Green Homes Rating System is the first rating programme developed in India, exclusively for the residential sector. It is based on accepted energy and environmental principles and strikes a balance between known established practices and emerging concepts. The system is designed to be comprehensive in scope, yet simple in implementation & operation. GTI http://greentekindika.com
’Milan Heights’, Indore – A Case Study! This Green Homes Project is of a total 850,000 SFT with about 70% of open-spaces - comprising 204, 2-Bedroom Flats 2500 SFT each & 100, 3-Bedroom Flats of 3400 SFT each; Its Block-A, comprising 48 Flats with total build-up area of 6754.44 SQM is now Central India’s 1st. Pre-Certified Gold Residential Project, under I.G.B.C. Green Homes Rating System as applicable to Homes Without Interiors, by incurring extra construction-cost of 5%, which is being absorbed by the buyers. This extra cost is estimated to be recovered in Ten years by the Flat-Owners, while enjoying the Continuous Day-Light, Continuous supply of Fresh-Air, throughout the year, nil threat of water-shortage in future, lower Water & Electricity and Common O&M costs, perennial health due to less or nil conditioned-air, that is ridden with respiratory diseases and of course perpetual high spirits & good moods. GTI http://greentekindika.com
Classic Case of Rajiv Gandhi Intl. Airport! • The Budget sanctioned – for the Passenger Terminal Building (P.T.B. of the New Rajiv Gandhi Intl. Airport (Shamshabad) was Rs. 1,500/- Cores. • The design allows optimum day-light and prevents the heat-gain during the day, thereby minimizing the energy costs on account of day-lighting & Air-Conditioning. Thus were able to reduce the cost of HVAC & R tonnage. The capital costs saved on HVAC & R, has been diligently invested on Insulated Roof, High-Performance Glazing & CO2 Sensor controlled VAV (Variable Air Volume), etc., while incurring ‘zero-budget-escalation’. GTI http://greentekindika.com
Cummins Factory Building – A Case Study • As per Mr. Pradeep Bhargava, M.D., Cummins Generator Technologies India Ltd., their proposed new, factory building, which is designed as per I.G.B.C. Green Factory Building Rating System’s Platinum Class would incur an additional capital cost of only 5%. [The only Green Factory Case-Study, presently, available – for study]. • This additional capital cost , as per their projections, will be recovered within 6 months from the date of commissioning. Which also means the total cost of 105% of the Building will be recovered within flat 101/2 years. And later on the building continues to generate profits to the owners, by way of its annual savings through Water & Energy Conservation Measures. • Whereas in case of any conventionally designed building, the total construction-cost are treated as ‘sunk-costs‘ which will never be recovered, but depreciated in the ‘books-of-accounts’ and on an average around 1/2%-21/2% of the construction-cost is spent annually as O&M expenses of the building during the whole of its life-time – while incurring heavy water & power bills, right from day one of operations. • Pradeep Bhargava GTI http://greentekindika.com
Extraordinary Benefits to Different Stake-holders! To the Developers & Builders: • While they incur additional Green-Costs - between 2% and 8% - only on Construction Costs, they fetch higher prices on the total ‘Green-Homes Sale Price’, while enjoying the “Corporate Prestige” as a Green Construction Leader. To the Ultimate Owners / Residents: • O&M costs of Green Homes are far lower when compared with those of the Conventional ones, in the following specific areas: • The most tangible benefits are the reduction in water and energy consumption right from day of occupancy. The water savings could range from 30 – 50 % and energy savings around 20 – 30%. • Extensive usage of Energy Efficient Homes Design, Systems & Equipments, lowers the overall Electricity bills; • Permanent Ground-Water is insured as a result of the near 100% water harvesting and less water is consumed – in a Green Home - on account of usage of Water Efficient Systems and Water Recycling & Re-use; • [Continued] GTI http://greentekindika.com
Extraordinary Benefits to Different Stake-holders (Contd.)! To the Ultimate Owners / Residents (Contd.): • Green Homes, further, ensure ample Day-Light, resulting in avoidance of usage of artificial lighting during Day-Time, so reducing the Lighting bill and avoiding associated health problems. Thus, Green Homes pay for themselves, unlike the conventional Homes – which incur heavy O&M costs during their useful life; • Continual Exposure to Ample Day-Light, Fresh Ventilation & Surrounded by the Green Environs result in perpetual Positive Mood & Perennial Pleasant Dispositions and thus high-levels of familial bliss. • Certified Green Homes bring ‘Prestige’ as “Community Leaders’ – a dual benefit of Societal Status along with eternal familial harmony & long-lasting health; • Domestic Help & Residential Complex Workers rarely feel discontinuing their association with Green Homes. • And lastly but not leastly, Fetch Higher-Rentals. GTI http://greentekindika.com
