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Explore the evolution of formal power series with respect to time variables in Dispersionless Toda hierarchy. Understand the Lax equations, Poisson bracket, Faber polynomials, Grunsky coefficients, tau functions, and Riemann-Hilbert data. Learn about nondegenerate solutions.
Nondegenerate Solutions of Dispersionless Toda Hierarchy and Tau Functions Teo Lee Peng University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus L.P. Teo, “Conformal Mappings and Dispersionless Toda hierarchy II: General String Equations”, Commun. Math. Phys. 297 (2010), 447-474.
Dispersionless Toda Hierarchy Dispersionless Toda hierarchy describes the evolutions of two formal power series: with respect to an infinite set of time variables tn, n Z. The evolutions are determined by the Lax equations:
where The Poisson bracket is defined by
The corresponding Orlov-Schulman functions are They satisfy the following evolution equations: Moreover, the following canonical relations hold:
Generalized Faber polynomials and Grunsky coefficients Given a function univalent in a neighbourhood of the origin: and a function univalent at infinity: The generalized Faber polynomials are defined by
They can be compactly written as The generalized Grunsky coefficients are defined by
Tau Functions Given a solution of the dispersionless Toda hierarchy, there exists a phi function and a tau function such that Identifying then
Riemann-Hilbert Data The Riemann-Hilbert data of a solution of the dispersionless Toda hierarchy is a pair of functions U and V such that and the canonical Poisson relation
NondegenerateSoltuions If then Hence, and therefore Such a solution is said to be degenerate.
If Then
Then Hence,
We find that and we have the generalized string equation: Such a solution is said to be nondegenerate.
Let Define
Define Proposition:
Proposition: where
Let Then
Hence, Similarly,
Generalization to Universal Whitham Hierarchy K. Takasaki, T. Takebe and L. P. Teo, “Non-degenerate solutions of universal Whitham hierarchy”, J. Phys. A 43 (2010), 325205.
Universal Whitham Hierarchy Lax equations:
Orlov-Schulman functions They satisfy the following Lax equations and the canonical relations
where They have Laurent expansions of the form
From we have
Hence, and
Free energy The free energy F is defined by
Generalized Faber polynomials and Grunsky coefficients Notice that
Riemann-Hilbert Data: Nondegeneracy implies that for some function Ha.
Construction of a It satisfies