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UNFCCC - NAI SOFTWARE Sector: Land-Use Change and Forestry Practical Aspects and Exercises. CGE Greenhouse Gas Inventory Hands – on Training Workshop for the African Region Pretoria, South Africa 18 – 22 September 2006. CONTENT.
UNFCCC - NAI SOFTWARE Sector: Land-Use Change and ForestryPractical Aspects and Exercises CGE Greenhouse Gas Inventory Hands – on Training Workshop for the African Region Pretoria, South Africa 18 – 22 September 2006
CONTENT • Specific details of the UNFCCC -NAI Software use to calculate GHG emissions in the sector Land-Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry. • Practical exercises (to be solved by the participants after the presentation).
BACKGROUND • The choice of a good practice method is given by the decision threes in the IPCC GPG-LULUCF according to national circumstances. • The UNFCCC -NAI Software contains, basically, the methods of smaller complexity that can use countries for the preparation of inventories. • However, in principle, the software can be used to report the estimated emissions independently of the complexity of used method (Tier 2, 3 etc).
LUCF Sector: IPCC 1996 Guidelines Methodology Can be implemented at different levels of complexity and geographic scales: • A simple first order approach based on very aggregate default data (default approach), • A more accurate level can be achieve substituting country-specific values for general defaults.
LULUCF Sector: GPG2003 GPG2003 use (and the higher Tiers) for GHG inventories, is encouraged to reduce the uncertainty of emission estimates. The GPG2003 besides providing good practice for the LULUCF Sector (not covered in GPG2000): • overcomes many of problems detected in the use of the IPCC 1996 GL for LUCF, • update information's necessary for the calculations (AD, EF and other emission parameters).
LULUCF Sector: IPCC GPG2003 Methodology Uses the same basic conceptual approach as in IPCC Guidelines but with some important inclusions, updates and improvements. • Provides three hierarchical Tiers of methods (nearly correspond to the three levels of complexity of IPCC GL). • Land-use category base approach (forest land, cropland, grassland, wetland, settlement and others). • A division is also made based on the status and recent history of the land use: a) lands that begin and end an inventory period in the same use, b) lands conversions to other land use.
LULUCF Sector: IPCC GPG2003 Methodology • Association of above and below ground carbon pools. • Provide key category analysis approach (land use category based). Not directly applicable to the categories 5A to 5D in IPCC 1996 Guidelines. • Provide decision trees.
LULUCF Sector: IPCC GPG2003 Methodology: Provides three methodological Tiers Tier 1 • Employs the basic method provided in IPCC 1996 GL (Workbook) and the default EF (updated in GPG2003). • It includes others land uses and pools whose emissions or removals were assumed as default ‘zero’. Tier 2 • Can use the same approach as Tier 1 but applies EF and AD which are defined by the country. • Can also apply stock change methodologies based on country-specific data. Tier 3 • Higher order methods including models and inventory measurements.
LULUCF Sector: IPCC Software and GPG2003 • Calculation of emissions using the GPG2003, in this sector, is not completely possible through the IPCC Software (it was not designed for this objective). • Using the software with the IPCC 1996 GL default approach is not possible to cover all the land categories and carbon pools included in GPG2003.
LULUCF Sector: UNFCCC -NAI Software and GPG2003 • A new module (Module 5B) has been added to the present software so that inventory compilers may apply the more recent methodologies developed by the IPCC to the Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) sector, as described in the IPCC Good Practice Guidance for Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (2003 GPG-LULUCF). • The UNFCCC encourages the use of these methodologies, though the user may still choose to use the outdated Module 5 Land-Use
LULUCF Sector: UNFCCC -NAI Software and GPG2003 • In the current software you have the choice between two alternatives. • For preparing a complete inventory it is necessary to use either of the modules, but not both.
