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Neural Information Systems. FACEFLOW: Face Recognition System ANSER :Rainfall Estimating System THONN:Date Simulation System Dr. Ming Zhang, Associate Professor Department of Physics, Computer Science & Engineering.
Neural Information Systems FACEFLOW: Face Recognition System ANSER :Rainfall Estimating System THONN:Date Simulation System Dr. Ming Zhang, Associate Professor Department of Physics, Computer Science & Engineering Dr. Ming Zhang
FACEFLOW (1992 - 2002)A computer vision system for recognition of 3-dimensional moving faces using GAT model (neural network Group-based Adaptive tolerance Tree) • A$850,000 supported by SITA (Society Internationale de Telecommunications Aeronautiques) • A$40,500 supported by Australia Research Council • A$78,000 supported by Australia Department of Education. • US$160,000 supported by USA National Research Council.
Why Develop FACEFLOW ? • To use new generation computer technique, artificial neural network, for developing information systems. • No real world face recognition system is running in the world. • Big security market • Biometric system • ID card identification system • Car and house security system
What Approved Artificial Neural Network Techniques can : • Can recognition one face in the laboratory using less than 1 second • Currently can recognition about 1000 faces
Next Step • Rebuild interface for face recognition system • Face Detection • Lighting • Background • Make up • New neural network models • More complicated pattern recognition • Build a rear world face recognition System
PixelSmart Image Capture CardSource Codes- Compiled & Linked!
Faceflow: Face Model Simulator Test Different Models!
BrainMaker Neural Network Software the Fastest Training Package!
ExploreNet Neural Network SoftwareThe Best Interface Package!
Research LabIn Modern Building ! We have a pattern recognition lab in the ARC building We have our own room to do research. Dr. Ming Zhang
Research Topics • Neuron Network Group Models • GAT Tree Model - real time and real world face recognition • Neuron-Adaptive Neural Network Models - best match real world data • Center Of Motion Model - motion center • Second Order Vision Model - motion direction • NAAT Tree Model - a possible more powerful model for face recognition
Dr. Ming Zhang • 11/1999 – 07/2000: Senior USA NRC Research Associate NOAA,Funding $70,000. • 03/1995 – 11/1999: Ph.D. Supervisor University of Western Sydney Funding: A$203,724 Cash from Fujitsu, ARC, & UWSM • 07/1994-03/1995: Ph.D. Supervisor and Lecturer Monash University, A$50,000 Grant from Fujitsu) • 11/1992-07/1994: Project Manager & P.H.D. Supervisor University of Wollongong, (A$850,000 from SITA) • 07/1991-10/1992: USA NRC Postdoctoral Fellow NOAA, Funding: US$100,000) • 07/1989-06/1991: Associate Professor and Postdoctoral Fellow The Chinese Academy of the Sciences. Funding: RMB$2,000,000 Dr. Ming Zhang
Dr. Ming Zhang’ s Publications(Face Recognition) 1 Journal Papers 1) Ming Zhang, Rex Gantenbein, Sung Y. Shin, and Chih-Cheng Hung, The application of artificial neural networks in knowledge-based information systems, International Journal of Computer and Information Science, Vol 2, No.2, 2001, pp.49 - 58. 2) Ming Zhang, Jing Chung Zhang, John Fulcher, "Neural network group models for data approximation", International Journal of Neural Systems, Vol. 10, No. 2, April, 2000, pp. 123-142. 3) Ming Zhang, and John Fulcher, “ Face recognition using artificial neural network group-based adaptive tolerance (GAT) trees”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networkis, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 555-567, 1996. 2 Patents 1) Ming Zhang, et al, “Translation invariant face recognition using network adaptive tolerance tree”, Australian Patent PM 1828, Oct. 14, 1993. 2) Ming Zhang, Ruli Wang, and Yiming Gong, “Standard nonlinear signal wave generator based on the neural network”, Chinese Patents, No. 90 1 02857.6, May 17, 1990. Dr. Ming Zhang
Dr. Ming Zhang’ s Publications (Face Recognition) 3 Full Refereed Conference Papers 1) Shuxiang Xu, and Ming Zhang, A Novel Adaptive Activation Function, Accepted by IJCNN’2001 (International Joint Conference on Neural Networks’ 2001), Washington DC, USA, July 2001, pp.2779 – 2782. 2) Ming Zhang, Jing Chung Zhang, John Fulcher, "Neural network group models for data approximation", International Journal of Neural Systems, Vol. 10, No. 2, April, 2000, pp. 123-142. 3) Ming Zhang, Shuxiang Xu, and Bo Lu, “Neuron-adaptive higher order neural network group models”, in Proceedings of IJCNN’99, Washington, D.C., USA, July 10-16, 1999. 4) Ming Zhang, Shuxiang Xu, Nigel Bond, and Kate Stevens, “Neuron-adaptive feedforward neural network group models”, in Proceedings of IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, August 9-12, 1999, pp.281-284. 5) John Fulcher, Ming Zhang, “Translation-invariant face recognition using the parellel NAT-tree neural network model”, in Proceedings of Parallel ComputingWorkshop 1997, Canberra, Australia, 25-26 September, 1997, pp. P1-U-1 – P1-U-1-4. 6) Ming Zhang, John Fulcher, “Face recognition system using NAT tree”, in Proceedings of IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Banff, Canada, July 27 - August 1, 1997, pp. 244-247. 7) Ming Zhang, and John Fulcher, “Face perspective understanding using artificial neural network group-based tree”, in Proceedings of International Conference on Image Processing, Lausanne, Switzerland, vol III, September 16-19, 1996, pp.475-478. 8) Ming Zhang, and John Fulcher, “Translation invariant face recognition using a network adaptive tolerance tree”, in Proceedings of World Congress On Neural Networks, San Diego, California, USA, September 15 -18, 1996, pp Dr. Ming Zhang
