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Like a recipe: Reactants Products 2H 2 (g) + O 2 (g)  2H 2 O(l) coefficients subscripts

Balancing Eqns. Like a recipe: Reactants Products 2H 2 (g) + O 2 (g)  2H 2 O(l) coefficients subscripts. Balancing Eqns. Symbols  Yields or Produces (s) solid (l) liquid (pure liquid) (aq) aqueous (dissolved in water) (g) or  gas. Balancing.

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Like a recipe: Reactants Products 2H 2 (g) + O 2 (g)  2H 2 O(l) coefficients subscripts

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  1. Balancing Eqns Like a recipe: ReactantsProducts 2H2(g) + O2(g)  2H2O(l) coefficients subscripts

  2. Balancing Eqns Symbols  Yields or Produces (s) solid (l) liquid (pure liquid) (aq) aqueous (dissolved in water) (g) or  gas

  3. Balancing Copper(II) Chloride reacts with Iron(III) Sulfate to form Copper(II)Sulfate and Iron(III) Chloride Aluminum nitrate reacts with Sodium hydroxide to form Aluminum hydroxide and Sodium nitrate

  4. Some Types of Reactions 1. Synthesis Al + Cl2 AlCl3 CaO(s) + CO2(g)  CaCO3(s) • Decomposition HgO(s)  Hg(l) + O2(g) CaCO3(s)  CaO(s) + CO2(g)

  5. Some Types of Reactions • Combustion Fe + O2 Fe2O3 C4H10 + O2  CO2 + H2O • Other Types Single Replacement Double Replacement

  6. Know your reactions well!!!!

  7. Stoichiometry Mole 1 dozen = 12 items 1 mole = 6.022 X 1023 atoms/molecules 1 gram hydrogen = 6.022 X 1023 atoms of hydrogen

  8. Stoichiometry Grams Moles Atoms 1 g H 1 mole H 6.02 X 1023 atms 2 g H 12 g C 36 g C 48 g O

  9. Stoichiometry Grams Moles Molecules Atoms 16 g CH4 8 g CH4 88 g CO2 131 g Ba(NO3)2

  10. Molar Mass 1. Molar Mass = mass of one mole 2. Element= atomic mass 1 mole of O = 16.0 grams 3. Molecule or Compound – sum of all the atoms

  11. Molar Mass Calculate the molar mass of Barium O2 BaCl2? Fe2(SO4)3?

  12. GMA Grams Moles Atoms • How many C atoms are present in 18.0 g? (Ans: 9.03 X 1023 C) • What is the mass of 1.20 X 1024 atoms of Na? (Ans: 45.8 grams)

  13. GMA 3. What is the mass of 1.51 X 1023 atoms of Be?(Ans: 2.26 g) 5. How many atoms and grams are in 0.400 mol of Radium? (Ans: 90.4 g, 2.41 X 1023 atoms)

  14. GMMA 1. Monoatomic Elements (C, Fe, Au) GMA 2. Molecules and Ionics (H2O, CaCl2, O2) GMMA

  15. GMMA 3. Molecules and formula units work the same when converting Molecules = Molecular Comps Formula Units = Ionic Compounds G M M A

  16. GMMA • How many calcium and chlorine atoms are in 200.0 grams of Calcium Chloride? (Ans: 2.17 X 1024 atoms Cl)

  17. GMMA 2. How many hydrogen and oxygen atoms are in 3.60 grams of H2O? (Ans: 2.41 X 1023 atoms H)

  18. GMMA • Given 3.01X1024 molecules of SO3, find everything else. • Given 3.01 X 1022 molecules of Iron(III)bromide, find everything else.

  19. Mixed Examples 1. How many carbon atoms are in 36.0 grams of carbon (1.81 X 1024) 2. How many carbon atoms are in 36.0 grams of C2H6? (Ans:1.45 X 1024 atoms of C)

  20. Mixed Examples Homework Problems (find everything else) a) 10.0 g C b) 10.0 g C2H6 c) 4.0 X 1023 atoms of S d) 4.0 X 1023 molecules of SO2 e) 0.44 moles of SO2

  21. Empirical Formula 1. Empirical formula - simplest ratio of the elements in a compound 2. Formula Empirical Form. C2H2 Al4S6 C6H12O6 C12H24O12

  22. Empirical Formula 1. What is the EF of a compound that has 0.900 g Ca and 1.60 g Cl? Rules - Go to moles - Divide by the smaller

  23. Empirical Formula 2. What is the EF of a compound that is 66.0 % Ca and 34.0% P? 3. What is the EF of a compound that is 43.7 % P and 56.3 % O?

