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Basic Geology 1. Crystallography. Crystal is a convex polyhedron. Crystal is a solid material in which atoms and/ or ions are arranged and chemically bounded in a regular and repeating long-range pattern. MINERAL is a naturally occuring crystalline solid with a
Basic Geology 1. Crystallography
Crystal is a convexpolyhedron. Crystal is a solidmaterialinwhichatoms and/orionsarearrangedandchemicallyboundedin a regular and repeatinglong-rangepattern.
MINERAL is a naturallyoccuring crystallinesolidwith a definitechemicalcomposition.
Naturallyoccuring, i.e. it is formedwithout human actionorintervention, butitmay be biotic(biomineralization).
Crystallinesolids, butsomemineralsareamorphous (mineraloids).
- Definitechemicalcomposition, butit is notnecessarily fixed. Olivine – (Fe,Mg)2SiO4
Spot repeatedbytranslating parallel toavector row of dots Repeatedtranslations parallel toa and b planelattice Repeatedplanelatticesoneabove the other spacelattice Unit cell: thesmallest group of particles in the material that constitutes the repeating pattern. The unit cell completely defines the symmetry and structure of the entire crystal lattice, which is built up by repetitivetranslationof the unit cell along its principal axes.
Triclinic Tetragonal Hexagonal Monoclinic Trigonal Isometric Orthorhombic
SYMMETRY ELEMENTS Rotational symmetryinvolvesrepeating a motifbyaset of uniform rotationabout an axispassingthrough the crystal. The entirecrystalcanbe produced 1-, 2-, 3-, 4- or 6-fold rotations. If a crystal has inversionsymmetry, any line drawnthrough the originwillfindidenticalfeaturesequidistantfromtheorigin on oppositeside of the crystal. Inversionsmove faces to a reversal of position; the old and new positions lie upon a line, at the middle of which is the centre of inversion. Improperrotations are rotations followed by inversions (called rotoinversions). Reflections exchange the parts of the crystal on the two sides of a plane of symmetry (mirror plane)so the pattern on oneside is a mirror image of the pattern on the other.
A – rotation (2, 3, 4, 6) B – rotoinversionorimproperrotation(3,4) C – inversion D – reflection
The amount of light able to be passed through a mineral determines itstransparency. • Opaqueminerals do not let any light through. • Translucent minerals partially let light pass through. • Light is able to pass through transparentminerals.
Index of refraction (n) n=Vv/Vm Vvvelocityinvacuum Vmvelocityin the material Doublerefractionorbirefrigence
ISOTROPIC ANISOTROPIC Propertiesaredirectionindependent. Propertiesaredirectiondependent. A singlerefractive index. More thanonerefractiveindices. No birefringence. Birefringence. Cubiccrystals and amorphousmaterials. Allcrystalsexceptcubicones.
Unpolarizedlightvibratesinalldirections. b) Polarizedlightvibratesin a singleplane
Planelightview Crossedpolarview