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FANTASY GENRE. E GATS ENGLISH 2011. Unit overview L Literary text - Fantasy. Objectives/Outcomes Students write well-structured and well-presented literary texts for a wide range of purposes and audiences, dealing with complex topics, ideas, issues and language features.
Unit overviewL Literary text - Fantasy Objectives/Outcomes • Students write well-structured and well-presented literary texts for a wide range of purposes and audiences, dealing with complex topics, ideas, issues and language features. • They write well-structured sentences, effectively using a variety of grammatical features. • Students spell most common words accurately, and use a variety of strategies to spell less common words. • They use a fluent and legible style to write and employ computer technology to present written texts effectively in a variety of ways for different purposes and audiences. • Students evaluate the effectiveness of their writing by focusing on grammatical features and the conventions of writing.
Unit overview Content 1.What is Good Writing 2.Develop your own writing skills- Structure , Content ,Grammar Focus ,Grammar Terminology .BOS outcomes 3.What is Fantasy Writing 4.Fantasy Writing Ideas 5.Top Fantasy Books 6.Fantasy Fun – Activities to build language skills 7.Webquest – Amazing World of Fantasy 8.Major Assessment task.
Unit overview Assessment Tasks • Referring to any literary text you have read and enjoyed indicate how the author has used structure ,content, grammar focus and grammar terminology effectively. Write a paragraph on each element and place in your online folder under the heading assessment task 1. • After Reading What is Fantasy Writing and Fantasy Writing ideas complete some of the activities in ‘Guide To Dragons’ and Creative Writing Prompts’. • The Amazing World of Fantasy – • Task One: Explore the various hyperlinks, making a list of the various types of fantasy. Be sure to describe defining characteristics of each. Place your list in your folder • Task two: Look through the websites on popular fantasy novels and authors. Pick one book from the various lists to read . Indicate online the book you are reading. Share your thoughts as you read. • Task three: Write a two to three page reflection on the book that you chose. Be sure to include what elements in the book make it fantasy and a brief biography about the author of the book. • Task four: Take all that you have learned about the fantasy genre and make a PowerPoint presentation and submit it online. In your presentation be sure to include: •Your definitions for each type of fantasy. •An image and description of three fantasy novels. •A biography of at least one fantasy writer. 5. Task five [ Optional]:
What is Good Writing? • Ideas that are interesting and important. Ideas are the heart of the piece — what the writer is writing about and the information he or she chooses to write about it. • Organization that is logical and effective. Organization refers to the order of ideas and the way the writer moves from one idea to the next. • Voice that is individual and appropriate. Voice is how the writing feels to someone when they read it. Is it formal or casual? Is it friendly and inviting or reserved and standoffish? Voice is the expression of the writer's personality through words. • Word Choice that is specific and memorable. Good writing uses just the right words to say just the right things. • Sentence Fluency that is smooth and expressive. Fluent sentences are easy to understand and fun to read with expression. • Conventions that are correct and communicative. Conventions are the ways we all agree to use punctuation, spelling, grammar, and other things that make writing consistent and easy to read.
DEVELOP YOUR OWN WRITING SKILLS Structure Students should be encouraged to read and develop longer, well-structured narratives. They should learn how writers ‘position’ readers through thinking and feeling verbs, and the use of evaluative language to ‘read’ issues and themes emerging from the content of a narrative. Students should be encouraged to experiment with different techniques for writing narratives, eg changing point of view in different stages of the narrative; experimenting with different ways of organising the time sequence of events. These approaches to narrative writing are challenging and students will be best assisted if they approach them first through models and jointly constructed texts that have been carefully planned and researched. Students should be encouraged to write familiar narratives as drama scripts for performance. Again, jointly constructed texts will help students to work successfully with this approach. Students should be encouraged to reflect on techniques they have used to achieve goals. Students should also be encouraged to assess their use of the narrative structure in their own writing. Content Students should be encouraged to read, view and write narratives in a range of fields. They should be encouraged to explore the fields of narratives from a range of cultures and to consider how they help us learn about the values of different cultures. Researching new content areas will still be an important aspect of preparation for narrative writing.
Grammar Focus • Using word chains. • Using conjunctions and connectives to reorder events and create causal relationships between events, eg so, because, consequently. • Using the structure of the noun group to build descriptions, eg She had long black hair, which reached halfway down her back. • Using metaphors, idiom and personification in descriptions, eg She was a tower of strength (idiom); The warm rays of the sun stroked her face (personification). • Using complex sentences to build relationships of time, place, reason, manner, condition between the events of clauses, eg When she was alone in the house she heard a strange, creaking noise behind her; They decided to take shelter in the deserted house because the rain and hailstones were so heavy; If she could make somebody hear her by banging on the door she might have a chance of getting out of the room. • Changing the beginning focus of the clause, eg Behind her she heard a strange creaking noise; She heard a strange creaking noise behind her. Grammar Terminology • Students at this stage should be using terms such as: • word chains • structure of sentence, eg compound sentence, complex sentence • theme of the clause • Structure of clause, subject, verb, indirect object, object (syntax), doer, action, done to, receiver (meaning) • structure of noun group • metaphor • idiom • personification.
