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This case study explores the discovery of software systems for composition in free and open source geospatial software environments. It discusses the objectives, tool set for land and crop studies, standard versus non-standard requirements, geospatial processing requirements, and the capabilities of FOSS ILWIS and OSSIM. It also covers code reuse and new developments, rapid prototyping versus long-term tool building, and concludes with insights gained from the study.
Discovery of software systems for composition and their customizability in free and open source geospatial software environments – A Case Study S.Manthira Moorthi, Indranil Misra, R.Ramakrishnan and P.K.Srivastava {smmoorthi, indranil, rama, pradeep}@sac.isro.gov.in Signal and Image Processing Area, Space Applications Centre, ISRO Ahmedabad-380015 India Presented By: S.Manthira Moorthi SAC,ISRO,AHMEDABAD osgeo conference, Hyderabad, january,2011
Discovery of software systems for composition and their customizability in free and open source geospatial software environments – A Case Study contents • Introduction/objectives • Tool set for Land and Crop Studies • Free and Open source Softwares (FOSS) as a situated software and reuse • Standard versus non standard requirements • Geospatial Processing requirements • FOSS ILWIS capabilities • FOSS OSSIM capabilities • Combining Geospatial Tools • Code Reuse and new developments • Rapid prototyping versus long term tool building • Conclusion osgeo conference, Hyderabad, january,2011
Discovery of software systems for composition and their customizability in free and open source geospatial software environments – A Case Study Introduction/Objectives Task is to quickly build a geospatial tool box with rapid prototyping to satisfy an image analyst’s need to quantify per say land use and crop studies from the available open source projects falling in this category. There are many issues to be addressed in such attempts from handling data sizes, remote sensing data formats, data types, building process chains to taking advantage of batch processing capabilities and to put software processes in an integrated framework. This study brought many insights into existing open source geospatial tools, about their strengths and weakness. osgeo conference, Hyderabad, january,2011
Discovery of software systems for composition and their customizability in free and open source geospatial software environments – A Case Study Tool set for Land and Crop StudiesDesktop Geospatial toolbox A desktop geospatial processing toolbox needs to have an elaborate framework with workflows comprising datapreparation, analysis and presentation tasks taking raster and vector data as inputs. osgeo conference, Hyderabad, january,2011
QGIS • Multi Platform • Many Core Features • Plugin Architecture • GRASS integration • OTB integration Open Source Software Image Map (OSSIM) is a high performance engine for remote sensing, image processing, geographical information systems and photogrammetry. Popular FOSS SAGA's first objective is to give (geo-)scientists an effective but easy learnable platform for the implementation of geoscientific methods. ILWIS is the Integrated Land and Water Information System. As the title suggests, it is oriented to needs of the environmental science user community, so it is superlative in its user interface, analysis capabilities, and image presentation features. osgeo conference, Hyderabad, january,2011
Discovery of software systems for composition and their customizability in free and open source geospatial software environments – A Case Study Foss as situated software In contrast to standard software development, situated software usually isn’t constructed by a team of traditional software developers. Instead, it’s created by users who desire specific functionality that mainstream software doesn’t provide. Typically, it’s personalized, localized software that has evolved organically and has been created by the community that uses it. FOSS geospatial softwares can be compared to situated software, though there can be a good amount of overlap of functionalities with Commercially Available Off the Shelf (COTS) tools. osgeo conference, Hyderabad, january,2011
Discovery of software systems for composition and their customizability in free and open source geospatial software environments – A Case Study Contd. situated software’s success lies in its ability to accommodate change and remain flexible and adaptive, as opposed to traditional software, which isn’t very forgiving and which operates in a well-defined boundary, is costly, takes significant effort to develop and maintain, and can be difficult to modify. Flexibility comes at the expense of quality attributes such as performance, security, and availability. As an example, most reuse efforts and techniques focus on reuse at design time. osgeo conference, Hyderabad, january,2011
Discovery of software systems for composition and their customizability in free and open source geospatial software environments – A Case Study Geospatial processing requirements osgeo conference, Hyderabad, january,2011
Discovery of software systems for composition and their customizability in free and open source geospatial software environments – A Case Study Standard versus non-standard requirements osgeo conference, Hyderabad, january,2011
