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Modeling Continuing Resources in FRBR [and More]. Judith A. Kuhagen CPSO, Library of Congress FRBR Workshop - OCLC May 2, 2005. Continuing resources. Bibliographic resource issued over time with no predetermined conclusion: Serials Ongoing integrating resources. Serial.
Modeling Continuing Resources in FRBR [and More] Judith A. Kuhagen CPSO, Library of Congress FRBR Workshop - OCLC May 2, 2005
Continuing resources • Bibliographic resource issued over time with no predetermined conclusion: • Serials • Ongoing integrating resources OCLC 2005 FRBR Workshop
Serial • A continuing resource issued in a succession of discrete parts, usually bearing numbering, that has no predetermined conclusion. • Includes magazines, electronic journals, annual reports, newspapers, monographic series … OCLC 2005 FRBR Workshop
Integrating resource • A bibliographic resource that is added to or changed by means of updates that do not remain discrete and are integrated into the whole • Continuing (or finite) • Includes updating loose-leafs and updating Web sites OCLC 2005 FRBR Workshop
Challenges of continuing resources? • Seriality • Number of records per cataloging codes • Range of relationships, especially for serials OCLC 2005 FRBR Workshop
Seriality • Susceptibility to change over time: • Title(s) • Responsible persons/bodies • Publisher, manufacturer, etc. • Numbering • Content • Physical carrier • Etc. OCLC 2005 FRBR Workshop
How is seriality of serials handled in cataloging codes? • Number of records: • One record, or • Multiple (successive) records • Description in record: • Based on latest issue, or • Based on earliest issue OCLC 2005 FRBR Workshop
How is seriality of integrating resources handled in cataloging codes? • Often not in general cataloging codes (e.g., not in AACR2 until Dec. 2002) • Principle of single record based on latest (i.e., current) iteration/state of resource • Update single record as resource changes • Reality: sometimes multiple records for single resource due to difficulties in identification of resource OCLC 2005 FRBR Workshop
What is a serial work? RCA series on safe climbing (v. 1-7) changed to: Safe climbing series of the Rock Climbing Association (v. 8-12) changed to: Safe climbing series of the RCA (no. 1- 3 works or 2 or 1? OCLC 2005 FRBR Workshop
If work-ness is related to number of records … • If issues on previous slide cataloged per AACR2 Dec. 2002+ = 1 record based on v. 1 • If cataloged per AACR2 prior to Dec. 2002 = 3 records, each based on earliest issue of each segment • If cataloged prior to AACR = 2 records: one record for 1st & 2nd titles based on v. 8; another record for 3rd title OCLC 2005 FRBR Workshop
Relationships of serials • Earlier/later within the “same serial” • Earlier/later beyond the “same serial” • Mergers, splits • Alternate editions* • Language • Physical medium • Reproductions • Whole/part *Considered most important by IFLA FRBR CR Group OCLC 2005 FRBR Workshop
Earlier/later within the “same serial” • Proposal: consider that all segments of a serial (represented by one or multiple bibliographic records due to different methods of accommodating seriality) together equal one serial work • Important: • Be able tofind • Be able to identify OCLC 2005 FRBR Workshop
Earlier/later beyond the same serial • Proposal doesn’t mean condensing all serials into only a few “mega-serials” • New serial works when chronological relationship is not a one-to-one relationship • Mergers • Splits OCLC 2005 FRBR Workshop
Alternate editions • Important: beyond finding and identifying, being able to select • User’s preference/need for language • User’s preference/need for physical format OCLC 2005 FRBR Workshop
Reproductions • May not be issued/released with same mode of issuance as the “original” • Should be considered as same to satisfy the user’s need to find and identify = surrogate for the original • User’s need to select: preference/need for different physical format OCLC 2005 FRBR Workshop
Whole/part • Some serials and integrating resources are aggregate resources (work of works), e.g.: • Monographic series: volumes • Journals: issues, articles • Loose-leaf services: monographs, serials, integrating resources • May or may be bibliographic record for resource as a whole – local decision OCLC 2005 FRBR Workshop
is component of Continuing resource content Title has has has Editorial version Linguistic version is published as represents Publication has Physical version – general type has Physical version – specific type is materialized as Set of Individual Individual issues issues, is part of issue is part of bound together complete is part of [Patrick Le Bœuf 25aug04] OCLC 2005 FRBR Workshop
Other resources with seriality? • Yes, behavior not affected by intended end: • Finite integrating resources • Multipart monographs • Somewhat easier to manage: • Identifying what is a work/expression • Number of records: usually only one OCLC 2005 FRBR Workshop
What adjustments to FRBR model? • Acknowledging seriality of resources (noted in “Areas for further study”) • Reconsidering some attributes • Another mode of issuance: streaming resources OCLC 2005 FRBR Workshop
Acknowledging seriality • Attributes of a manifestation now only for concurrent manifestations: • Different title, place of publication, publisher, series, physical medium, etc. • Need concept of consecutive manifestations of same work/expression • Change in title, place of publication, publisher, series, physical medium, etc. OCLC 2005 FRBR Workshop
Reconsidering some attributes • Redefining some expression attributes as belonging to manifestation, e.g., • Expected regularity of issue (serial)* • Expected frequency of issue (serial)* • Considering if edition/issue designation, now at manifestation level, should also be at expression level for some serials *proposal from the CONSER Task Force on FRBR and Continuing Resources OCLC 2005 FRBR Workshop
Streaming resources • From work of Carol Van Nuys and her colleagues in Paradigma Project • Consider: • Resources themselves vs. how resources represented by bibliographic records • Attributes same or different? OCLC 2005 FRBR Workshop
Non-bibliographic model • Using work authority record: next two slides as examples • From Barbara Tillett’s presentation at American Library Association (Jan. 2005) http://www.ala.org/ala/alctscontent/serialssection/serialscomm/ contresourcecata/2005midwintermeeting.htm OCLC 2005 FRBR Workshop
Questions/Discussion? OCLC 2005 FRBR Workshop