What is Fantasy Writing • In recent times, the term 'fantasy', when regarded as part of an individual genre, generally brings to mind tales of dragons and castles and knights in shining armor - but in truth, the genre as a whole encompasses so much more. • Arthurian Fantasy = Encompasses stories about King Arthur, the Knights of the Round Table or Merlin etc. Marion Zimmer Bradley's "Mists of Avalon" is a fine example of this sub-genre. • Comic Fantasy = Tales designed specifically as spoofs of other serious fantasies, or containing humorous elements to a light-hearted tale. Robert Asprin's 'Myth' series is a good example of this. • Dark Fantasy = Encompasses the nastier, grimmer side to the usual fun of the fantasy genre. Dark fantasy includes the nightmarish, darker side of magic, creatures, evil and demons • Epic Fantasy = Generally tales of a young nobody, thrown unexpectedly into a massive "Good vs. Evil" struggle, where he must learn to uncover his own latent heroism to save the day. Often also includes a "grail-finding" quest - regardless of whether the 'grail' is an icon, a person, a magical talisman or any other form of symbolic token. Usually involves a very large cast of characters and spans a vast area of a fantastical world. J.R.R. Tolkien is undoubtedly the father of this sub-genre, with his sweeping Lord of the Rings trilogy • Fairy Tales and Mythology = Fairy tales are not just for kids! The original versions of many fairy tales and myths were often violent stories set in mystical lands, sometimes with strange creatures and sometimes even stranger heroes • Heroic Fantasy = Fantastical worlds with an almost 'middle-ages' feel, peopled with wizards and sorcerers, communing with dragons and riding pet unicorns to tame a battalion of wild orcs and goblins. Heroes are generally muscle-bound sword-wielding types, determined to rescue a true damsel in distress. Magic is an accepted part of life, although the workings of such are usually left unexplained within this sub-genre. • High Fantasy = High Fantasy is the type of fantasy that most people expect when they regard 'fantasy' as a genre. Includes lords and ladies, medieval styles and settings, kingdoms and castles, and dragons and knights. High fantasy, while generally rooted in classical mythology and medieval European legends, focuses its themes on Good versus Evil. Sometimes called "Epic fantasy". Often plotted to encompass three or more books. • Magic Realism = Stories where magic is an accepted part of the system and of the culture. There must always be consequences to the use of magic, or involve some form of 'prop' to get the magic working, like an amulet, potion, talisman or incantation. Australian author, Ian Irvine, manages to combine several fantasy sub-genres into his massive four book series "The View From the Mirror". Most notably, though, his use of 'magic realism' and the nasty consequences that come from its use give his characters an extra dimension that makes the series truly worth reading. • Modern Fantasy = Tales of magic and wonder set in modern times • Sword and Sorcery = Good old-fashioned 'Sword & Sworcery'. Rollicking tales of high adventure in almost medieval settings. Designed to follow the exploits of the 'hero' as he battles to overcome all the bad guys by use of his trusty sword and some really huge muscles. Robert E. Howard brought about the rise in popularity of this sub-genre with his creation of 'Conan: The Barbarian'
Fantasy Writing Ideas • Play on your strengths. • What is it you love about Fantasy? And I mean REALLY love about fantasy? Is it the quirky and different landscapes and settings? The characters? The creatures? The unique traditions? The adventure and action? The prophetic mysteries? What ever it is you specifically love about the genre is your strongest area in finding story ideas. The only thing to remember is that, in order to generate a valuable idea there needs to be disharmony. Conflict is the keyword. Whether it’s conflict within a character or cultures or both, make sure it’s there. • Play on your weaknesses • What was the most embarrassing moment of your live (or that you’ve seen)? Why was it embarrassing? What was the most saddest moment of your live (or that you’ve seen)? Why was it sad? What was the most cringe-worthy and why? What was the moment funniest and why? Use your experiences to analyse human behaviour and why those situations generated those specific emotions. Anyone involved in those situations would have reacted to it differently but in line with their own mindset, understanding and experience. The bottom line is: every one’s experiences colours their actions and thoughts in certain situations. It’s the conflict that those different colourings can bring about that may help generate story ideas. • Mum, I’d like you to meet… • Another way to generate story ideas is to think about someone from our world (could be someone you know) and tie them to a place, character, prophecy or whatever it is you’ve created from your place of strength. And see what happens. Try not to be too obvious by choosing opposites. There needs to be conflict but it may not happen straight away. For example I have a friend who is always acquiring new gadgets and items to try and make his life easier in a variety of ways like, a special bag that he can use on his bike where the weight is distributed in a special way. Or a certain type of glove that will keep the heat out but allow him to move the dial on his Ipod. Or a specific way of organising his books so he can see all of the same type when he’s in the mood to read. He is quite insistent that all of these things are important. Now this kind of picky trait is great, but only coupled with his sense of logic. If he was to be paired with a world, setting or character that had a different sense of logic, how would that play out? • Making it fantastic • In order to make your story ideas unique you must make it relevant and unique to your fantasy setting. Of course the whole good vs evil thing is generic, but the specifics of your main conflict (and resolution) should be inherent to your fantasy world. This is why it is important that you spend time developing in your area of strength. The more defined and unique your world/characters/traditions are, the more scope you have to finding a unique problem or conflict.