Extraordinary Benefits to Different Stake-holders (Contd.)! To the Environment & the Society: • The total environmental cost of materials used in a Green Homes are relatively less owing to the allowance of Local / Recycled / Recyclable materials, which consume less energy component during their manufacturing & Acquisition process; • Provisioning of greater areas of outdoors devoted to the Natural Landscapes offset the ‘Heat Island’ effect of a concrete Homes and assures continual, pleasant outdoor environment; • Green Homes’ Indoor Air Quality is the highest by reason of constant supply of fresh air & instant evacuation of exhaled / stale air assuring good physical health, safety & comfort to all occupants / visitors, resulting in higher levels of happy-dispositions; • Green Homes do have A Positive Impact on Environment and on the Moods & Health of Residents, visitors, Domestic Help & others; GTI http://greentekindika.com
When to Involve your Green Building Advisor? • What is of primary importance is to achieve an ‘Integrated Green Building Design’, to reap optimum gains to all stake-holders. • To gain maximum cost-benefit out of your “Green Building Design”, you should invite aboard your Green Building Design Facilitator before you touch your project site for preparation, excavating, development, or preferably even before developing Architectural Designs or Engineering Plans, etc.. • Each facet of a Green Building is heavily dependent on the other Green Features that could go into your project, hence a Project Management Team, comprising your own Management, Architects / Engineering Planners, and your Green Building Advisor to be formed at an early stage of the project. GTI http://greentekindika.com
Advantage GreenTek Indika! • GTI is a Consulting firm – lead by a seasoned environment management professional – who has partnered with a team of veteran domain experts – devoted to the “Sustainable Architecture". The Founder of GTI, M. Prabhakar Rao has the distinction of having, • hands on exposure to the World’s First U.S.G.B.C. LEED Rated Passenger Terminal Building of an Intl. Airport & planning C.D.M Registration / Carbon Trading, apart from having a deep understanding of the Green Features of the India’s First U.S.G.B.C. Certified Platinum Rated Green Building & directly involved with several other Green Buildings in India. • been an active member of I.G.B.C. CoreCommittee, which develops & publishes IGBC Green Building Rating Systems, for India and also been active with IGBC Steering Committee. • been the Chair of the ‘Materials Sub-Committee’ of the IGBC Core Committee that reviewed the relevant chapter of the System, before it was finally adapted & published by Indian Green Building Council. • Currently consulting a pre-certified Gold Green Homes Apartments in Indore, two 2 x 400 KVA Green Factories coming up in Rohtak & Sonepat (Haryana) – Jhajjar KT Transco Pvt. Ltd., Gandhinagar, Gujarat, a JV of Kalpatharu Power Ltd. and T.E.E.C.L., Kolkata – both under 30 year BOOT projects of HPVNL, and a few others at various stages of development. GTI http://greentekindika.com
TeamGTI • M. Prabhakar Rao, a Seasoned Green Building Designer, LEED India, I.G.B.C. Green Building Rating Systems Facilitator, Member – I.G.B.C. with over 21/2 Decades of Vast, Rich & Intense project Experience. Trained in LEED India, by I.G.B.C. • Deepak, G. K.,IGBC™ Accredited Professional- A Civil Engineer of Fifteen Years of sound standing in project management. • E. Lal, LEED®AP, an Architect with 5 years of rich experience in LEED Projects’ Management, [GBCI# 10379376, LEED-AP]. • Anurag Bajpai, an Architect from IIT (Roorkee), a certified Measurement & Verification Professional (CMVP) and Certified GRIHA Trainer from TERI- The Energy Research Institute, caries nearly Ten years of rich experience in building related energy issues. (Operating from Delhi) and runs our sister firm, GreenTree Building Energy (P) Ltd. GTI http://greentekindika.com
Other I.G.B.C. Rating Systems:- Other Green Building Rating Systems, available for Certifications are i) LEED India (N.C.) meant for Green Field or Retrofitted, Commercial Buildings, ii) LEED India (C.S.), for New or Retrofitted Commercial Buildings constructed for lease or sale, where substantial Interior work is not in the scope of the Developers and iii) I.G.B.C. Green Factory Buildings Rating System meant for all types of Industrial Buildings, iv) I.G.B.C. Green SEZs Rating System & v) I.G.B.C. Green Townships Rating System. • Some Useful Links www.igbc.in[Indian Green Building Council] www.usgbc.org[U.S. Green Building Council] www.bee-india.nic.in/[Bureau of Energy Efficiency India] www.ashrae.org[American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers] www.greentekindika.com[Leading Indian Green Building Consultants] GTI http://greentekindika.com