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NLP Reframe. Everything can be reframed! Is the cup half empty or half full? Is this a crises or is this an opportunity? Is this a failure or just a lesson to be learned? Are you fearful or are you excited? . NLP Reframe.
NLP Reframe Everything can be reframed! Is the cup half empty or half full? Is this a crises or is this an opportunity? Is this a failure or just a lesson to be learned? Are you fearful or are you excited?
NLP Reframe At one point or another, everybody in the self-development, coaching and training industry utilizes this concept of reframing, or changing the frame of reference.
NLP Reframe Reframing is the strategy to change the meaning of something (an event, experience, news, situation, etc.) by creating another frame (reference point) to it.
NLP Reframe Basically, reframing creates a new and different interpretation that reaches a different conclusion. It allows you to feel and behave in a different way. It is a very powerful tool for mastery if one is committed to a successful and enjoyable life.
NLP Reframe A basic example of reframing can be someone who attempted to do something and he or she did not get the desired outcome. In his or her mind, the outcome was a failure.
NLP Reframe We can help that person to reframe the meaning of that event, and instead of labeling it a “failure” how about labeling it as “one more way you have learned how not to do something”, or “one more way you have learned how to do something differently”, or “getting one step closer to your goal.”
NLP Reframe Changing the frame of an experience can have a major influence on how you perceive, interpret and react to that experience.
NLP Reframe Being told that you have one hour to complete a task will most likely result in a different emotional state, approach and quality of work than if you are told that you have one week to accomplish the same task.
NLP Reframe This illustrates how a change in frame (in this case a timeframe) can have a significant impact on the choices you make..
NLP Reframe Changing the frame of reference is called reframing in NLP. The purpose of reframing is to help a person experience their actions, the impact of their beliefs, etc. from a different perspective (frame) and potentially be more resourceful or have more choice in how they react.
Reframing going on all around us: • Politicians are masters at reframing. It seems no matter what happens, they can put a positive spin on it for themselves or a negative spin for their opponents. • You may be frustrated at your wife for inviting the elderly gentleman next door for supper. Until she points out that if you were in his shoes, then you may find this simple act to be the highlight of your week.
Reframing going on all around us: • Consider that old wooden table in the basement that you use as a temporary workbench for sawing wood, nailing things together, etc. Instantly, it is seen differently if some tells you that it is a valuable antique. • Jokes are reframes - you are guided to think in one frame and then the frame (meaning or context) changes. • How many psychologists does it take to change a light bulb? Answer: Only one, and the light bulb must want to change!
Reframing going on all around us: • Fairy tales often use reframes to help children see different perspectives or consequences - ‘crying wolf’. • An excuse is a reframe that attributes a different meaning or context to your behaviours.
Some more notable reframes are: • There is a story about Thomas Watson Sr., the first President of IBM. A young worker had made a mistake that lost IBM $1 M in business. She was called in to the President’s office and as she walked in said, “Well, I guess you have called me here to fire me.” “Fire you?” Mr. Watson replied, “I just spent $1 M on your education!”
Some more notable reframes are: • A father brought his head-strong daughter to see Milton Erickson - the famous hypnotherapist. He said to Erickson, “My daughter doesn’t listen to me or her mother. She is always expressing her own opinion.” After the father finished describing his daughter’s problem, Erickson replied, “Now isn’t it good that she will be able to stand on her own two feet when she is ready to leave home?” The father sat in stunned silence. That was the extent of the therapy -- the father now saw his daughter’s behaviour as a useful resource later in her life.
Content and Context Reframes In NLP, there are two basic forms of reframes - content (or meaning) and a contextreframes.
Content Reframe The content or meaning of a situation is determined by what you choose to focus on. An electrical power failure can be viewed as disruptive, a major disaster given all you have to get done. Or it can be viewed as an opportunity to spend some intimate time with your spouse or to have fun with your children finding innovative ways to manage the situation.
Content Reframe A content reframe is useful for statements such as: ‘I get annoyed when my boss stands behind me while I am working.’ Notice how the person has taken the situation and given it a specific meaning -- which may or may not be true - and in so doing limits her resourcefulness and possible courses of action.
Content Reframe A content reframe is useful for statements such as: ‘I get annoyed when my boss stands behind me while I am working.’ Notice how the person has taken the situation and given it a specific meaning -- which may or may not be true - and in so doing limits her resourcefulness and possible courses of action.
Content Reframe To reframe this situation, remember the NLP presupposition ‘Every behaviour has a positive intention’ and ask questions such as:
Content Reframe • What other meaning could the boss’ behaviour have? Or for what purpose does he do it? • A possible reframe might be: ‘Is it possible he wants to help and does not know how to offer his assistance in any other way?’
Content Reframe • What is the positive value in this behaviour? • The positive value could be related to the boss’ behaviour (as above) or it could be related to the speaker’s behaviour. • A possible reframe might be: ‘Isn’t it great that you know your boundaries and are not prepared to allow someone to violate them?’
Content Reframe • If you are experiencing a physical problem (including phobias and allergies), you may ask yourself, • ‘Is this problem useful to me in some way
Content Reframe • For example, it may give you permission to say ‘no’. • If this is the case, you could ask yourself, • ‘Is there some other way that I can get this same result without having to have the physical problem?’ • And just maybe the physical problem will disappear.
Context Reframe: • Almost all behaviours are useful or appropriate in some context. • Interrupting a speaker by standing up and offering your view in the middle of her lecture may be judged as inappropriate. • To do this same behaviour at the end of the presentation in order to provide a different perspective may be welcomed by all present.
Context Reframe: • A context reframe is useful for statements such as: ‘I am too pushy.’ or ‘I wish I did not focus on what could go wrong.’ • In this type of situation, your participant has assumed that this type of behaviour has no value. • Your job is to discover when it is of value by asking yourself the question • ‘When or where would this behaviour be useful or viewed as a resource
Context Reframe: • A possible reframe might be: ‘Isn’t that a great skill to have when you need to get things done or to avoid potential problems?’ • Once you have your participant more resourceful, you can then assist him to discover behaviours that may be more appropriate in other situations
Children and Teaching • Children exhibit all sorts of behaviours - some appropriate and some not so appropriate. • Focusing mainly on a child’s inappropriate behaviours, may result in the child feeling overly criticized or attacked; resulting in an increase in problem behaviour or the child becoming overly defensive.
Children and Teaching • As an alternative, a teacher may choose two courses of action: • Assuming every behaviour has a positive intention, the teacher may choose to discover the positive intention. Then the teacher can discuss with the child other behaviours that would meet both the teacher ’s and child’s needs. • This is an example of a content reframe
Children and Teaching • The teacher may point out where or in what context that type of behaviour is acceptable; thus validating to the child that his behaviours are useful in certain contexts. • This is an example of a context reframe.
SOALAN ???Question?? Prepared by Paul Chong Jul 2011