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Perspectives in Sociology: Understanding Society Dynamics

Explore different theoretical perspectives in sociology, from conflict to symbolic interaction, and key sociologists such as Marx, Durkheim, and Weber. Learn about variables, survey methods, ethnography, and case studies in the field. Discover the evolution of sociology through the works of influential figures like Comte, Martineau, and Addams.

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Perspectives in Sociology: Understanding Society Dynamics

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  1. Sociology The Science of studying society

  2. Social Static- study of social stability Social Dynamic- study of social change

  3. Conflict Perspective- emphasis is on competition, change and constraint within society • Functional Perspective- looks at the contribution of each part of society (family, economy, religion, etc.) • Symbolic Interaction Perspective- focuses on the interaction of people based on mutually understood symbols • Theoretical Perspective- set of assumption about an area of study

  4. Independent Variable • A character that causes something to occur • The independent variable brings about change.

  5. Dependent Variable • A character that reflects the change • It is dependent on the independent variable. • Reflects the change from the independent variable

  6. Quantitative Variable • Can be measured numerically

  7. Survey • People respond to questions • It is usually done independently • Less chance of lying

  8. Interview • A survey method in which the researcher asks question and records responses

  9. Sample

  10. Representative Sample • Whole Population

  11. Open Ended Question What is your opinion of the state of education today? Closed Ended Question Education today is in need of total reform Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Neutral

  12. Ethnography- the study of Ethnicities Texas Youth 2002

  13. Case Study- investigative study of a group, incident or community

  14. Field Research

  15. Participant Observation- the researcher becomes part of the group

  16. Known as the “Father of Sociology” Used the scientific method to identify what holds society together (positivism) Comte was more of a social philosopher than a true sociologist Thought that the study of society could bring about social reform Auguste Comte 1798-1857

  17. First female sociologist “when one studies a society, one must focus on all its aspects, including key political, religious, and social institutions” Harriet Martineau 1802-1876

  18. Compared Social Stability to the human body Used ideas of Charles Darwin and thought that only the fittest societies survived (Social Darwinism) Herbert Spencer 1820-1903

  19. Believed that the engine of human history is class conflict and economics as a force for social change Society was a battle of the have’s (bourgeoisie) against the have not’s (proletariat) Struggle could only end through revolution when the workers defeated the capitalists The result would be a classless society where people will work according to their abilities and receive according to their needs Karl Marx 1818-1893

  20. Studied how social forces effect behavior Identified social integration, how people are influenced by their social group, effected peoples behavior. Human behavior can’t be understood on individualistic terms, it must always be examined with the effects of social forces Emile Durkheim 1858-1917

  21. Studied religion as a force for social change Human beings act on the basis of their own understanding of the situation Sociologist must discover personal meaning, values, beliefs and attitudes Verstehen- put yourself in the place of others in order to better understand their world Max Weber 1864-1920

  22. US women social reformer Women had a responsibility to clean up their communities and make them better places to live, arguing they needed the vote to be effective Role model for middle-class women Jane Addams 1860-1935

  23. African-American who studied sociology and race relations Sociology he used was not theoretical but for social reform Studies led him to write books on social reform in America WEB Dubois 1868-1963

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