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Multi-User Publishing Environment (MUPE) for Mobile Games

MUPE is a platform for rapid development of mobile multiplayer games with public displays. It optimizes wireless networks, minimizes data traffic, and enables dynamic content. Develop applications easily with Java and XML.

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Multi-User Publishing Environment (MUPE) for Mobile Games

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  1. Public Displays and Private Mobile Phone Displays in Multiplayer Games Riku SuomelaNokia Research Center

  2. Presentation Introduction To Multi-User Publishing Environment (MUPE) Public displays Public displays and MUPE Games made with a public display Conclusions

  3. 1. Multi-User Publishing Environment Application Platform

  4. MUPE – Multi-User Publishing Environment MUPE is an application platform for rapid development of (mobile) multi-user context-aware applications and services All parts of MUPE are written in Java (J2ME in clients) Everything is available under the Nokia Open Source license 1.0 MUPE server contains a virtual world, that is extended for each application Scripted client UI script language – one client for all applications Context information is added to the system from user clients, or from an external producer in the network Links: http://www.mupe.net http://www.mupedev.org

  5. Key Features Optimised for the wireless networks Minimized network data traffic (data compression) – compulsory for services whose price depends of it Optimised graphics (download at connection) Dynamic content Persistent content – all content is serialized Only server side application programming needed – client is always the same. Support for camera, sound, video with MMAPI Public display support Context-awareness both on client and server side

  6. 2. MUPE Technology

  7. MUPE Application Platform Overview Wireless network Client MUPE Core MUPE Server End-user devices:mobile phoneswith J2ME Middleware:connections MUPE application functionality Context External producers

  8. MUPE in more detail Connection middleware Client Client Manager World Manager MUPE Server Client Client Manager Client Client Manager Client Wireless connection Internet Context Manager MUPE MUPE MUPE Context producer Context producer Context producer

  9. MUPE Server Structure Parser AbstractWorld 1 * Base contains 1 World * 1 1 * BaseExtensions owned by 0..1 Room Service Item User Messaging- Service Grouping- Service Message Group ContextManager

  10. MUPE Application Programming Java(J2SE) XML DYNAMIC: Application logic STATIC: UI & Interaction UI is created with XML Client functionality and UI are created with XML scripts Only server side programming is needed, no J2ME programming Server uses Java and XML files to create the mobile UI Static XML files can be modified to change the UI at runtime  A mobile UI can be created without recompilations

  11. Example client UI: Tilemap <tilemapui='game_canvas'id='map'x='16'y='16'rows='9'columns='9'tilewidth='16'tileheight='16'bgcolor='white'opaque='true'><i_addtileresource='res_tile'/> <i_addtileresource='res_forest'/> <i_rowindex='0'data='0,0,0,_,_,_,0,0,0'/><i_rowindex='1'data='0,1,1,_,_,_,1,1,0'/><i_rowindex='2'data='0,1,1,_,_,_,1,1,0'/><i_rowindex='3'data='_,_,_,_,0,_,_,_,_'/> <i_rowindex='4'data='_,_,_,0,1,0,_,_,_'/> <i_rowindex='5'data='_,_,_,_,0,_,_,_,_'/> <i_rowindex='6'data='0,1,1,_,_,_,1,1,0'/> <i_rowindex='7'data='0,1,1,_,_,_,1,1,0'/> <i_rowindex='8'data='0,0,0,_,_,_,0,0,0'/></tilemap>

  12. MUPE game examples

  13. 3. Motivation for public displays

  14. Public displays are everywhere Stations, shops, cafes, restaurants, sporting events, lobbies, etc. have public displays. The displays provide information, entertainment, advertisements, etc. These displays could be used to extend mobile applications in mobile phones. IMPORTANT: Public displays are still viewed by spectators.

  15. Design for public display: information distribution Main design drivers: public information and asymmetric information . Mobile phones have private information. Public displays serve all who are viewing. The information is asymmetric.

  16. 4. Public displays and MUPE

  17. Public displays in MUPE Wireless network Option #2 Option #1 Public Display Client Client MUPE Core MUPE Server Public Display in Server End-user devices:mobile phoneswith J2ME Middleware:connections MUPE application functionality Context External producers

  18. Public display client is better If the public display is an extension to the server, the server needs to be connected to the display – only one display can be used easily. In addition, each application requires its own server. Public display client allows any number of displays to connect to the application they choose.

  19. 5. Games with Public Displays

  20. Racing Manager Mobile phone controls two cars: 2 petrol gauges, and 2 pit stop buttons. Technology: single public display in MUPE server – game must be played at the server location.

  21. Key Learnings This game was quite suitable for the public display. Something was all the time happening on the public display (the continuous race). The private screen also had relevant information, which had an effect on the user’s strategy. Both the players and spectators were able to view the state of the game all the time. The game did not require the players to constantly switch from the private screen to the public screen, so it was not too stressful to use. BUT: No mobility – not a mobile game.

  22. Bizarre Creatures Mobile phone UI: Select creature, move it on screen, select action (text based) Technology: single public display in MUPE server – game must be played at the server location.

  23. Key Learnings This game was found not to be suitable for the public display. The public display is mainly meant for the players, and the spectators did not get too much out of the game. The players are required to select creatures first by looking at the small display, and then at the large display, and a lot of switching between the screens was needed. Slow paced. IN ADDITION: No mobility – not a mobile game.

  24. FirstStrike Technology: Public display a client, many public displays allowed – this game has been played in many locations.

  25. Key Learnings The game is suitable for public displays. The interaction in this game is quite suitable for the public display, since there is not too much switching. The game is fast paced, as a typical game lasts for approximately five minutes. The turns last for 10 seconds, so there is a lot of action going on in the screen. This is a mobile game – the public display adds to the game, and is not a requirement. Public display adds value: Game tactics change, player photos make the game more personal, more social interaction?

  26. 6. Conclusions

  27. Conclusions Both displays should be used, and for different purposes. Public display is for all, private only for a player. Switching between the two displays should be limited. If the players need to constantly switch between which of the two displays they are viewing, this becomes strenuous. Spectators. If only the players know what is going on in the game, there is no real spectator value, and the public display only serves the players. Make mobile games. Mobile phones require mobile games, the games should not require the public display.

  28. Future Work FirstStrike has been evaluated, and the results are being published now. New kinds of public display games are in production. MUPE is being developed further in many areas.

  29. Thank You Contact: riku.suomela@nokia.com MUPE website: http://www.mupe.net MUPE developer forums: http://www.mupedev.org/ Nomadic Media: http://www.hitech-projects.com/euprojects/nomadic-media/index.htm Contributors: Timo Nummenmaa, Eero Räsänen, Ari Koivisto, Jouka Mattila, Timo Koskinen, and many others

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