LULUCF Sector: UNFCCC -NAI Software • When you open the Module 5 you will be prompted with a dialogue box asking whether you like to use the IPCC Good Practice Format (IPCC, 2003) for the LULUCF Sector
LULUCF Sector: UNFCCC -NAI Software • If you would like to use the IPCC Guidelines Format (IPCC, 1996) choose ‘NO’ in the dialogue box. Selecting “No” opens Module 5, the Land-Use Change and Forestry module as described in the Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines.
LUCF Sector: UNFCCC – NAI Software and IPCC GL, 1996General Suggestions For countries using the IPCC 1996 GL. General Suggestions: In the UNFCCC - NAI Software, Module 5: • Use updated AD, EF and other parameters from GPG2003. • Use country-specific names/categories of forest/plantations.
UNFCCC – NAI Software. LUCF Sector: IPCC 1996GL5A Changes in Forest and Other Woody Biomass Stock
UNFCCC – NAI Software. LUCF Sector: IPCC 1996GL5A Changes in Forest and Other Woody Biomass Stock
UNFCCC – NAI Software. LUCF Sector: IPCC 1996GL Exercise 5.1: Changes in Forest and Other Woody Biomass Stock (I) Country A: Year: 2000. Worksheet 5-1s1 to 5-1s3 Data.The climate of the country is characterized by abundant rains (1800 mm annual) and high temperature that allows the development of a tropical forest. The Ministry of Agriculture provided the following information:
UNFCCC – NAI Software. LUCF Sector: IPCC 1996GL Exercise 5.1: Changes in Forest and Other Woody Biomass Stock (II) Country A: Year: 2000. Worksheet 5-1s1 to 5-1s3 Other data provided:
UNFCCC – NAI Software. LUCF Sector: IPCC 1996GLExercise 5.1: Changes in Forest and Other Woody Biomass Stock (III) Tasks Using the UNFCCC - NAI Software: • Calculates CO2 annual emissions or removals. • Verifies the emissions report in the Sectoral and Summary Tables. • Fills the Table 8A (Overview Table) for the self evaluation of quality and completeness. • Print the used worksheet, the Sectoral Summary Table and the Overview Table (8A).
UNFCCC – NAI Software. LUCF Sector: IPCC 1996GL Exercise 5.1: Changes in Forest and Other Woody Biomass Stock (IV) Steps • Open the software and select in the LUCF sector the worksheet 5-1s1. • For each type of biomass stock, enter the Area of Forest/Biomass Stocks in kha in column A. For each type of forest, enter the Annual Growth Rate (in tdm/ha) in column B. The software calculates the annual biomass increment in column C. • For each type of biomass stock, enter the Carbon Fraction of Dry Matter in column D. The software calculates the Total carbon Uptake Increment in column C (kt C).
UNFCCC – NAI Software. LUCF Sector: IPCC 1996GL Exercise 5.1: Changes in Forest and Other Woody Biomass Stock (V) Steps • Go to the Worksheet 5-1s2 and enter in column F the amount of Commercial Harvest in thousands of cubic meters. Enter the Biomass Conversion/Expansion Ratio in column G (in tdm/m3). The software calculates in H the Total Biomass Removed in Commercial Harvest in kt dm. • Enter in I Total fuelwood consumed (including wood for charcoal production) in kt dm. • Enter in J the quantity of Total Other Wood use (kt dm). The software calculates in K the Total Biomass Consumption.
UNFCCC – NAI Software. LUCF Sector: IPCC 1996GL Exercise 5.1: Changes in Forest and Other Woody Biomass Stock (VI) Steps • Go to the Worksheet 5-1s3 and enter in column N the Carbon Fraction. The software calculates in column Q the CO2 annual emission (if a negative value) or removal (if a positive value). Note: For reporting purposes, it is necessary to reverse the sign of these results to express emissions as a positive value and removals as negative.
