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l/o: improve our speaking answers using proF

l/o: improve our speaking answers using proF. À la une . P – vert R – rose O – orange. Highlight examples of these in your answers. What is missing?. F pour Futur. F pour Futur. How can we improve the basic sentences?. Think pROf … Je vais aller au cinema

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l/o: improve our speaking answers using proF

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Presentation Transcript

  1. l/o: improve our speaking answers using proF

  2. À la une. • P – vert • R – rose • O – orange Highlight examples of these in your answers. What is missing?

  3. F pour Futur

  4. F pour Futur

  5. How can we improve the basic sentences? • Think pROf… • Je vaisaller au cinema • Je vaisregarder un match de foot • Mescopains et moiallonsaller en ville Beyond C Mix tenses… Nous allonsaller au cinema et nous allonsregarder un film de Tim Burton. Àmonavis Tim Burton estsuperbeparcequeses films sonttrèspassionants.

  6. A toi • Go back to your prepared answers. • Where can you add future tense sentences? C Remember the grade improvers! <Intensifiers Connectives/Sequencers> pas assez de beaucoup de trop de un peu très assez et mais aussi D’abord Puis Finalement Après

  7. Rate your answer… • Choose one answer to copy out. • Make any changes I have suggested. • AA – adjective! • WO – word order! • G – Gender • SP – Spelling • Rate your answer out of 4 based on PROF. P.26 can be used to check spelling If not a perfect 4, what can you add? Perfect? Rate the others!

  8. Predict your learning… • You had the vocab… • You built the answers… • What next? 26 hours until task released! 6 days, 20 hours until the first speaking test!

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