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Environment integration in EC development co-operation Approaches for the programming phase

Environment integration in EC development co-operation Approaches for the programming phase. Jean-Paul Ledant (HDE) Help Desk Environment hde@environment-integration.org www.environment-integration.org. The Help Desk Environment. A team of 3 consultants (contract EC-Agreco/MDF):

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Environment integration in EC development co-operation Approaches for the programming phase

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  1. Environment integration in EC development co-operationApproaches for the programming phase Jean-Paul Ledant (HDE) Help Desk Environment hde@environment-integration.org www.environment-integration.org

  2. The Help Desk Environment • A team of 3 consultants (contract EC-Agreco/MDF): • J. Palerm, • P. Brinn, • J.P. Ledant. • Role: providing methodological support (and training) to EC staff and partners for environmental mainstreaming in development co-operation. • Geographical area: • Africa, Indian ocean • Asia, Pacific • Latin America, Caribbean • (not ENP countries!)

  3. The overall objective: Sustainable Development, through • Increased human well-being (poverty alleviation) • Development decoupled from environmental pressures • Net accumulation of capital including natural capital. Objectives Indicators HDI HDI/CO2 HDI/footprint Adjusted Net Saving

  4. The overall approach • Environment integration is not a goal, but a means. • The links between a development action and the environment are reciprocal: • Relevant decisions and actions are more important than visibility and the use of environmental tools. • The HDE proposes systematic environmental integration in the operation cycle. Project Env. Impacts

  5. The main tools for environmental integration • Three “environmental” tools • Country Environmental Profile (CEP). • Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). • Other important tools • Problem Analysis and Logical Framework • Indicators • Evaluation criteria.

  6. The Cycle of Operations Programming 4. Evaluation 1. Identification 3. Implementation 2. Formulation

  7. There are three approaches for the steps after programming Programming Project approach Sector Wide Approach SPSP Macro- Economic Approach GBS So the environment should be integrated in four “compartments”

  8. Position of the 3 environmental tools in the 4 compartments Programming CEP Projects SWAP GBS SEA SEA EIA

  9. Programming (at country level) • Key Programming Paper: CSP-NIP. • Key Environmental Tool: CEP (Country Environmental Profile). • Process: • Prepare the CEP • Prepare the CSP

  10. Programming Documents • Country Strategy Paper (CSP) • Analysis: Political, Economic, Social, Environmental • Policy agenda • Past and on-going co-operation • Response strategy • Annexes • National Indicative Programme (NIP) • Indicative budget • Priorities and actions • Alignment and harmonisation • Annexes

  11. Country Environmental Profile Aims to identify and assess environmental issues for consideration during the preparation of a CSP: • Identifies the main environmental challenges, • Establishes the key linkages between the environment and the economic/social situation, • Revises national policies and institutions, as well as co-operation, • Contributes to focusing dialogue with the country on areas of concern including sustainable development, • Provides baseline information and key recommendations for the CSP-NIP • But not a technical thesis…

  12. CEP Overall Structure • Summary • State of the environment • Environmental policy, legislative and institutional framework • EU and other donor cooperation from an environmental perspective • Conclusions and recommendations Appendices

  13. The CEP and CSP-NIP (1) • Country Strategy Paper (CSP) • Analysis- Political, Economic, Social, Environmental • Policy agenda • Past on-going co-operation • Response strategy • Annexes (incl. summary CEP) • National Indicative Programme (NIP) • Indicative budget • Priorities and actions • Alignment and harmonisation • Annexes • CEP • Summary • State of the environment • Environmental policy, legislative and institutional framework • EU and other donor cooperation from an environmental perspective • Conclusions and recommendations • Annexes

