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PROCESS-ORIENTED APPROACH TO TRANSLATING SPORTS RESEARCH PAPERS FROM SERBIAN INTO ENGLISH Third IATIS Regional Workshop – Novi Sad: September 25 and 26 2014. Mira Milić, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Novi Sad. Presentation plan. 4 sections: Introduction
PROCESS-ORIENTED APPROACH TO TRANSLATING SPORTS RESEARCH PAPERS FROM SERBIAN INTO ENGLISHThird IATIS Regional Workshop – Novi Sad: September 25 and 26 2014 Mira Milić, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Novi Sad
Presentation plan 4 sections: • Introduction • Theoretical aspects of non-literary translation • Description of the corpus • Method of corpus analysis • Conclusions
Introduction • Aim: on the basis of corpus analysis, to suggest the need for upgrading a widespread product-oriented approach to translation of non-literary texts. • From product-oriented activity to process-oriented activity due to complex requirements such as: • Good command of two languages • Knowledge of terminology • Certain knowledge of the subject matter • Expectations of the target reader.
Theoretical aspects of non-literary translation • Non-literary translation covers texts: administrative, legal, economic, business, scientific, technical, and publicist texts (cf. Gibova 2012); • Non-literary translation - a process-oriented operation aimed at the transfer of pragmatic information from one language to another (Gibova 2012: 18); • Essential aim: translation must be reader-friendly; • In line with Vermeer’s skopos theory, the concept of equivalence of the ST and TT is replaced by the concept of adequacy; • Discussing technical translation, Byrne (2010) says that it is a matter of the extent of modification; • Non-literary translation is a matter of stylistic modifications if the style of the original text is deficient (Newmark 2004: 12); • Accordingly, non-literary translation IS creative to a certain extent; • It requires process-oriented teamwork (translator’s and/or author’s).
Description of the corpus • 3M21-23 research papers in the field of sport translated from Serb. into Eng., each with the initial and final peer translator/researcher-reviewed version, entitled: • “Uticajeksperimentalnogprogramafizičkogvežbanjanamentalnozdravljedecepredškolskoguzrasta” (Eng. Exercise Effects on Mental Health of Preschool Children) (Tubić & Đorđić 2013), EEOMHPC; • “Posturalni status iprofilsamovrednovanjadece” (Eng. Postural Status and Self-Perception Profile of Children) (Poček, Đorđić & Tubić 2012), PSSPPOC; and • “LatentnastrukturaRavnovihprogresivnihmatrica u boji” (Eng. Latent Structure of Raven’s Colored Progressive Matrices) (Fajgelj, Bala & Katić 2010), LSRCPM.
Method of corpus analysis • All papers were analysed in terms of six comprehensibility dimensions, as per Göpferich (2009): • concision, • correctness, • motivation, • perceptibility, • simplicity and • structure
Concision (overtranslation) Phrase: E-specific morphosyntax Extra-words of a sentence Paragraph: abstract modification Total no of words: EEOMPHC: 5549-5200 PSSPPOC: 3445-2981 LSRCPM: 8590-9480
Correctness (absence of any mistakes related to spelling, grammar and lexis) (4) Mistranslation of meta- (5) Overtranslation + Improper lexis due to translator’s insufficient knowledge of the subject matter (6) BE versus AE spelling (cf. e.g.2 “behaviour” (7) Decimal coma versus decimal point (8) Serbian-based clippings
Motivation (to attract the reader’s attention) (9) Literal translation: *dull-witted versus low-average intelligent (10) Ambiguous sentence meaning in Serbian: not clear what occurs in a given range - APM scores or prediction (11) Emphasis missing on the fact that it is author’s own belief + insufficient argumentation of the ST
Motivation cont. (12) Non-transeference of full semantic content of inflectional forms of the ST (13) Inconsistent use of present simple and past simple tense (14) non-standard acknowledgement paragraph in TT
Structure (macro-level (paragraphs or longer texts) & micro-level (two adjacent sentences) (15) Added interro-gatiove sentence →subheading (16) Paragraph rephrased and moved from the beginning to the end of the section dealing with research method. (17) Rephrased sentence → better concision, transparency, and reliability of the given statement
Simplicity (lexis & syntax) (18) Terminology: modified / retranslated (19) Mistranslation + Serbian-based morphosyntax changed to English-based (20) Modification of English terms & morhosyntax + replacement of general ST lexemes by better fitting ones in TT
Perceptibility (ease of perceiving text with our senses) (21) Table captions and column headings (22) Alphabetically ordered references reordered in the order they appear in text
Conclusions • Corpus analysis of 3 published M21-23 research papers on sport in terms of reader-friendly approach: text comprehensibility; results: • Substantial number of corrections of initial TT and modifications of ST; • Translation equivalence (initial translation) translation adequacy (final translation); • Non-literary translation IS creative to a certain extent; • Product-oriented translation (by a linguist) process-oriented teamwork (translator+author/s).