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WAR DRIVES DEBT; DEBT DRIVES WAR. Reasons to Kill: Why Americans Choose War , Richard Rubenstein,2010 Rogue State and Killing Hope — William Blum http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_United_States_military_operations
Reasons to Kill: Why Americans Choose War, Richard Rubenstein,2010 Rogue State and Killing Hope — William Blum http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_United_States_military_operations http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/usinterventionism.html?q=usinterventionism.html
Bank of England …original Subscribers of the said Sum of Twelve Hundred Thousand Pounds so subscribed, … shall have, or be entitled to any Part, Share, or Interest of or in the Principal or Capital Stock of the said Corporation, or the said yearly Fond of One Hundred Thousand Pounds, granted by the said Act of Parliament,…—Charter B of E William III (of Orange) (1650 – 1702)
Amer. war Access. Wm. III 7 yrs. war 1600 1700 1800 An Inquiry into the Permanent Causes of the Decline and Fall of Powerful and Wealthy Nations — William Playfair, 1805
First Bank of the United States Founded 1791 Permanent address completed in 1797
1791 – 2012(non-linear) U. S. Treasury Historical Debt Outstanding 1E+12 1E+9 1E+9 1E+6 1E+6
1791 – 2012(non-linear) WW II WW I 1E+12 Civil War Mex. Amer. War War of 1812 1E+9 1E+9 1E+6 1E+6 U. S. Treasury Historical Debt Outstanding
End of 1st Bank End of 2nd Bank WAR OF 1812 1791 - 1840 U. S. Treasury Historical Debt Outstanding
Mex. Amer. War U. S. Treasury Historical Debt Outstanding
Civil War U. S. Treasury Historical Debt Outstanding
Spanish American War U. S. Treasury Historical Debt Outstanding
1913 -1939 WWI U. S. Treasury Historical Debt Outstanding
WWII U. S. Treasury Historical Debt Outstanding
ACCUMULATED WAR DEBT thru WWII War of 1812 Mexican American War 01/01/1816 127,334,933.74 07/01/1849 63,061,858.69 01/01/1812 45,209,737.90 07/01/1845 15,925,303.01 82,125,195.84 47,136,555.68 Civil War Spanish American War 07/01/1866 2,773,236,173.69 07/01/1900 2,136,961,091.67 07/01/1860 64,842,287.88 07/01/1898 1,796,531,995.90 2,708,393,885.81 340,429,095.77 WWI WWII 07/01/1919 27,390,970,113.12 06/28/1946 269,422,099,173.26 07/01/1913 2,916,204,913.66 06/30/1939 40,439,532,411.11 24,474,765,199.46 228,982,566,762.15 82,125,195.84 47,136,555.68 2,708,393,885.81 340,429,095.77 24,474,765,199.46 228,982,566,762.15 $256,553,291,498.87 U. S. Treasury Historical Debt Outstanding
Korean War Viet Nam War U. S. Treasury Historical Debt Outstanding
Dollars Kosovo Desert Storm Continuous war
In the long run, we are all dead. John Maynard Keynes 1883 - 1946
Memories of 1937, when concern for a balanced budget had led to both tax increases and expenditure reductions at a time when the unemployment rate, while declining, was still very high, were still strong. That action subsequently was viewed widely as the reason for the 1937 – 1938 contraction and the persistence of depression conditions until the onset of World War II stimulated spending and led to previously unmatched budgetary deficits. — The Rediscovery of the Business Cycle, 1978 Paul A. Volcker, former Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors.
…we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. — “Farewell Address”, 1961 Dwight David Eisenhower, 34th U. S. President
…we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the [financial]-military-industrial complex. — “Farewell Address”, 1961 Dwight David Eisenhower, 34th U. S. President
Viet Nam War Kosovo Continuous War Korean War Desert Storm U. S. Treasury Historical Debt Outstanding
FEATURES OF MILITARISM AS POLITICAL ECONOMY • Must have enemies and will create them.
FEATURES OF MILITARISM AS POLITICAL ECONOMY • Must have enemies and will create them. • Military professionals need war on their résumés.
FEATURES OF MILITARISM AS POLITICAL ECONOMY • Must have enemies and will create them. • Military professionals need war on their résumés. • War production creates millions of jobs, military and civilian.
FEATURES OF MILITARISM AS POLITICAL ECONOMY • Must have enemies and will create them. • Military professionals need war on their résumés. • War production creates millions of jobs, military and civilian. • War contracts are pork barrel for Congresspersons.
FEATURES OF MILITARISM AS POLITICAL ECONOMY • Must have enemies and will create them. • Military professionals need war on their résumés. • War production creates millions of jobs, military and civilian. • War contracts are pork barrel for Congresspersons. • War profits support campaign contributions (bribes).
FEATURES OF MILITARISM AS POLITICAL ECONOMY • Must have enemies and will create them. • Military professionals need war on their résumés. • War production creates millions of jobs, military and civilian. • War contracts are pork barrel for Congresspersons. • War profits support campaign contributions (bribes). • Military research contracts corrupt educational institutions.
FEATURES OF MILITARISM AS POLITICAL ECONOMY • Must have enemies and will create them. • Military professionals need war on their résumés. • War production creates millions of jobs, military and civilian. • War contracts are pork barrel for Congresspersons. • War profits support campaign contributions (bribes). • Military research contracts corrupt educational institutions. • Deficit spending is more palatable in war emergency.
FEATURES OF MILITARISM AS POLITICAL ECONOMY • Must have enemies and will create them. • Military professionals need war on their résumés. • War production creates millions of jobs, military and civilian. • War contracts are pork barrel for Congresspersons. • War profits support campaign contributions (bribes). • Military research contracts corrupt educational institutions. • Deficit spending is more palatable in war emergency. • Deficit spending on war keeps unsustainable economy going.
FEATURES OF MILITARISM AS POLITICAL ECONOMY • Must have enemies and will create them. • Military professionals need war on their résumés. • War production creates millions of jobs, military and civilian. • War contracts are pork barrel for Congresspersons. • War profits support campaign contributions (bribes). • Military research contracts corrupt educational institutions. • Deficit spending is more palatable in war emergency. • Deficit spending on war keeps unsustainable economy going. • Military suppliers own media.
INTEREST EXPENSE Available Historical Data Fiscal Year End 2012……. $359,796,008,919.49 2011……. $454,393,280,417.03 2010……. $413,954,825,362.17 2009……. $383,071,060,815.42 Interest Expense Fiscal Year 2013 June ………………….. $93,031,790,187.97 May ………………….. $24,378,480,861.09 April ………………….. $35,951,751,963.63 March ……………….. $23,472,400,737.30 February …………… $16,901,310,565.17 January …………….. $17,816,590,831.57 December …………. $95,736,594,801.52 November …………. $25,068,968,472.99 October …………….. $12,922,741,407.27 Fiscal Year Total .. $345,280,629,828.51 Total interest this page… $1.9564 trillion U. S. Treasury website 07-13-2013
$56.999 trillion $56.999 + (intragovernmental debt)$4.814 = $61.813 trillion Federal Reserve Bulletin 07-13-2013
RECESSIONS Continuing poor economy U. S. Treasury Historical Debt Outstanding