UNFCCC – NAI Software. LUCF Sector: IPCC 1996GL Exercise 5.1: Changes in Forest and Other Woody Biomass Stock (VII)
UNFCCC – NAI Software. LUCF Sector: IPCC 1996 GL5B Forest and Grassland Conversion – CO2 From Biomass
UNFCCC – NAI Software. LUCF Sector: IPCC 1996GL5B Forest and Grassland Conversion – CO2 From Biomass
UNFCCC – NAI Software. LUCF Sector: IPCC 1996GL Exercise 5.2: Forest and Grassland Conversion. CO2 From Biomass (I) Country A: Year: 2000. Worksheet 5-2s1 to 5-2s5 Data.The Ministry of Agriculture provided the following information related with the forest conversion in the country. Deforestation is carried out mainly in the type of forest moist with short season
UNFCCC – NAI Software. LUCF Sector: IPCC 1996GL Exercise 5.2: Forest and Grassland Conversion. CO2 From Biomass (II) Tasks Using the UNFCCC - NAI Software: • Calculates total CO2 release from forest conversion. • Verifies the emissions report in the Sectoral and Summary Tables. • Fills the Table 8A (Overview Table) for the self evaluation of quality and completeness. • Print the used worksheet, the Sectoral Summary Table and the Overview Table (8A).
UNFCCC – NAI Software. LUCF Sector: IPCC 1996GL Exercise 5.2: Forest and Grassland Conversion. CO2 From Biomass (III) Steps • Open the software and select in the LUCF sector the worksheet 5-2s1 and calculates the annual loss of biomass from forest conversion. • Go to the worksheet 5-2s2 and calculates the quantity of carbon released from biomass burned on site. • Go to the worksheet 5-2s3 and calculates the quantity of carbon released from biomass burned of site and total. • Go to the worksheet 5-2s4 and calculates the quantity of carbon released from decay of aboveground biomass. • In the worksheet 5-2s5 the software calculates the total annual CO2 release (Gg).
UNFCCC – NAI Software. LUCF Sector: IPCC 1996GL Exercise 5.2: Forest and Grassland Conversion. CO2 From Biomass (IV)
UNFCCC – NAI Software. LUCF Sector: IPCC 1996GL5B Forest and Grassland. On-site Burning of Forests: Emissions of Non-CO2 Trace gases
UNFCCC –NAISOFTWARE. LUCF Sector: IPCC 1996GL5C Abandonment of managed Lands: Net CO2 Removals
UNFCCC –NAISOFTWARE. LUCF Sector: IPCC 1996GL5C Abandonment of managed Lands: Net CO2 Removals
UNFCCC – NAI Software. LUCF Sector: IPCC 1996GL5D CO2 Emissions and Removals from Soil
UNFCCC – NAI Software. LUCF Sector: IPCC 1996GLExercise for Self Evaluation 5.1: Non – CO2 Emissions from forest fires (I) Country A: Year: 2000 • The Environment Agency provided data on the forest area affected by fires in the country during the year 2000. Also the Forestry Research Institute provided some parameters related with the biomass burned during the fires. Tasks (Continue from the exercise 5.2) Using the UNFCCC - NAI Software and the IPCC 1996 GL: • Calculates non – CO2 emissions from forest fires. • Verifies the emissions report in the Sectoral and Summary Tables. • Fills the Table 8A (Overview Table) for the self evaluation of quality and completeness. • Print the used worksheet, the Sectoral Summary Table and the Overview Table (8A).
UNFCCC – NAI Software. LUCF Sector: IPCC 1996GLExercise for Self Evaluation 5.1: Non – CO2 Emissions from forest fires (II)
UNFCCC – NAI Software. LUCF Sector: IPCC 1996GLExercise for Self Evaluation 5.1: Non – CO2 Emissions from forest fires (III)
LULUCF Sector: UNFCCC -NAI Software IPCC GPG 2003 • When you open the Module 5 you will be prompted with a dialogue box asking whether you like to use the IPCC Good Practice Format (IPCC, 2003) for the LULUCF Sector