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EARLY CIVILIZATIONS Prehistory-256 B.C. UNIT ONE World History Ms. Horvath. TOWARDS CIVILIZATION Prehistory – 3000 B.C. Chapter One. CHAPTER OVERVIEW Understanding the Past The Dawn of History Beginnings of Civilization. UNDERSTANDING OUR PAST.
EARLY CIVILIZATIONSPrehistory-256 B.C. UNIT ONE World History Ms. Horvath
TOWARDS CIVILIZATIONPrehistory – 3000 B.C.Chapter One CHAPTER OVERVIEW Understanding the Past The Dawn of History Beginnings of Civilization
UNDERSTANDING OUR PAST • The Big Idea – Geographers, archeologists, anthropologist, and historians work to unravel human history • Vocabulary – Geography, latitude, longitude, prehistory, anthropology, culture, archaeology, artifact, technology, historian • Focus – How are geography and history linked? How do historians learn about the past? • Page 6
GEOGRAPHY AND THE PAST • What is geography • How do geographers describe place? Give examples • Describe how humans interact with their environment • Explain how movement has been a key link between history and geography • What is the difference and similarities between Anthropology and Archeology • What does a Historians do
THE DAWN OF HISTORY • The Big Idea – The change from nomadic to farming life led to the emergence of civilization • Vocabulary – Nomad, glacier, animism, domesticate • Focus – What advances did people make during the Old Stone Age? How did we learn about the religious beliefs of early people? Why was the Neolithic agriculture revolution a turning point in history? • Page 11
PEOPLE LEARN TO FARM • When was The Old Stone Age, and where did it begin? • What does it mean to be nomadic? Where were hunter gatherer societies often nomadic? • Describe religious beliefs of early civilizations • What was the Neolithic Agricultural Revolution? • What were some of the differences between living a settled farming life compared to a nomadic life? • Describe some new technologies developed during the Neolithic Agricultural Revolution
BEGINNINGS OF CIVILIZATION • The Big Idea – The rise of cities was a central feature in the development and spread of civilizations • Vocabulary – Civilization, polytheistic, artisan, pictogram, scribe, city-state, empire, cultural diffusion • Focus – How did the first cities emerge? What are the basic features of civilization? How do cultures spread and change? • Page 15
FEATURES OF CIVILIZATION • Describe river valley civilizations • How did cities in the Americas differ from cities in other parts of the world? • What were eight basic features found in most early civilizations? • Explain how early governments were structured • Define polytheistic religions • List and describe some jobs city dwellers had. List and Describe social classes involved In city life. • Describe key differences between nomadic life and city life
FIRST CIVILZATIONS: AFRICA AND ASIA3200 – 500 B.C.Chapter Two CHAPTER OVERVIEW Ancient Kingdoms of the Nile Egyptian Civilizations City-States of Ancient Sumer Invaders, Traders, and Empire Builders The Roots of Judaism
ANCIENT KINGEDOMS OF THE NILE • The Big Idea – The history of ancient Egypt is divided into three periods: Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom, and New Kingdom • Vocabulary – Silt, cataract, delta, dynasty, pharaoh, vizier • Focus – How did geography influence ancient Egypt? What were the main features and achievements of Egypt’s three kingdoms? How did trade and warfare affect Egypt and Nubia? • Page 24
ANCIENT NILE KINGDOMS • Why did people in the Nile Valley look forward to yearly floods? • Name the three main periods of ancient Egypt along with years • What did pyramids signify? • Why did the Old Kingdom collapse? • What was life like during the Middle Kingdom • Describe life during the New Kingdom. Why did it decline? • How was Egypt affected by its contact with the Nubians?
EGYPTIAN CIVILIZATON • The Big Idea – Religion and learning played an important role in ancient Egyptian civilization • Vocabulary – Mummification, hieroglyphics, ideogram, papyrus • Focus – How did religious beliefs shape the lives of Egyptians? How was Egyptian society organized? What advances did Egyptians make in learning and the arts? • Page 28
EGYPTIAN BELIEFS • List and briefly describe the chief gods and goddesses of the Egyptians • Explain Egyptian beliefs in the afterlife • Describe the process of mummification • Describe the life of an Egyptian farmer • What was life like for women in Egypt? • How did Egyptians keep written records? What was the Rosetta Stone? • What advances in medicine and science did Egyptians make? • What legacy did Egyptians make in art and literature?
CITY-STATES OF ANCIENT SUMER • The Big Idea – The fertile land between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers supported the development of Sumerian civilization • Vocabulary – Hierarchy, ziggurat, cuneiform • Focus – How did geography features influence the civilizations of the Fertile Crescent? What were the main features of Sumerian civilization? What advances in learning did Sumerians make? • Page 34
SUMERIAN CIVILIZATION • When did the first Sumerian cities begin? What was their society based on? • Detail social hierarchy in Sumerian society. • Describe Sumerian religion in detail. • Explain the Sumerian writing system.
INVADERS, TRADERS, AND EMPIRE BUILDERS • The Big Idea – A series of strong rulers united the lands of the Fertile Crescent into well-organized empires • Vocabulary – Codify, satrap, barter economy, money economy, colony • Focus – How did early empires arise in Mesopotamia? How did ideas and technology spread? How did the Persians unite a huge empire? What contributions did the Phoenicians make? • Page 38
EMPIRES GROWING • What was the Code of Hammurabi? What were some of the laws? • What is the difference between criminal law and civil law? How did the Hammurabi Code deal with each? • Who was Nebuchadnezzar? Describe his empire. • What territories were included in the Persian empire? How did the Persians treat those they conquered? • Who was Darius? How did he structure his empire (such as law and economy)? • Describe Persian religion. • In what ways did the Phoenicians contribute to society with manufacturing, trade, and writing?
