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INTRODUCTION • ."Here comes that dreamer!" they said to each other. "Come now, let's kill him and throw him into one of these cisterns and say that a ferocious animal devoured him. Then we'll see what comes of his dreams." Genesis 37: 18-20 • Genesis 50:20 "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." • The poorest person is not one without a cent in their pocket, but it is the person without a dream. A person without a dream believes only in what is seen, only what is immediate, only what one can put their hands on. This person may be a student, a truck driver, a banker, a college president, a clerk or a junk dealer - - their occupation doesn't matter. One of life's greatest tragedies is a person with a 10-by-12 capacity and a two-by-four soul. (Dr. Kenneth Hildebrand) It is like a prisoner in prison that has confined self to a 6-by-8 cell when he/she could be living on earth with no bars attached.
INTRODUCTION • Do you have a dream for your life? More importantly, is that dream a God-given dream? There is great difference in man made dream and God-given dreams. Man-made dreams will not stand the test of time and difficulties. A person without a God-given dream lacks depth and vision. Too many have planned all their lives to retire and failed to live that long. Only God can give you a worthwhile vision for your life. Through a study of God's Word you can develop a worthwhile vision for your life • There is a warning we must receive about our dreams. When you have a God-given vision, don't expect everyone to buy into it. Especially those who have rejected God's dream for their own lives. A God-given dream is very personal, and even those who do accept it will only understand it when it comes to fruition. In the meantime you are left to work out the details with little help from others.
JOSEPH THE DREAMER • Important points that helped Joseph to preserve and sustain his God given dream. • It started with humility. In the pit that is where Joseph started with the dream • Expect hatred but be prepared to work it out without compromise. Gen 37: 12-14 “I am ready to go”
HOW JOSEPH PRESRVED HIS DREAM • Fear God though you are alone with your dream. He never allowed himself to fall into the temptation that approached him from Potiphar’s house. I call this temptation a dignified temptation since is from the palace, just like temptations that fall upon the Christians in politics. Smart temptations that comes in the form of million rand, great cars, and massive Town houses and limit less allowances. • God was with Joseph. God must be with you to help you to fulfil the dream in your life. Being without any Hebrews, God was with Joseph. It started with Joseph to allow God in his life, it was not the efforts of God to be in the life of Joseph alone, but Joseph had to give in for God to dwell in his life. Thus the willingness to allow God to control you in all your situations will preserve the dream of God in your life.
HOW TO PRESERVE YOUR DREAM • Boldness is the way to preserve your dream. Joseph was a very bold dreamer. • His family totally turns their backs on him and he has to relocate. People that want to destroy your dream, you need to move away from them. We do not want to leave our love
HOW TO PRESERVE OUR DREAM ones but today we have moved away from them in order to be able to fulfil God’s call and dream in our lives. Jesus was sought after by his family and he answered by saying my Mother and my brothers and sisters are those who are doing the will of the Father in heaven. Not an easy statement to utter as you will be regarded as rude.
HOW TO PRESERVE MY DREAM • Joseph found favour in the eyes of pharaoh. God will allow his favour to shine upon you and it will be so visible that people will see. • God blessed the household of Joseph because of Joseph. Check your blessings and know that God is on your side. Blessings makes us to draw more power as we face any situation.
HOW TO PRESERVE YOUR DREAM • Remember when David was facing Goliath he looked back and draw strength from what God did for him and that experience propelled him to go forward to fulfil God’s dream in his life by killing Goliath the enemy of the people of God. • Potiphar saw that the hand of the Lord was with Joseph. God gave Joseph success in everything he did. God will always stand with those that are dreaming.
The person who cannot see the ultimate [real, final] becomes a slave to the immediate." Joseph never lost sight of the ultimate. His God-given dream sustained him in the moment. He was able to say, "Whatever comes I cannot sin against God." When you realize that God is all you have, you dare not turn your back on him when temptation comes. Even when temptation came form the big house Joseph never gave in. your dream will sustain you in difficult times.
HOW TO PRESERVE YOUR DREAMS • Joseph never allowed discouragement to kill the dream, thrown in jail for what he never did. • Allowing God to use you even it close difficult places in prison. The dream was visible and was able to set free prisoners.
HOW TO PRESERVE YOUR DREAM • Forgiveness and Joseph forgave his brothers unconditionally. "Come close to me." When they had done so, he said, "I am your brother Joseph, the one you sold into Egypt! And now, do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you. Genesis 45: 4-8. You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. So then, don't be afraid. I will provide for you and your children." And he reassured them and spoke kindly to them. Genesis 50: 20-21
HOW TO PRESERVE YOUR DREAM • Serving and Saving the nations and his own brothers. • From pit to throne was the climax of Joseph’s dream
CONCLUSION • A valuable dream challenges and attracts people. In the 1960s when JFK dreamed about putting a man on the moon, it was technologically and physically impossible at the time he voiced his dream. But that dream gave this nation direction and an energy to accomplish the dream. "Only he who sees the invisible can do the impossible."
CONCLUSION • A sociological study in which fifty people over the age of ninety-five were asked one question: "If you could live your life over again, what would you do differently?" it was an open-ended question, and a multiplicity of answers came from these eldest of senior citizens. However, three answers constantly re-emerged and dominated the results of the study. These three answers were:
CONCLUSION 1.If I had it to do over again, I would reflect more. 2. If I had it to do over again, I would risk more. 3. If I had it to do over again, I would do more things that would live on after I am dead.