TOP FANTASY BOOKS • J R R Tolkien Lord of the Rings 1954 • J K Rowling Harry Potter Series 1997 • J R R Tolkien The Hobbit 1937 • Robert Jordan Wheel of Time Series 1990 • George R R Martin A Song of Ice & Fire 1996 • C S Lewis The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe [S2] 1950 • David Eddings The Belgariad Series 1982 • Terry Goodkind Wizard's First Rule [S1] 1994 • Raymond E Feist Magician [S1] 1982 • Philip Pullman His Dark Materials Trilogy 1995 • Christopher PaoliniEragon [S1] 2002 • Terry Brooks The Sword of Shannara [S1] 1977 • Robin Hobb The Farseer Trilogy 1995 • Ursula K Le Guin A Wizard of Earthsea [S1] 1968 • R A Salvatore Dark Elf Trilogy 1990 • J R R Tolkien The Silmarillion 1977 • Stephen King The Dark Tower Series 1982 • Weis & Hickman Dragonlance Chronicles 1984 • Roger Zelazny The Chronicles of Amber 1970 • Terry Pratchett The Colour of Magic [S1] 1983 • Richard Adams Watership Down 1972 • Lewis Carroll Alice's Adventures In Wonderland 1865 • Stephen Donaldson Thomas Covenant - The Unbeliever 1977 • Neil Gaiman American Gods 2001 • Stephenie Meyer Twilight 2005 • William Goldman The Princess Bride 1973 • EoinColfer Artemis Fowl 2001 • Madeleine L'Engle A Wrinkle In Time 1962
FANTASY FUN http://bogglesworldesl.com/guidetodragons.htm http://bogglesworldesl.com/creativewriting.htm
The Amazing Worlds of Fantasy • www.zunal.com/webquest.php?w=60210
FINAL ASSESSMENT TASK Optional Assignment • students are asked to write a fantasy of their own. • You are provided an assignment framework to help you organize and understand the requirements of the task. . This checklist can be used not just for self-evaluation, but also for use in peer editing. Both of these are in addition to providing the rubric that will be used in evaluation . FANTASY REQUIREMENTS SETTING • Your fantasy must have a vivid setting. Remember, setting is not just where the story takes place, but when as well. CHARACTERS • Your fantasy must have at least three characters. Remember, it is important to make your characters memorable. Use lots of vivid words to make your characters come to life! PLOT • Your fantasy must have a beginning, middle, and end. Remember that having a conflict (problem) in your story and a resolution (solution to the problem) will help you develop your beginning, middle, and end. FANTASY • There are at least two elements of fantasy in this story. Remember, fantasy means it is something that could not possibly happen in the “real world”. happen in the “real world”. FANTASY CHECKLIST • Your assignment is not complete unless you can check “yes” for each question. • The fantasy has a solid setting. It is clear where and when this fantasy takes place. The setting is vivid. You can picture where and when the fantasy takes place. (It gives you a clear mental picture.) • There are three characters in this fantasy. All three characters are bold, vivid characters. You can picture them in your mind and easily describe them. The fantasy has a beginning, middle, and end. It flows and is not confusing. • This fantasy has a clear conflict. This fantasy has a clear resolution. There are at least two • elements of fantasy in this story. Answer the following questions about the fantasy.
What is the setting for this fantasy? Where and when does this story take place? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • Who are the three characters in this fantasy? Write the name of the character on the first line and then a brief description of the character on the lines that follow. • _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ • _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • Briefly describe the conflict in this fantasy. • _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • ________________________________________________________________________ • Briefly describe the resolution in this fantasy. • _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • ________________________________________________________________________ • What are two elements of fantasy in this story? • 1. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • __________________________________________________________________ • 2. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • _______________________________________________________________