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Secure communication and collaboration framework for the judicial co-operation environment

Secure communication and collaboration framework for the judicial co-operation environment. Consortium. Norway Computas. Denmark Cryptomathic. UK GL2006. Poland Ministry of Justice Aram. Holland University of Amsterdam. France Court d’Appel de Bordeaux AEC. Switzerland A4Vision.

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Secure communication and collaboration framework for the judicial co-operation environment

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  1. Secure communication and collaboration framework for the judicial co-operation environment

  2. Consortium Norway • Computas Denmark • Cryptomathic UK • GL2006 Poland • Ministry of Justice • Aram Holland • University of Amsterdam France • Court d’Appel de Bordeaux • AEC Switzerland • A4Vision Spain • Canaries Islands Government • Atos Origin Italy • Ministry of Justice • Project Automation • Cefriel • Sineura • Telecom Italia • SDA Bocconi Greece • European Dynamics • Chorus Call

  3. Objectives • Management of Investigation and Trial Phases • Will address the protection of all the actions and activities relating to the investigation of the crime. • The collection of evidence (including witnesses and testimonies) and the questioning of suspects. • Will guarantee the improvement of judicial procedures by accelerating experts examination, interpreters translation and the effective remote participation in the Trial of witness needing protection, dangerous criminals, victims, etc..

  4. Research activities (i) • Secure user management: identification, authentication and authorization of users; PKI, digital certificates and biometric identification technologies. • Secure communication management: confidentiality, integrity and non repudiation; SIP message encryption, SecureRTP.

  5. Research activities (ii) • Remote / Local participation: • Remote Users (i.e. Witnesses, Experts, Interpreters, etc…) would be able to participate to the trial from other locations through a virtual identification mechanism, using a biometric authentication system • Local users (i.e. Judges, Lawyers) would be able to access the collaboration platform through a “secure” Web portal. • Privacy protection: • The privacy of the intercommunication among users, such as judges and policemen, will be guaranteed with cryptography, secure audio-video transmission, VPN and SSL communication protocols and secure procedures.

  6. Expected Results • Security Guidelines:SecurE-Justice project will produce security guidelines for Judicial Public Administration aiming at the implementation of innovative organizational models. • Infrastructure for Smart Device:The technological environment will provide an infrastructure of smart devices for secure control of identification, privacy and data protection. • Time Reduction of Investigation and Trials:Judicial authorities will have rapid exchange of investigative information and will reduce the dead time of judicial trials. • Better Collaboration:Information exchange between sites using “secure” multi video conference systems.

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