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2011 HUD NOFA EXHIBIT 2 TRAINING September 19, 2011

2011 HUD NOFA EXHIBIT 2 TRAINING September 19, 2011. Agenda. Welcome & Introductions Renewal Projects CoC NOFA Hi- Lites Key dates and deadlines What’s new? HUD and BOS requirements Tips/Strategies for completing Exhibit 2 New Projects Update on key dates and process.

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2011 HUD NOFA EXHIBIT 2 TRAINING September 19, 2011

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  1. 2011 HUD NOFA EXHIBIT 2 TRAINING September 19, 2011

  2. Agenda Welcome & Introductions Renewal Projects • CoC NOFA Hi-Lites • Key dates and deadlines • What’s new? • HUD and BOS requirements • Tips/Strategies for completing Exhibit 2 New Projects • Update on key dates and process

  3. Big Picture – CoC Overview • 60 Days to complete process – Oct. 28 • Renewals announced in 30 days • New projects in 45-60 days • 2011 competition will be based on old pre-HEARTH rules

  4. Scoring – unchanged from 2010

  5. Performance factors • Of the 32 performance points, HUD will award 3 based on: • HUD will review aggregate data from Question 11 of APR for all APRs other than HMIS • SSI, SSD, Medicaid, TANF, Employment, VA Benefits etc. • CoCs that show an increase of 10% or more from 2010 to 2011 for each category in Question 11 • The CoC has no unexecuted grants awarded prior to CY2010

  6. Outcome goals unchanged • 77% remain in PH for at least 6 months • 65% move from TH to PH • 20% employment rate exiting PH • New CH beds • Decrease in homeless households with children

  7. Services for Persons with LEP • Access to Services for Persons with Limited English Proficiency (LEP). • Project applicants obtaining federal financial assistance from HUD shall take reasonable steps to ensure meaningful access to their programs and activities to LEP individuals. • HUD published Final Guidance to Federal Financial Assistance Requirements Regarding Title VI Prohibition Against National Origin Discrimination Affecting Limited English Proficient Persons in the Federal Register on January 22, 2007 (72 FR 2732).

  8. New Coordination Question • Youth • Efforts to address youth homeless pop; identify organizations serving population; how effort is consistent with CoC goals; plans to address in the future • Elicit from group current efforts

  9. Renewal Highlights • One year for SHP • Must exactly match funding amounts by budget category in approved Grant Inventory Worksheet • S+C one year renewal • FY 2011 FMRs by existing unit distribution • Must match unit distribution in grant inventory worksheet • Grantees can make reasonable changes in unit distribution in contract year

  10. Key Dates & Deadlines – Exhibit 2 Renewals • SEPTEMBER 30TH - Deadline for submission of all application materials (see performance measures hand-out) • Con Plan Certification Form - submit“New Certification of Consistency Form” for DECD to Steve DiLella at Steve.DiLella@po.state.ct.us. Get local signature if your jurisdiction has a Con Plan. • Exhibit II– Export Submission to PDF & Submit to CTBOS at ctbos@csh.org. Naming protocol: Agencyname_projectname_exII_CTBOS11_v1 • OCTOBER 5TH - Deadline for initial submission of all application for New Projects: For New Applications submit: Exhibit II– Export Submission to PDF & Submit to CTBOS. Use this naming protocol: Agencyname_projectname_exII_CTBOS11_v1 • OCTOBER 13TH - Deadline for Final Submissions – New & Renewal Projects: Final Exhibit II and all Attachments – Submit via ESNAPS and PDF and submit final Exhibit II to ctbos@csh.org

  11. What’s new? • No logic model! • Applicant profile MUST be completed before you can complete Exhibit II • SF 424 has been integrated into the Exhibit 2 • Information on Sponsor needs to be provided • Individual projects must submit program-level HMIS data quality info on UDE’s – missing values on required data elements

  12. Applicant Profile – Project Applicants • In order to access the Exhibit 2, Project Applicants must complete the Applicant Profile • Organization Information • Authorized Contact and Alternate Contact • Congressional Districts

  13. HUD/BOS Threshold Review Factors • Applicants and project sponsors must meet eligibility requirements of SHP or S+C • PSH eligible pop include: those who come from the streets, emergency shelters, safe havens, or transitional housing (if originally from streets and shelter) • Applications must clearly establish eligibility of program participants • Project must be cost-effective, including costs associated with operations and supportive services with costs not deviating substantially from the norm in that locale • Applicants must agree to participate in HMIS and PIT count

  14. HUD Reserves Right to Reject a Renewal Request from an Organization for the following reasons: • Outstanding obligation to HUD that is in arrears or for which a payment schedule has not been agreed on • Audit finding for which a response is overdue or unsatisfactory • History of inadequate financial management accounting practices • Evidence of untimely expenditures on prior award • History of other major capacity issues that have significantly impacted the operation of the project and its performance • Timeliness in reimbursing project sponsors for eligible costs. • HUD will also consider: if an applicant has been unwilling to accept technical assistance, has a continued history of inadequate financial management practices, indications of mismanagement on the part of the recipient, drastic reduction in population served, program changes made without HUD approval, and loss of project site.

