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The BaBar EMC, and B J/ hh analysis. Nick Barlow, Yaw Ming Chia January 2006. Contents. EMC stuff: EMC calibrator proxies Interactive Kanga Analysis stuff: Data/MC comparisons Background studies Fit validation Future plans. EMC calibrator proxies (1).
The BaBar EMC, and BJ/ hh analysis Nick Barlow, Yaw Ming Chia January 2006
Contents • EMC stuff: • EMC calibrator proxies • Interactive Kanga • Analysis stuff: • Data/MC comparisons • Background studies • Fit validation • Future plans
EMC calibrator proxies (1) • “Raw” energy of EMC clusters needs to be calibrated to correct for: • Radiation damage to crystals • shower leakage from the back of crystals or gaps between them • Calibrations are applied at read-time using constants stored in the “Conditions database” • Bit of code that gets the calibrator from the database is called a “proxy” • Should keep a cached copy of the calibrator until it is no longer valid.
EMC calibrator proxies (2) • In July, database experts found that an EMC proxy was accessing the database 3 times per event processed • Significant impact on processing time, particularly when many jobs running in parallel • Found that this was due to using a single custom EMC proxy to retrieve different types of cluster calibrator • “Old” pi0 calibration, “new” pi0 calibration, MC calibration • Fixed by using different instance of standard proxy template for each type of calibration • Speeds up the processing of all BaBar jobs by up to 10%
Interactive Kanga (1) • The (no-longer) new BaBar computing model (CM2) uses ROOT-based “Kanga” files as its event store • Can run traditional jobs over these Kanga files to produce ntuples or rootuples, OR can access files directly from ROOT command line using “Interactive Kanga” (E. Charles) • Kanga files contain detector-level objects (individual hits), reco-level objects (e.g. tracks, EMC clusters), analysis-level objects (“BtaCandidates”)
Interactive Kanga (2) • Accessing data interactively is NOT good for: • Combinatorics • Vertexing, kinematic fitting • Particle ID using “standard” selectors • However, with a bit of foresight, can do this stuff in “skim” job (centrally run), and store composite BtaCandidates along with associated “UsrData” in Kanga files • It is possible to navigate from BtaCandidates to associated “reco” objects.. • However, until recently, EMC reco objects had no useful accessor functions • Requires access to conditions database for calibration constants
Interactive Kanga (3) • Added accessor functions to persistent EMC classes for every variable people might use: • Raw and calibrated energies, cluster centroid positions, shower shape variables, cluster energy sums • Potentially useful for physics analysis, but already very useful for EMC studies.. • Studies that would previously take hours or days writing code and running ntuple-making jobs, can be done in minutes or seconds from the ROOT command line.. e.g. Track intersection bug Projectivity correction to theta
Comparison of continuum MC and off-resonance data Points = off-res data Yellow=uds MC Light blue = ccbar MC DeltaE M(pipi) Hint of a rho peak in data, not reproduced in MC?? • Not enough statistics in off-res data for meaningful comparison
Comparison of generic MC and on-resonance data (1) Points = on-res data Yellow=uds MC Light blue = ccbar MC Dark blue = B+B- MC Green = B0B0bar MC Jpsi->ee Jpsi->mumu • Jpsi peaks look pretty clean • Virtually no continuum background in Jpsi->ee • Mass peak slightly shifted to the left in data
Comparison of generic MC and on-resonance data (2) Points = on-res data Yellow=uds MC Light blue = ccbar MC Dark blue = B+B- MC Green = B0B0bar MC mES, upper DE sideband M(pipi), grand sideband of mES/DE plane mES, lower DE sideband • MC shapes and normalisations agree reasonably well with data • BBbar background much larger than continuum
Generic B0B0bar MC with and without Jpsi events Black histos are all generic B0B0bar Red histos have events containing Jpsi removed (at MC truth level)
Fits to non-Jpsi background (generic MC) • uds, ccbar, BBbar generic MC (with Jpsi events removed) scaled to data luminosity and added together • DE cut is wider than in final analysis (to increase statistics) • PDFs used here are those used in previous BaBar analysis (J. Boyd, J. Weatherall) – will be revisited.. Wiebull function plus reversed Wiebull function, plus B-W at rho mass Argus function • Looking at MC truth for events in this peak – seem to be from D0->K0pi+pi- decays where we miss the K0 • Could perhaps remove some of these by combining pi pi combination with Ks cands and applyind D veto • No success so far..
Inclusive Jpsi MC with and without signal events Black histos are all inclusive Jpsi MC Red histos have B->JpsiPiPi, B->JpsiKs, B->JpsiRho0, B->Jpsi f2 events removed (at MC truth level)
Fits to Jpsi background (inclusive Jpsi MC) Wiebull function Argus function plus Gaussian at B mass From looking at MC truth, these are JpsiK* events with kaon mis-identified as a pion • |DE|<40MeV cut seems to remove most JpsiK* events, but what if DE is shifted in data wrt MC? • Consider using separate PDF for B->Jpsi K* (BF known to 5% accuracy)
Fit validation • Generate “toy MC” events from PDFs used in fit, and perform fit, comparing input number to fitted number of events in each category • Repeat for 1000 “experiments”, and plot the distribution of “pulls” i.e. (fitted # - input #)/(error on fitted #) • Looks OK for toy MC • However, not so good when we instead randomly sample events from full MC. • This shows that the PDFs do not describe the distributions very well
ztr + l+ tr 0 B0 ytr - J/ tr xtr l- Angular analysis of BJ/0 • Necessary to distinguish CP-even and CP-odd components (prerequisite for CP violation measurements) • Define angles in “transversity frame”: • Have written code to calculate angles, next step is to convert these into transversity amplitudes and check on signal MC
Future plans • Next steps: • Investigate background PDFs and possible vetoes on problematic peaking backgrounds • Continue toy and embedded MC tests to validate fit • “unblind” and measure BF(BJ/ +-) • Longer term • Measure Branching Fraction for BJ/ + and set upper limits for BJ/ K+K- and BJ/ • Angular analysis for BJ/ 0 • Possibly leading on to time-dependent CP violation measurement (sin2eff)