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AMMA - GPS network

AMMA - GPS network. Status of implementation on April 1 st 2006 O. Bock, IPSL/SA, France. O. Bock Prepared for Leeds meeting, April 2006. GPS team and support teams. GPS science team : Olivier Bock (IPSL/Service d’Aéronomie, CNRS, Paris, France)

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AMMA - GPS network

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  1. AMMA - GPS network Status of implementation on April 1st 2006 O. Bock, IPSL/SA, France O. Bock Prepared for Leeds meeting, April 2006.

  2. GPS team and support teams • GPS science team: • Olivier Bock (IPSL/Service d’Aéronomie, CNRS, Paris, France) • Marie-Noelle Bouin (IGN/LAREG, Marne-la-Vallée, France) • Erik Doerflinger (LDL, CNRS, Montpellier, France) • Philippe Collard (LDL, CNRS, Montpellier, France) • Frederic Masson (LDL, CNRS, Montpellier, France) • Support teams: gratefully acknowledged ! • France: INSU, IGN, Meteo-France, IRD • Bénin: mainly IRD - Cotonou • Niger: mainly IRD - Niamey • Mali: IRD - Bamako, ASECNA and DNM - Gao and Tombouctou • Burkina-Faso: IRD - Ouaga, CNRST, EIER, • Ghana: Met. Service in Tamale and Accra O. Bock Prepared for Leeds meeting, April 2006.

  3. Summary (1/2)

  4. Summary (2/2)

  5. History of GPS network implementation • EOP • Dec 2004: recce in Bénin (Cotonou, Djougou) and Niger (Niamey), installation of temp. GPS receiver in Cotonou (until Aug. 2005). • March 2005: recce in Mali (Bamako, Gao, Tombouctou) • June 2005: installation of temp. GPS in Djougou, Niamey, Gao • Aug 2005: installation of AMMA GPS in Djougou, Niamey, Gao (incl. Met sensors Vaisala PTU200 + Inmarsat in Djougou and Gao). • Dec 2005: replacement of Gao GPS receiver (many failures since 15 Sept. 05) and Niamey GPS receiver. • SOP • March 2006: recce in Burkina-Faso and Ghana, construction of pillars • April 2006: installation of AMMA GPS in Ouaga, Tamale, Tombouctou (incl. Met sensor) until end Oct 2006. O. Bock Prepared for Leeds meeting, April 2006.

  6. EOP GPS station installed in Djougou, August 2005 Solar panel Station enclosure Met transceiver Battery / charger Sat. Link antenna GPS antenna w. radome Station enclosure Met sensor (PTU) GPS receiver Sat. Link transmitter O. Bock Prepared for Leeds meeting, April 2006.

  7. EOP GPS station installed in Niamey, August 2005 GPS antenna w. radome Station enclosure Met sensor (PTU) O. Bock Prepared for Leeds meeting, April 2006.

  8. EOP GPS station installed in Gao, August 2005 Building top: - Sat. Link antenna Building room: - GPS receiver - Met transceiver GPS antenna w. radome O. Bock Prepared for Leeds meeting, April 2006.

  9. SOP GPS site in Ouagadougou, March 2006 Ougadougou airport Met enclosure Concrete pillar for GPS antenna O. Bock Prepared for Leeds meeting, April 2006.

  10. SOP GPS site in Tamale, March 2006 Tamale airport Met enclosure Concrete pillar for GPS antenna O. Bock Prepared for Leeds meeting, April 2006.

  11. SOP GPS site in Tombouctou, March 2005 Tombouctou airport Met enclosure Concrete pillar for GPS antenna (built on 30 March 06)

  12. Status on GPS data archiving and processing • Raw AMMA GPS data archive: • Cotonou:2004/12/03 - 2005/08/22 (Ashtech) with some gaps • Djougou:2005/06/04 - 07/20 (Ashtech), 2005/08/24 - 2006/02/27 (Trimble) • Niamey: 2005/05/29 - 08/26 (Ashtech), 2005/08/26 - 12/17 (Trimble) • Gao: 2005/06/11 - 08/28 (Ashtech), 08/29 - 09/16, 2005/11/03 - 2006/03/09 (Trimble) • Data processed: • Standard processing strategy (GPS delay): • Cotonou:2005/01/01 - 08/22 • Djougou: 2005/06/04 - 07/20, 08/24 - 09/29 • Niamey: 2005/05/29 - 08/25 • Gao: 2005/06/11 - 08/27, 08/29 - 09/13 • Special processing strategy tests for dry-run period (GPS delay): • All avail. stations: 2005/08/15 - 09/15 • GPS IWV solutions available with Trimble receivers (incl. PTU) O. Bock Prepared for Leeds meeting, April 2006.

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