  24. Molecular Formula 1. Empirical –ratios of the elements 2. Molecular –true number of each element

  25. Molecular Formula EFMF CH2O CH2O (30 g/mol) C2H4O2 (60 g/mol) C3H6O3 (90 g/mol) C4H8O4 (120 g/mol)

  26. Molecular Formula 1. What is the MF of benzene if it has an EF of CH and a molar mass of 78.0 g? 2. What is the MF of a compound that is 40.9% C, 4.58 % H and 54.5 % O? It has a molar mass between 350 and 360 g/mol.

  27. Reaction Stoich. What coefficients mean: 2 Na + Cl2 2NaCl 2 Na 1 Cl2 2NaCl 4 Na 6 Na

  28. Reaction Stoich. 2 Na + Cl2 2NaCl 4 Cl2 2 moles Na 10 moles Na ONLY WORKS FOR MOLES AND MOLECULES

  29. Reaction Stoich. 1. How many moles of H2 and O2 must react to form 6 moles of H2O? 2. How many moles of KCl and O2 are formed from the decomposition of 6 moles of KClO3?

  30. Reaction Stoich. • How many grams of oxygen are needed to react with 14.6 g of Na to form Na2O? (Ans: 5.08 g) • How many grams of P4 and O2 are needed to make 3.62 g of P2O5? (Ans: 1.58 g, 2.04 g)

  31. Reaction Stoich. 5. What mass of oxygen is needed to react with 16.7 g of iron to form Iron(III)oxide? (Ans: 7.18 g) 4Fe + 3O2 2Fe2O3

  32. Calculate the mass of sodium bromide and oxygen that are formed from the decomposition of 50.0 grams of sodium bromate (NaBrO3). (34.1 g NaBr, 15.9 g O2)

  33. Limiting Reactant • Sandwich analogy: 13 slices of bread 4 pieces of turkey Maximum # of sandwiches? 2. Limiting Reactant – Totally consumed in a reaction. No leftovers

  34. Limiting Reactant • How many grams of H2SO4 can be formed from the rxn of 5.00 moles of SO3 and 2.00 moles of H2O? SO3 + H2O  H2SO4 (Ans: 196 g)

  35. Limiting Reactant • How many grams of H2O can be formed from the rxn of 6.00 moles of H2 and 4.00 moles of O2? O2 + H2 H2O

  36. Limiting Reactant 2. How many grams of NaCl can be formed from the reaction of 0.300 mol of Na and 0.100 mol of Cl2? 2Na + Cl2 2NaCl (Ans: 11.7 g)

  37. Limiting Reactant • How many grams of Ag can be formed from the rxn of 2.00 g of Zn and 2.50 g of silver nitrate? How much excess reactant remains? Zn + AgNO3 Ag + Zn(NO3)2 (Ans: 1.59 g Ag, 1.52 g xs zinc)

  38. Limiting Reactant • How many grams of Ba3(PO4)2 can be formed from the rxn of 3.50 g of Na3PO4 and 6.40 g of Ba(NO3)2? Na3PO4 + Ba(NO3)2 Ba3(PO4)2 + NaNO3 (Ans: 4.92 g)

  39. Limiting Reactant • How many grams of Ag2S can be formed from the rxn of 15.6 g of Ag and 2.97 g of H2S? (Assume O2 is in excess) 4Ag + 2H2S + O2 2Ag2S + 2H2O (Ans: 18.1 g)

  40. Percent Yield • Formula: Actual Yield X 100 = % Yield Theoretical Yield

  41. Percent Yield • What is the % yield if you start with 10.00 grams of C and obtain 1.49 g of H2 gas? C + H2O  CO + H2 (Ans: 89.4%)

  42. Percent Yield • Carbon was heated strongly in sulfur(S8) to form carbon disulfide. What is the percent yield if you start with 13.51 g of sulfur and collect 12.5 g of CS2? 4C + S8 4CS2 (Ans: 78.0%)

  43. Percent Yield 3. 36.7 grams of CO2 were formed from the rxn of 40.0 g of CH3OH and 46.0 g of O2. What is the % yield? 2CH3OH + 3O2 2CO2 + 4H2O (ANS: 87%)

  44. In this experiment, magnesium chloride was prepared and its empirical formula was compared to the accepted formula of MgCl2. To prepare magnesium chloride, 0.40 grams of magnesium powder was combined with 10 mL of 0.10 M HCl. The mixture was allowed to react, and heated to dryness. The mass of the resulting crystals was used to calculate the empirical formula. The average calculated formula of MgCl1.8 had a 10% error and a range was 0.40 chlorine atoms. This procedure was not effective because while it was accurate, it was not precise.

  45. 8a) SO3 + H2O  H2SO4 • B2S3 + 6H2O  2H3BO3 + 3H2S • 4PH3 + 8O2 6H2O + P4O10 • 2Hg(NO3)2 2HgO + 4NO2 + O2 • Cu + 2H2SO4  CuSO4 + SO2 + 2H2O

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