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Visualizing data for program improvement with ICAP’s Unified Reporting System (URS):

Visualizing data for program improvement with ICAP’s Unified Reporting System (URS):. Presented by: Deborah Horowitz, Strategic Information Specialist, ICAP NY Fatima Tsiouris , Clinical Officer – Pediatrics and PMTCT, ICAP NY February 28, 2013. Outline.

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Visualizing data for program improvement with ICAP’s Unified Reporting System (URS):

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  1. Visualizing data for program improvement withICAP’s Unified Reporting System (URS): Presented by: Deborah Horowitz, Strategic Information Specialist, ICAP NYFatima Tsiouris, Clinical Officer – Pediatrics and PMTCT, ICAP NY February 28, 2013

  2. Outline • URS and the ICAP M&E system • Review of key enhancements to date • Program monitoring strategies newly integrated into URS: • Targets and Achievements • ICAP Priority Indicators • URS data use and dissemination demo • Case study: Using URS to generate key tables and charts for program monitoring: PMTCT • Next steps for URS enhancement

  3. ICAP M&E system Country program Data collected and managed in aggregate databases and/or Excel spreadsheets ICAP-NY (URS) Import or manual data entry into URS – all funding sources Automated and manual data cleaning and review Automated data checks and flags Finalization of dataset Finalization of dataset Automated and manual dissemination and use S/APR reports to CDC/USG Automated and manual dissemination and use

  4. URS Enhancements (1) • Accepts data for different funding mechanisms at all levels of support (site, district and national levels) • Expansion to new areas: district/nurse capacity building • PEPFAR next generation indicators pre-programmed • Allows users to customize indicators for a given funding source with varying periodicity • Ensures high quality data through automated data checks • Off-line data entry • European-based server to increase efficiency • Increased security

  5. URS Enhancements (2) data use and dissemination • Integration of Country Mapper tool • Enhanced pre-programmed dashboards • User-defined report and indicator creation • URS outputs filterable by funding mechanisms and/or by level of support (site, district and national levels) Emphasis on: • Flexibility, user-friendliness, efficiency • Standardization for cross-country comparison

  6. Key Program Monitoring Strategies integrated into URS • Tracking of achievements against targets • 11 NGI targets: PMTCT, HIV care and treatment, TB/HIV integration, and HIV counseling and testing • ICAP priority indicators • HIV care patients receive CTX, target 95% • Children under 2 enrolled in care initiate ART, target 95% • Adults and children still alive and on treatment 12 months after initiating ART, target 90% • HIV care and tx patients screened for TB, target 95% • HIV+ pregnant women receive multi-drug ARV, target 95%

  7. Demonstrationhttps://urs2.icap.columbia.edu/

  8. How to use URS for routine program monitoringExample: PMTCT

  9. Key Steps in Using URS 1. Define indicators of interest 2. Save query so you can reuse it 3. Define time period 4. Define comparison: by site/by district/by region or by country • Evaluate results • Define the bottlenecks based on data

  10. Additional enhancements still to come… • Improved features: • Automated data checks for all program areas • Integration of historical PFaCTS data into reports module/dashboards • Use of URS as repository for other SI outputs • Import of DXF files from DHIS database • Automated generation of analysis files

  11. Summary • Timely and relevant program monitoring and feedback is easy with enhanced features on URS: • Review data by funding source, level of support • Filter program area dashboards • Create new tabular or graphical queries or modify existing queries • Insert generated charts or tables into presentations or download in Excel for additional manipulation Practice makes perfect, so use URS! https://urs2.icap.columbia.edu/

  12. Reminder for ICAP NY Join us for the URS launch party today for a more interactive opportunity to try out these data use features that we reviewed during this presentation. Experts from the SI Unit will also be on hand to answer any questions that you have. When: 1:30 - 2:30 pm Where: Hess Commons

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