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BIOL 2030 Human Anatomy & Physiology II

BIOL 2030 Human Anatomy & Physiology II. Why do we have a digestive system ? Provide nutrients to all tissues in the body. What tasks does your digestive system do ? Ingestion, mastic ation, propulsion, mixing, secretion, digestion, absorption, transportation, elimination.

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BIOL 2030 Human Anatomy & Physiology II

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  1. BIOL 2030 Human Anatomy & Physiology II Why do we have a digestive system? Provide nutrients to all tissues in the body What tasks does your digestive system do? Ingestion, mastication, propulsion, mixing, secretion, digestion, absorption, transportation, elimination What is digestion? Breakdown of organic molecules/nutrients... mechanical and chemical

  2. See Table 24.1 What happens between my mouth and anus? Organ Function Time ingestion/mastication 10-20 sec.secretion/mixing/digestion Oral cavity Pharynx Esophagus Stomach Small intestines Pancreas Liver Large intestines Rectum Anus transportation 1-2 sec. transportation/propulsion 5-8 sec. digestion/secretion 3-4 hrs.mixing digestion/secretion/mixing 3-5 hrs.absorption/propulsion absorption/propulsion 18-36 hrs.elimination

  3. What structures exist between mouth and anus? Graphic overview of alimentary canal

  4. What is the oral cavity and what does it do? Graphic overview of …

  5. What is the oral cavity and what does it do? Vestibule: space between cheeks, lips and gums Oral cavity proper:space within floor of mouth and roof (palate) permanent deciduous Ingestion (alternate routes) Mastication = chewingWhich type of digestion? Why?Accomplished via: cheeks, lips, tongue, teeth, jaws Types of teeth:IncisorsCaninesPremolarsMolars

  6. How do you masticate? Teeth embedded in:Alveoli in the Maxilla(upper jaw) & Mandible (lower jaw) Closing jaw =massetertemporalismedial pterygoids Opening jaw =lateral pterygoids

  7. How do you salivate? 3 paired glands:ParotidSubmandibularSublingual Scattered small tubular glands Secrete mucus, serous fluid and enzymes Endocrine or Exocrine?

  8. What can your palate do for you ? Hard and Soft palates Cleft lip/palate:congenital defect where embryonic tissues fail to fuse “Because I was different” by Don Bartlette

  9. How does food get from oral cavity to esophagus? Food formed into a bolus Pushed against hard palate by tongue Initiates swallowing reflex Pharyngeal muscles aid in pushing into esophagus Swallowing (deglutition) divided into 3 phases:1) voluntary2) pharyngeal3) esophageal Which of the pharynxes usually conduct food?

  10. What is the role of the esophagus? Conducting Tube ~ 12” in length 2 sphincters:upper esophageal lower esophageal or cardiac Generalized layers of alimentary canal 4 1 2 3

  11. What is the role of the enteric plexus? Nerve plexus allows local reflexes to be integrated independent of the CNS. Sensory neurons Motor neurons Interneurons 4 1 2 3

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