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Ovarian Cancer III. The Patient. 病歷號碼: 0004842134 姓名:張林素真 身分證號: G201044041 床號: 53603 出生日期: 043/01/02 性別:女 入院日期: 094/05/06 年齡: 51. Chief Complaint. Fullness of abdomen sensation. History or Present Illness. Noted abdominal distention for about one month.
The Patient • 病歷號碼:0004842134 • 姓名:張林素真 • 身分證號:G201044041 • 床號:53603 • 出生日期:043/01/02 • 性別:女 • 入院日期:094/05/06 • 年齡:51
Chief Complaint • Fullness of abdomen sensation
History or Present Illness • Noted abdominal distention for about one month. • She also noted frequency of urination • Assuming that the feeling of fullness of abdomen was due to IUD (since 1997), she visited Dr. Chang's OPD and requested removal of the IUD • She underwent an abdominal ultrasound which revealed bilateral ovarian tumor and ascites
Continued HPI • CT scan and was arranged to evaluate the extent of the disease. • CT, done on 5/4, showed a • 6.7x3.4 cm solid mass over right adnexa • 4cm soft tissue shadow over left adnexa • Massive ascites • Peritoneal seeding • 2 cm liver tumor
Continued HPI • Tumor markers were also determined. • Serum CA125 = 2288 U/ml • Serum CEA = 0.5 ng/ml • Diagnosis: Ovarian malignancy • She was advised surgery. Patient consented. • Therefore, she was admitted for further management.
Past History • 1.Asthma for 10+ years • 2.Cigarette smoking: Nil; Alcoholic drinking: Nil • 3.Previous op. history: Nil • 4.allergy: nil
Gynecology History • G3P3, menopause at 48 y/o • IUD was inserted in 1997 and removed on 2005/5/
Physical Exam • Vital sign: stable • HEENT: pink conjunctiva, anicteric sclera, no lymphadenopathy • Chest: clear breath sounds • Heart:RHB • Abd: soft, distended, AC 85 cm • normoactive bowel sound • shifting dullness: (+) • (+) direct tenderness • Extremities: no pitting edema
Pelvic Exam • Uterus non-palpable • Bilateral adnexa palpable , enlarged, solid • Vaginal discharge minimal • Cervix (-) erosions
Laboratory • 94-05-06 • Hb12.6 Ht38.6 RBC4.20 WBC6.57 Neut. Seg53.9 Lympho S.32.9 Mono.10.8 Eos.2.1 Baso.0.3 MCV91.9 MCH30.0 MCHC32.6 PLT.283 PT.11.8 PT. control11.4 INR1.08 P.T.T.26.8 P.T.T. control30.6 • 94-05-06 • Na140meq/L K2.9meq/L(L) Ca8.1mg/dl(L) Cl107meq/L Glu.149mg/dl(H) B.U.N14mg/dl G.O.T.24I.U./L G.P.T.17I.U./L Cr.1.1mg/dl
Course in the Ward • 94.5.6: She was admitted and prepared for surgery • 94.5.7: Underwent surgery: laparotomy
OP Findings • Bilateral ovarian tumor with papillary lesions • (+) tumor seeding on the rectum, uterus and bilateral infundibulopelvic ligament • Ascites of 1300 cc (20 cc sent for cytology exam) • (+) Omental cake • (+) Tumor on omentum invade the superficial lining of the transverse colon • Estimated blood loss 300 cc
Surgical procedure • Optimal Debulking Surgery: • ATH + BSO • Omentectomy • Bilateral Pelvic Lymph Node Dissection
Final Diagnosis • Ovarian Cancer IIIc
Ovarian Cancer Staging • Stage I - Growth of tumor limited to the ovaries • Stage II - Growth of tumor in one or both ovaries • Stage III - Tumor involving one or both ovaries with peritoneal implants outside the pelvis and/or positive retroperitoneal or inguinal lymph nodes. Superficial liver metastasis equals stage III. • Stage IV - Growth involving one or both ovaries with distant metastases. If pleural effusion is present there must be positive cytology to allot a case to stage IV. Tumor spread inside the liver, equals stage IV. • Recurrent/Refractory - Recurrence means that the tumor has returned after initial therapy. Refractory means that the tumor fails to respond to initial treatment.
Ovarian Cancer Staging • Stage III Tumor involving one or both ovaries with peritoneal implants outside the pelvis and/or positive retroperitoneal or inguinal nodes. Superficial liver metastasis equals Stage III. Tumor is limited to the true pelvis but with histologically proven malignant extension to small bowel or omentrum. • IIIA Tumor grossly limited to the true pelvis with negative nodes but with histologically confirmed microscopic seeding of abdominal peritoneal surfaces • IIIB Tumor of one or both ovaries with histologically confirmed implants of abdominal peritoneal surfaces, none exceeding 2 cm in diameter; nodes are negative • IIIC Abdominal implants greater than 2 cm in diameter and/or positive retroperitoneal or inguinal nodes.
Treatment of Stage III • Surgery has been used as a therapeuticmodality and also to adequately stage the disease. • Surgery should include total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy with omentectomy and debulking of as much gross tumor as can safely be performed. • The volume of disease left at the completion of the primary surgical procedure is related to patient survival
Optimal vs. Suboptimal Cytoreduction • A literature review showed that patients with optimal cytoreduction had median survival of 39 months compared with survival of only 17 months in patients with suboptimal residual disease Hoskins WJ: Surgical staging and cytoreductive surgery of epithelial ovarian cancer. Cancer 71 (4 Suppl): 1534-40, 1993.
INTRAPERITONEAL REGIMENS • The use of IP cisplatin as part of the initial up-front approach in stage III optimally-debulked ovarian cancer is supported by the results of 3 randomized clinical trials. • In all 3 studies superior progression-free survival was documented favoring IP, and in the 2 fully reported to date, the overall survival was also significantly better in the IP. Alberts DS, Markman M, Armstrong D, et al.: Intraperitoneal therapy for stage III ovarian cancer: a therapy whose time has come! J Clin Oncol 20 (19): 3944-6, 2002 • IP therapy has not been routinely adopted, in part because of issues relating to greater toxicity and inconvenience
IP Chemotherapy • This study has demonstrated the feasibility, moderate toxicity and efficacy of first-line intraperitoneal paclitaxel-cisplatin chemotherapy. Zylberberg B, Dormont D, Madelenat P, Darai E.First-line intraperitoneal cisplatin-paclitaxel and intravenous ifosfamide in Stage IIIc ovarian epithelial cancer. Eur J Gynaecol Oncol. 2004;25(3):327-32.
CHEMOTHERAPY • First-line chemotherapy has been built on 2 premises supported by retrospective analyses and consecutive clinical trials by cooperative groups: • 1. PLATINUM COMPOUNDS, UP TO AN “OPTIMAL DOSE-INTENSITY,” REPRESENT THE CORE OF THE TREATMENT (E.G., PLATINUM-BASED CHEMOTHERAPY). • 2. CISPLATIN AND CARBOPLATIN YIELD EQUIVALENT RESULTS
Radiotherapy • Consolidation with radiation therapy did not yield improved results in randomized trials following platinum-based chemotherapy. Fuks Z, Rizel S, Biran S: Chemotherapeutic and surgical induction of pathological complete remission and whole abdominal irradiation for consolidation does not enhance the cure of stage III ovarian carcinoma. J Clin Oncol 6 (3): 509-16, 1988