  15. HUD Requirements – McKinney-Vento Education Subtitle for Projects Serving Families & BOS policy • Project applicants must have policies and practices to guarantee rights relating to the provision of education and related services to individuals and families experiencing homelessness • Project applicants must demonstrate that their programs designate a staff person to ensure that children are enrolled in school and connected to appropriate services in the community including early childhood programs (Head Start, Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and McKinney-Vento education services) • All BOS housing programs will have students enrolled in school within 48 hours of their entrance in the program.

  16. Outreach for Participants • 100% of participants should come from locations that qualify them as homeless under the HUD definition (i.e., unsheltered locations, emergency shelter, safe havens or transitional housing)

  17. Project Participants • Be sure that the information reflects that you are serving only eligible households • Total number of disabled adults/unaccompanied youth should be greater than or equal to the total number of households for PSH and S+C projects(applies to both households with and without children) • Considered disabled if: fall within at least one of the following subpopulations: chronically homeless, severely mentally ill, chronic substance abuse, and persons with HIV/AIDS. • Participants may be reported in more than one sub-population category, but the total number of participants reported in the categories listed above should be greater than or equal to the total number of households. • Projects may include chronically homeless families under the appropriate subpopulation on the Project Participants – Households with Dependent Children screen.

  18. HMIS Data Quality – New -- 4C • Required to provide client level data in HMIS and provide data quality for those clients served and entered in the system from 1/1/10-12/31/10 • Programs can run the “A108 - UDE Completeness - ENTRY/EXIT Workflow” report to capture the data required • The report has an instruction guide and cthmis.com has short videos on how to run ART reports, along with contact information for the help desk

  19. HMIS Data Quality - 4C

  20. Performance Measures Section • Establish objective related to housing stability • Establish objective related to income • Report through the APR • Up to 3 Additional Goals • Returns to Homelessness • LOS for TH • Positive Exits

  21. Housing Stability Goal & Income Goal – Section 6A • 1. You must set objective related to housing stability: • 1a – PSH: Identify the number of persons remaining in PSH at the end of the operating year -- recommendation: no lower than 85% • 1a - TH – Persons exiting to PH during operating year – recommendation: no lower than 75% • 2. You must set objective related to improving income: • 2a – Persons age 18 and older who maintained or increased their total income (from all sources) as of the end of the operating year or program exit – – recommendation: no lower than 90% • 2b. Persons age 18 through 61 who maintained or increased their earned income as of the end of the operating year or program exit – recommendation: no lower than 80%

  22. Additional Optional Goals • Include up to three additional measures to be accomplished by the end of the upcoming operating year • Reported in the APR • Goals should be measurable and relevant to your project • x number will not return to homelessness at exit • x number will stay less than y days (for TH) • x number will have positive exits – define positive exits • These are all reported in the APR

  23. Additional Measures (cont.) • You are required to identify: • Proposed measure • Data source • Data elements and formula for calculating results • Rationale for why proposed measure is an appropriate indicator • Training available at: http://esnaps.hudhre.info/files/M85.pdf

  24. Final Tips • Get started early, questions get answered from HUD HRE quickly at the beginning of the NOFA process; takes much longer as time goes on • Run your HMIS data reports NOW so that you have time to reach out for help if needed • Check summary submission pages in Applicant profile and Exhibit II – lists what is not complete • You must complete all sections of Applicant Profile before you can get to the Exhibit II. You must complete parts 1&2 of Exhibit 2 before you can access the other sections • Your 2010 data will import but check the numbers to ensure that they are accurate

  25. New Projects • SEPTEMBER 23RD – Notification of new project selections • OCTOBER 5TH - Deadline for initial submission of all application for new projects: • Exhibit II– Export Submission to PDF & Submit to CTBOS. Use this naming protocol: Agencyname_projectname_exII_CTBOS11_v1 •  OCTOBER 13TH - Deadline for Final Submissions • Final Exhibit II and all Attachments – Submit via ESNAPS and submit final files to ctbos@csh.org TA will be available for all selected new PSH projects

  26. Questions? • Email ctbos@csh.org • or • Liz Isaacs at episaf@comcast.net

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