Discovery of software systems for composition and their customizability in free and open source geospatial software environments – A Case Study FOSS: ILWIS ILWIS provides a wide range of tools to perform operations on spatial data and uses a number of table window operations such as distance calculations, aggregations, etc. in the analysis of attribute data. Retrieval, reclassification and measurement operations mostly from the starting point in the data analysis process, and all these operations can be performed on vector or raster map, often in combination with attribute data, efficiently in ILWIS. The overlay operations form the core of any GIS project which is used to combine a number of maps together and to generate new information. ILWIS has a powerful tool to combine maps, called Map Calculation that can combine many maps at the same time using arithmetic, relational or conditional operators. ILWIS is almost a complete tool for image processing and GIS operations but only for a data type of 8 bit unsigned char images only osgeo conference, Hyderabad, january,2011
Discovery of software systems for composition and their customizability in free and open source geospatial software environments – A Case Study FOSS OSSIM Capabilities Open Source Software Image Map (OSSIM) is a high performance engine for remote sensing, image processing, geographical information systems and photogrammetry. It has been actively developed since 1996. • Designed as a series of high performance software libraries, it is written in C++ employing the latest techniques in object-oriented software design. • It has a powerful automatic satellite image registration plugin as an extension to OSSIM library. • Though vector and shape file support is present, its GIS capabilities are limited. • Other salient features include rigorous sensor modeling, universal sensor models, wide range of map projections and datums supported, non-destructive, parameter based image chains, native file access, precision terrain correction and ortho-rectification, advanced mosaicing, elevation support etc. Its API documentation is exemplary. Many of the applications are available as command line tool and not integrated into the GUI tool known as imagelinker osgeo conference, Hyderabad, january,2011
Discovery of software systems for composition and their customizability in free and open source geospatial software environments – A Case Study Combining geospatial tools • FOSS ILWIS is a good choice for all GIS tasks with raster and vector data layers, visualization and presentation but • OSSIM library scores better on image processing tasks especially on remote sensing images with its rich plugin tools on image registration and mosaicing. • ILWIS does not have the capability to classify images other than 8 bit images. osgeo conference, Hyderabad, january,2011
Discovery of software systems for composition and their customizability in free and open source geospatial software environments – A Case Study New developments without FOSS: A Supervised Classifier ILWIS’ supervised classification module was not satisfying the custom requirement in this study because there’s no functionality to accept the training sample data in the form of ESRI shape file before image classification. ILWIS does not have the capability to classify images other than 8 bit images. osgeo conference, Hyderabad, january,2011
Discovery of software systems for composition and their customizability in free and open source geospatial software environments – A Case Study Rapid prototyping versus long term tool building In rapid prototyping, the development simply wants to amalgamate functionalities in a non cohesive manner. This means accepting tools instead of just functionalities and accommodates them in tools management architecture. Rapid prototyping approach can also be the approach taken by not so experienced software developer or by an effort not well resourced and there is a pressing need for prototyping of potential new functionality. osgeo conference, Hyderabad, january,2011
Discovery of software systems for composition and their customizability in free and open source geospatial software environments – A Case Study Conclusion If the developmental effort is goal oriented and requirements are sacred, then over and above the aggregated functionalities from FOSS you need to build additional functionalities using the relevant tool APIs or even fresh developments to satisfy the complete list of functionalities. It will be an ideal situation to expect any open source software to satisfy the custom requirements. An experienced software development team should be ready to develop functionalities those are not catered to by any combination of FOSS. osgeo conference, Hyderabad, january,2011
Discovery of software systems for composition and their customizability in free and open source geospatial software environments – A Case Study References • Sriram Balasubramaniam, Grace A. Lewis, Soumya Simanta, and Dennis B. Smith (2008) : Situated Software: Concepts, Motivation, Technology, and the Future, IEEE Software, November/December 2008 • Steiniger S and Bocher E (2008) : In press An Overview on Current Free and Open Source Desktop GIS Developments, Int. J. of Geographical Information Science , doi:10.1080/1365881080802634956 • http://www.gnu.org • http://www.ossim.org/ • http://shapelib.maptools.org/ • http://www.remotesensing.org/proj • http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Open_Source_GIS_History#Software_projects • Michel R. V. Chaudron Clemens Szyperski, Ralf Reussner (Eds.), 2008: Component-Based Software Engineering, proceedings of 11th International Symposium, CBSE 2008 Karlsruhe, Germany, October 14-17, 2008. • http://www.itc.nl/Pub/research/Research_output/ILWIS__Remote_Sensing_and_GIS_software.html osgeo conference, Hyderabad, january,2011
Thank you osgeo conference, Hyderabad, january,2011