  14. The CEP and CSP-NIP (2) • Country Strategy Paper (CSP) • Analysis- Political, Economic, Social, Environmental • Policy agenda • Past on-going co-operation • Response strategy • Annexes (incl. summary CEP) • National Indicative Programme (NIP) • Indicative budget • Priorities and actions • Alignment and harmonisation • Annexes • CEP • Summary • State of the environment • Environmental policy, legislative and institutional framework • EU and other donor cooperation from an environmental perspective • Conclusions and recommendations • Appendices

  15. The CEP and CSP-NIP (3) • CEP • Summary • State of the environment • Environmental policy, legislative and institutional framework • EU and other donor cooperation from an environmental perspective • Conclusions and recommendations • Annexes • Country Strategy Paper (CSP) • Analysis- Political, Economic, Social, Environmental • Policy agenda • Past on-going co-operation • Response strategy • Annexes (incl. summary CEP) • National Indicative Programme (NIP) • Indicative budget • Priorities and actions • Alignment and harmonisation • Annexes

  16. Environmental integration in the CSP-NIP CEP EC policy Partner’s policy Country analysis CSP NIP Which “environmental integration outcomes”?

  17. Potential outcomes(from environmental integration) • Selection of focal areas • Selection of objectives addressing key issues for sustainable development (including environmental issues identified by the CEP) • Selection of strategies and actions minimizing adverse impacts and enhancing positive impacts • Planning an SEA for the supported sector policies/programmes • Using additional opportunities for environmental integration • Selection of relevant indicators.

  18. Links between those outcomes and the CEP • Ideally the CEP should make recommendations towards those potential outcomes. • But the CEP should also be done at an early stage, where key decisions are not taken. Additional aspects, not foreseen in the CEP may include: • Using opportunities provided by the selected sector and strategy; • Adapting the indicators.

  19. In the new consensus on development co-operation, there are 10 focal areas • Governance, democracy, human rights and support to economic or institutional reforms • Trade and regional integration • Infrastructure, communication and transport • Water and energy • Social cohesion and employment • Human development • Infrastructure and transport • Rural development, territorial planning, agriculture, food security • Environment and sustainable management of natural resources • Conflict prevention and state fragility

  20. Examples of opportunities for co-operation areas • Governance and economic or institutional reforms: • Environmental Fiscal Reforms. • Capacities and institutions for natural resource management. • Trade and regional integration: • Control of illegal trade of timber (FLEGT) and threatened species. • Human development: • Health: living conditions, (equitable) use of biodiversity resources. • Education: Environmental education. • Infrastructure and transport • Assessing the overall policy (through an SEA) before deciding to build roads. • Rural development, food security: • Protecting “ecosystem services”. • …

  21. Environmental integration outcomesExample 1 • Promotion of agriculture and fisheries • Assessing impact of agriculture on the environment • Use of water: efficient irrigation schemes • Sustainable exploitation of fisheries resources

  22. Environmental integration outcomesExample 2 • Focal sector: education • Promoting environmental education • Focal sector: trade and investment • Ecolabelling and certification processes • Improvement of environmental standards • Energy efficiency and renewable technologies • Focal sector: law enforcement and justice • Actions to fight illegal logging

  23. The indicators • Indicators are variables used to monitor the achievement of an objective (expected result). • They depend thus on the objectives. • There should not be too many indicators. • For those reasons, adding “environmental indicators” is not always recommended. • But we should avoid indicators having both a positive (desirable) side and a negative (undesirable) side.

  24. The indicators Ex: imported agricultural inputs • Avoid ambiguous variables: • selected because positively linked with desired (socio-economic) aspects • but also linked to undesirable (environmental) aspects Prefer: or Ex: higher yields/unit of fertilizer Ex: less starving children

  25. Programming at regional level • The same approach, but : • RSP (replaces CSP) • RIP (replaces NIP) • REP (replaces CEP)

  26. The current practice • CEPs are now systematically prepared (very few in the previous generation of CSP- 2002-2006 or 2003-2007). • CSPs have now a section on the environment (part of the country analysis). • Effective environmental integration and contribution to sustainable development since to be enhanced.

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