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Agenda 5/16

Agenda 5/16. Crayfish Intro PowerPoint Crawdad Hole Song Dissections: External Anatomy. Crayfish. Dirty Jobs: Crawdads. http://www.discovery.com/tv-shows/dirty-jobs/videos/crawfish-catcher.htm. I. External Features. Two segments: Cephalothorax: Fused head and thorax

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Agenda 5/16

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Agenda 5/16 • Crayfish Intro PowerPoint • Crawdad Hole Song • Dissections: External Anatomy

  2. Crayfish

  3. Dirty Jobs: Crawdads http://www.discovery.com/tv-shows/dirty-jobs/videos/crawfish-catcher.htm

  4. I. External Features • Two segments: • Cephalothorax: • Fused head and thorax • 13 segments covered by a hard carapace • Abdomen: • 7 segments

  5. Abdomen

  6. Cephalothorax

  7. Carapace (Cephalothorax)

  8. I. External Features Cont. • Head • Most anterior region • Antennae, antennules, eyes, and mouthparts • Thorax • Posterior to the head • walking legs and chelipeds attached • Contains heart, liver, and gills

  9. External View (Dorsal)

  10. External View (Ventral)

  11. Antennae

  12. Antennule

  13. Eye

  14. II. Movement • Walking Legs • Flexion, extension, and rotation • Swimmerets • Creates currents to bring O2 to gills • Uropods • Act as paddle for rapid movement

  15. Walking Leg

  16. Swimmeret

  17. Uropod

  18. II. Movement Cont. • Telson • Between uropods, houses anuses • Further aids in rapid movement • Chelipeds • Self defense • Grab and manipulate food

  19. Cheliped

  20. Telson

  21. Agenda 5/19 • PowerPoint: Crayfish • Video: Crayfish Dissection • Dissection: external #16-18 Internal # 1-13

  22. III. Digestive System • Mouth • Food enters after broken down by structures • Mandibles • Bite and crush food • 1st/2nd maxillae • Move food to throw into mouth • Maxillipeds • Food manipulation

  23. Mandible

  24. Maxilla

  25. Maxillaped

  26. III. Digestive System Cont. • Esophagus • Carries food from mouth to stomach • Cardiac stomach • Stores and chews food • Liver (digestive gland) • Makes digestive enzymes • Completes digestion and absorbs nutrients • Intestine • Carries solid waste to anus • Anus

  27. Digestive Gland (Dorsal)

  28. Digestive Gland (Lateral)

  29. Esophagus

  30. Intestine

  31. Stomach

  32. IV. Circulatory System • Heart • Pumps blood • Dorsal abdominal artery • Carries blood from heart to abdomen

  33. Heart

  34. V. Respiratory System • Gills • Used for getting O2 from water

  35. Gill

  36. VI. Excretory System • Green Gland • Filters liquid waste from blood • Like a primitive kidney

  37. Green Gland

  38. VII. Nervous System • Brain • Coordinates senses and nerve messages • Ventral Nerve Cord • Carries nerve impulses • Eyes • Focus light • Antenna/antennules • Used for touch, taste, smell, and balance

  39. Ventral Nerve Cord

  40. Ventral Nerve Chord Posterior

  41. Eggs

  42. Female

  43. Male

  44. Gonad

  45. Crayfish birth Note* Swimmerets hold larva • http://www.watchknowlearn.org/Video.aspx?VideoID=39090&CategoryID=13835

  46. Dissection • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7F0jZgdc8A

  47. Crawdad song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23u8CeiN9OY

  48. http://www.gvsd.org/Page/1738 • http://www.watchknowlearn.org/Video.aspx?VideoID=43138&CategoryID=13835

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