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Percentages, Decimals, & Fractions

Percentages, Decimals, & Fractions. 5 th Grade Mathematics By: Rebecca Farrell. Click the arrows to go to the Main Menu. Click on each math operation to learn about them:. Percent. Percent to Fraction. Fraction. Decimal. Fraction to Decimal. Fraction to Percent. Decimal to Percent.

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Percentages, Decimals, & Fractions

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  1. Percentages, Decimals, & Fractions 5th Grade Mathematics By: Rebecca Farrell Click the arrows to go to the Main Menu.

  2. Click on each math operation to learn about them: Percent Percent to Fraction Fraction Decimal Fraction to Decimal Fraction to Percent Decimal to Percent Percent to Decimal Review Question

  3. Percent • Percent means “parts per a hundred”. • Shown with the symbol %. • The whole of something is always 100%. Example: 34 is what percent of 92? • Divide 34 by 92 and multiply that answer by 100. • Round the number according to the directions (nearest whole number). • 34÷92 x 100 = 37% Click to return to the Main Menu.

  4. Fraction • Represents parts of a whole or equal parts. • A fraction consists of a numerator (the top number), a fraction bar (that separates the two numbers), and a dominator (the bottom number). Examples: 3, 1, 5 4 2 6 Click to return to the Main Menu.

  5. Decimal • Based on the number 10. • Contains a decimal point. • Can move the decimal point to both the left and right to make the number smaller or larger. Click to return to the Main Menu.

  6. Fraction to Percent • Divide the numerator by the dominator. • Multiply the answer by 100. • Round the number according to the directions (nearest whole number). Example: Convert 5/7 to a percent. 5÷7 x 100 = 71% Click to return to the Main Menu.

  7. Percent to Fraction • Remove % sign. • Make a fraction with the percent as the numerator and 100 as the dominator. • Reduce if needed. Example: Covert 64% to a fraction. 64 = 16 100 25 Click to return to the Main Menu.

  8. Decimal to Percent • Multiply decimal by 100. • Add a percent sign after the answer. Example: .36 x 100 = 36% .584 x 100 = 58.4% Click to return to the Main Menu.

  9. Percent to Decimal • Divide the percent by 100. • Simplify answer if necessary. Example: 41% ÷ 100 = .41 26.9% ÷ 100 = .269 Click to return to the Main Menu.

  10. Fraction to Decimal • Divide the numerator of the fraction by the denominator. • Round the answer according to the directions. Examples: (Round to nearest tenth.) 4/9 = 4 ÷ 9 = 0.4 6/8 = 6 ÷ 8 = 0.75 = 0.8 Click to return to the Main Menu.

  11. Review Question • Convert 7 to a percent. 21 • 0.333 % • 300 % • 33.3 %

  12. 0.333% is not correct. • Did you forget to move the decimal place? • Why don’t you go back and try again. • Remember to check your math!! Return to question.

  13. 300% is not correct. • Did you divide upside down? • Why don’t you go back and try again. • Remember to check your math!! Return to question.

  14. Correct • 33.3% is correct! • Good job!!

  15. Congratulations!! • You have completed the lesson on Percentages, Decimals, & Fractions. • Click on the image to return to the title slide for the next student.

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