Dr. Ming Zhang’ s Publications Year 2001 (1) Hui Qi, Ming Zhang, and Roderick Scofield, Rainfall Estimation Using M-PHONN Model, Accepted by IJCNN’2001 (International Joint Conference on Neural Networks’ 2001), Washington DC, USA, July 2001, pp. 1620 - 1624. (2) Ming Zhang, and Roderick Scofield, Rainfall Estimation Using A-PHONN Model, Accepted by IJCNN’2001 (International Joint Conference on Neural Networks’ 2001), Washington DC, USA, July 2001, pp. 1583 - 1587. (3) Ming Zhang, and BO Lu, Financial Data Simulation Using M-PHONN Model, Accepted by IJCNN’2001 (International Joint Conference on Neural Networks’ 2001), Washington DC, USA, July 2001, pp. 1828 - 1832. (4) Ming Zhang, Financial Data Simulation Using A-PHONN Model, Accepted by IJCNN’2001 (International Joint Conference on Neural Networks’ 2001), Washington DC, USA, July 2001, pp.1823 - 1827. (5) Shuxiang Xu, and Ming Zhang, A Novel Adaptive Activation Function, Accepted by IJCNN’2001 (International Joint Conference on Neural Networks’ 2001), Washington DC, USA, July 2001, pp.2779 – 2782 (6) Ming Zhang, Rex Gantenbein, Sung Y. Shin, and Chih-Cheng Hung, The application of artificial neural networks in knowledge-based information systems, International Journal of Computer and Information Science, Vol 2, No.2, 2001, pp.49 - 58. (7) Ming Zhang, Shuxiang Xu, and John Fulcher, Neuron-Adaptive Higher Order Neural Network Models for Automated Financial Data Modeling”, Accepted by IEEEE transactions on Neural Networks, July, 2001. Total 102 papers published Dr. Ming Zhang
Why This Project? • Visual Studio.NET • Image processing library • Image capture source codes • New generation computer models and techniques • Plenty of research topics • Good support of software and hardware • Strong support from our Department • Experienced supervisor • Paper to be published in the International Conference • Big market Dr. Ming Zhang
Artificial Neural network expert System for Estimation of Rainfall from the satellite data ANSER System (1991-2000) - 1991-1992:US$66,000 suported by USA National Research Council & NOAA - 1995-1996:A$11,000 suppouted by Australia Research Council& NOAA - 1999-2000:US$62,000 suported by USA National Research Council & NOAA
Why Develop ANSER ? - More than $3.5 billion in property is damaged and, more than 225 people are killed by heavy rain and flooding each year - No rainfall estimating system in GIS system, No real time and working system of rainfall estimation in the world - Can ANN be used in the weather forecasting area? If yes, how should we use ANN techniques in this area?
Why Use Neural Network Techniques ? - Two Directions of New generation computer Quamtun Computer Artificial Neural Network - Much quicker speed ? - Complicated pattern recognition? - Unknown rule knowledge base? - Self learning reasoning network? - Super position for multip choice?
ANSER Rainfall Estimation Result 9th May 2000 Time: 18Z LAT LAN Min 37.032 87.906 Max 38.765 88.480 ANSER Min: 1.47 mm Max: 6.37mm NAVY Min: 2.0mm Max: 6.0mm
Conclusion- What Approved Artificial Neural Network Techniques can : - Much quick speed: 5-10 time quick - Unknown rule knowledge base: Rainfall - Reasoning network: rainfall estimation
Conclusion- Next Step - Rebuild interface & retraining neural networks - New neural netowrk models: more complicated pattern recognition - Self expending knowledge base: attract knowledge from real time cases - Self learning reasoning network: automatic system to - Study in advance in 15 years: Artificial Neural Network - one oftwo directions of new generation computer Research
PHONN Simulator (1994 - 1996) - Polynomial Higher Order Neural Network financial data simulator - A$ 105,000 Supported by Fujitsu, Japan • THONN Simulator (1996 - 1998) - Trigonometric polynomial Higher Order Neural Network financial data simulator - A$ 10,000 Supported by Australia Research Council • PT-HONN Simulator (1999 - 2000) - Polynomial and Trigonometric polynomial Higher Order Neural Network financial data simulator - US$ 46,000 Supported by USA National Research Council
Why Develop HONN ? • No system can automatically simulate discontinue, unsmooth data very well • No system can automatically find the perfect models for the discontinue, unsmooth data
CONCLUSION- What Approved • The results of the comparative experiments show that THONG system is able to simulate higher frequency and higher order non-linear data, as well as being able to simulate discontinuous data. • The THONG model can not only be used for financial simulation, but also for financial prediction. • Complicated pattern recognition: cloud merger
Conclusion- Next Step - Rebuild interface & retraining neural networks - New neural network models: more complicated pattern recognition • Financial data simulation experiments • Rainfall data simulation experiments