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Tools. To Stop Tobacco Habit. “It should be the function of Medicine to have people die young as late as possible” - Ernst L. Wynder MD No regrets No pain. How Does cancer develop?. Act of Commission Act of Omission. Smoking Alcoholism Both. Act of Commission. Tobacco Fact sheet.
Tools To Stop Tobacco Habit
“It should be the function of Medicine to have people die young as late as possible” - Ernst L. Wynder MD • No regrets • No pain
How Does cancer develop? Act of Commission Act of Omission
Smoking • Alcoholism • Both Act of Commission
Tobacco Fact sheet • 4700 chemicals in tobacco • Arsenic, acetone, ammonia, cadmium, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde • At least 43 are known to cause cancer • Diseases caused – Gum disease, hairy tongue, submucous fibrosis, emphysema, heart disease, cancer etc. • 5000 people begin to smoke everyday • 90 Indians die every hour due to tobacco • India highest rate of oral cancer in the world • Cost of each cigarette/gutkha is Rs. 180/= (RD 1packet/day*20 years – 4 lakhs, Tmt. – 5 lakhs, loss of income @50,000/mo. *20 years)
Smoking also increases the risk of over a dozen other cancers including cancers of the mouth, larynx (voice box), oesophagus (food pipe), liver, pancreas, stomach, kidney, bladder and cervix, as well as some types of leukaemia. Act of Commission
Stop Tobacco Use – Tools A. Psychological Methods 1 • Be supportive& respectful, it is hard to stop using tobacco • Take it out of sphere of fashion • Admit the addiction • De-addiction programme
Stop Tobacco Use – Tools A. Psychological Methods 2 Creative Visualization
Mind Power the Subconcious Mind Visualize, Act & Attract Aspirations Success & riches Final achievement Being lucky Money and wealth Health and healing House and garden Owning a new car Traveling abroad Better job and pay Gold and diamonds Prosperity & property Conquests Looking healthy Looking normal Quitting smoking Looking slim Mended-relationships Values Peace & sharpness Faith & Acceptance Winning & Tenacity Affection Looking good Love & Altruism Relaxation Relationship Tolerance Being practical
Steps of Creative Visualization Step 1: Think good (clean slate) Step 2: Imagine Quitting Smoking Step 3: Leave the past & Believe that the situation is possible Step 4:Repeat the scene in the mind at every time you smoke/or get the urge to smoke (attract) Step 5: Keep the mind open for the opportunities that develop Step 6:Act by cutting down/stopping Step 7: Repeat the above steps. Method is something similar to mountaineering. You need to anchor to a good spot above and pull yourself up.
Stop Tobacco Use – Tools B. Physical Methods • Get Addicted to a good habit Fundamental Law: Protective factors promote positive behaviours and inhibit risk behaviours Fibre Raw Variety Colours
Good Habit effect “Carrot for cigarette”
Stop Tobacco Use – Tools B Physical Methods 2. • 20 minutes a day 4 times a week • Feel like smoking? Instead, take a walk
Stop Tobacco Use – Tools Most potent Tool C. Incentive of “Family”
UICC Initiative Children and second-hand smoke exposure • Second-hand smoke (SHS), also known as environmental tobacco smoke, consists of both the smoke that is exhaled from the lungs of smokers and the smoke that is given off by a burning tobacco product between puffs. • Only 100% smoke-free environments protect your children • Even brief exposures can be harmful. • A single cigarette smoked in a room with poor ventilation generates much higher concentrations of toxic substances in the air than normal, everyday activities in a city.
UICC Initiative Children and second-hand smoke exposure • The air quality found inside a car with someone smoking is similar to or worse than the air quality found in smoky pubs. • Exposure to second-hand smoke in children increases risk of: Low birth weight Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Ear infections Poor lung development Bronchitis and pneumonia Asthma, cough, and wheeze • Being exposed to second-hand smoke as a child may lead to respiratory problems later in life.
UICC Initiative Children and second-hand smoke exposure • Even if smoking is banned in all public places, this approach will not protect children from second-hand smoke in the home. • Exposure in the home is the most important source of exposure to second-hand smoke for young children. • Educational efforts that warn smokers about the harmful effects of second-hand smoke and smoking while pregnant can influence the behavior of parents and help to quit smoking. • Demand all indoor public places to be 100% smoke-free.
UICC Initiative “Medicine is the only profession that labours incessantly to destroy the reason for its existence.” - James Bryce Thank you