THE ROOTS OF JUDAISM • The Big Idea – The religion of the Israelites was unique in the ancient world because it was monotheistic • Vocabulary – Monotheistic, covenant, patriarchal, prophet, diaspora • Focus – What were the main events in the early history of the Israelites? How did the Jews view their relationship with God? What moral and ethical ideas did the prophets teach? • Page 45
HISTORY OF THE ISREALITES • Who was Abraham? • Describe the division and conquest of the Israeli nation. • Explain Judaism • Describe Israeli law and morality (include the an explanation of the Torah and patriarchal duties) • What are the Ten Commandments? • What did the prophets do?
EARLY CIVILIZATIONS IN INDIA AND CHINA2500-256 B.C.Chapter Three CHAPTER OVERVIEW Cities of the Indus Valley Kingdoms of the Ganges Early Civilizations in China
CITIES OF THE INDUS VALLEY • The Big Idea – Archaeologists uncover the remains of India’s first civilization in the Indus River valley • Vocabulary – Subcontinent, plateau, monsoon, veneration • Focus – How has geography influenced India? How has archaeology provided clues about Indus Valley civilization? What theories do scholars hold about the decline of Indus Valley civilization? • Page 52
INDIAN CIVILIZATION • List and describe that make up describe the different nations, zones, and geography that make up the Indus Valley • What was early Indus Valley civilization like? • Describe the city life of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro • Describe life for farmers in the Indus Valley • What were the religious beliefs of the Indus people? • How did life in the Indus Valley decline and disappear?
KINGDOM OF THE GANGES • The Big Idea – Aryan warriors invaded India and developed a new civilization • Vocabulary – Caste, brahman, mystic, rajah • Focus – What were the main characteristics of Aryan civilization in India? How did expansion lead to changes in Aryan civilization? What do ancient Indian epics reveal about Aryan life? • Page 55
ARYAN CIVILIZATION • What were the three basic groups the Aryans were divided into? Describe each groups place in society. • Describe Aryan religious beliefs • Explain how the Aryans settled into villages and became farmers • List examples of Aryan epic literature along with brief descriptions.
EARLY CIVILIZATION IN CHINA • The Big Idea – Early Chinese people developed a complex civilization and made many advances in learning and the arts • Vocabulary – Loess, oracle bone, dynastic cycle, feudalism • Focus – How did geography influence early Chinese civilization? How did Chinese culture take shape under the Shang and Zhou? What were key cultural achievements in early China? • Page 59
LIFE IN CHINA • How does geography contribute to China’s isolation? • List and describe the main regions of China • Who were the Shang? Describe their rule; including government, social class, and daily life • Detail Chinese religious beliefs • Explain oracle bones • Explain the Zhou’s idea of Mandate of Heaven • Describe how Feudalism works • Describe economic growth during the Zhou dynasty • Where does silk come from? How important was silk to the Chinese?
EMPIRES OF THE ANCIENT WORLD1750 B.C – A.D. 1570 UNIT TWO World History Ms. Horvath
EMPIRES OF INDIA AND CHINA600 B.C. – A.D. 550Chapter Four CHAPTER OVERVIEW Hinduism and Buddhism Powerful Empires of India Pillars of Indian Life Philosophy and Religion in China Strong Rulers Unite China
HINDUISM AND BUDDHISM • The Big Idea – Hinduism and Buddhism, two major religions with a wide variety of beliefs, emerged in ancient India • Vocabulary – Atman, moksha, karma, dharma, ahimsa, nirvana, sect • Focus – In what ways is Hinduism a complex religion? What are the major teachings of the Buddha? How did Buddhism spread beyond India to become a major world religion? • Page 76
COMPLEX RELIGIONS • Explain the origins of Hinduism. Explain the ideas of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, and Shakti. • How found Hinduism? What did Hindus believe about God? • Who found Buddhism? What did Buddhists believe about God? • Explain Karma and Dharma • Give a brief comparison of Buddhism to Hinduism • Describe the two different sects of Buddhism
POWERFUL EMPIRES OF INDIA • The Big Idea – Two great empires, the maurya and the Gupta, flourished in ancient India • Vocabulary – Dissent, golden age, stupa • Focus – How did Maurya rulers create a strong central government? What were some major achievements of the kingdoms of the Deccan? Why is the period of Gupta rule in India considered a golden age? • Page 81
LIFE IN INDIA • Describe the following about the Maurya Dynasty: Location, government, emperors, cause of decline • Describe the following about the Kingdom of Deccan: Location, people, Tamil Kingdoms, religion • Describe the following about the Gupta Dynasty: Location, government, trade and farming, arts and learning
PILLARS OF INDIAN LIFE • The Big Idea – The three important parts of Indian life were the caste system, the family, and the village • Vocabulary – Joint family, dowry • Focus – How did the caste system affect Indian life? What values influenced family life? How did the traditional Indian village function economically and politically? • Page 86
LIFE IN INDIA • What is the Caste system? Explain the rules and effects of such a system • Describe the structure of family life in India • What was life like for women in India? • Describe a typical Indian village
PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGION IN CHINA • The Big Idea – Confucianism, Legalism, Daoism, and Buddhism had a strong influence on China • Vocabulary – Philosophy, filial piety • Focus – What were the major teachings of Confucius? How did Legalism and Daoism differ in their views on government? Why did many Chinese people accept Buddhist ideas? • Page 86
CONFUCIUS AND CHINA • Describe the life of Confucius and how his religion began • Describe filial piety • What are the “five relationships” ? What are their duties and responsibilities? • What was Confucius beliefs on education and government service? • Who developed Legalism? Describe Legalism • Who developed Daoism? Describe Daoism • How did the Daoist view of government differ from the Confucius view?