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Communication Arts

Communication Arts. February 8 and 11, 2013. Bell Ringer. Put today’s date in your notebook. Read these sentences from the passage. “ ‘Snowflake,’ or flower-like popcorn, is used by theaters and other public venues. The round ‘mushroom’ type is used by companies selling flavored

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Communication Arts

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  1. Communication Arts February 8 and 11, 2013

  2. Bell Ringer • Put today’s date in your notebook. • Read these sentences from the passage. “ ‘Snowflake,’ or flower-like popcorn, is used by theaters and other public venues. The round ‘mushroom’ type is used by companies selling flavored and coated popcorn. • Which two literary techniques are used to describe popcorn? A. metaphor and simile B. hyperbole and simile C. metaphor and personificationD. hyperbole and personification

  3. Objectives • By the end of today’s lesson students will be able to: • Demonstrate prior knowledge of plot elements • Know the basic elements of a plot diagram • Identify elements of the plot diagram in a text.

  4. Writing Workshop - Pretest • We will be beginning a unit on Literary Elements, so you will be taking a pretest. • The pretest will be taken for a grade. • You will have 15 minutes to finish this test. If you finish before then you need to put your test into the tray and read your SSR book or put your head down.

  5. Plot Elements • In your notebooks write- Plot elements. You need to make sure that you have good notes, they will help you with your final tests. • The basic plot elements are: • Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, and Resolution • This is otherwise known as the plot line. 95% of what you read and see will follow this sequence.

  6. Plot Diagram- Draw in notebook

  7. Exposition • From the root word expose, which means to cause to be visible or open to view • Introduces character, plot, conflict, setting, or any other circumstances around the characters

  8. Rising Action • The events leading up from the exposition to the climax • A series of smaller events and crises leading up to a larger conflict. • Can be used to build suspense

  9. Climax • The moment of highest tension and intensity in a story • The turning or breaking point in a story • Usually where a character or action makes a significant change.

  10. Falling Action • All events between the climax and resolution • Deals with the effects the climax has on the characters

  11. Resolution • Tying up all loose ends • Conclusion • The final outcome of the story, or at least suggesting at what it could be • Not all stories have a clear cut ending – sometimes you have to ASSUME what the ending is based on the clues that you have been given.

  12. Setting • Generally considered the time and location of a story • Can help create mood (think “it was a dark and stormy night…”) • Other considerations • Weather conditions • Social conditions- daily life of character, localisms (accents, dress, mannerisms, etc.) • Mood or atmosphere- how does the mood make the story?

  13. Conflict • There are two categories of conflict: • Internal and external • Internal conflict • Man vs. himself • When a person struggles with a decision, regrets their past, etc. • External conflict • Man vs. man • Classic fighting, battle of the wits between people, etc. • Man vs. nature • A person fighting a storm, traveling through rough terrain, etc. • Man vs. Society • A person feeling like an outcast, being banished, etc.

  14. Chart – draw in notebook

  15. Reading Workshop • Now let’s apply this to some short stories! • “The Lottery” – Shirley Jackson • First fill out the anticipation guide for the lottery. Make sure you follow the directions carefully. You will have 15 minutes to finish this. Put it into the tray when you are finished. • We will then begin to read “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson. DO NOT WRITE ON THE TEXT.

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