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Global Business Analysis and Immersion: Southeast Asia

Global Business Analysis and Immersion: Southeast Asia. Why Southeast Asia?. Active participation in global markets Crossroads of Asian and World Markets. Why Southeast Asia?. 3 Elective Credits: 1.5 in the Fall and 1.5 in the Spring Learn about Emerging Economies

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Global Business Analysis and Immersion: Southeast Asia

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  1. Global Business Analysis and Immersion:Southeast Asia

  2. Why Southeast Asia? • Active participation in global markets • Crossroads of Asian and World Markets

  3. Why Southeast Asia? • 3 Elective Credits: 1.5 in the Fall and 1.5 in the Spring • Learn about Emerging Economies • Network and Get International Experience • Enjoy Great Food and Beautiful Weather • Once in a Lifetime Opportunity!

  4. WHY Southeast Asia?

  5. Operations and Infrastructure

  6. Course Goals “When you are doing business you are doing culture.” Course Objectives: To explore the Southeast Asian emerging economies and provide students with first-hand knowledge and experience with the region’s culture and business environment.

  7. Academics • Class meetings once a week for 2 hours in the fall, other less frequent meetings in the spring • During the fall, you will participate in classroom lectures on international business with visits by people involved in international endeavors and people from the intelligence community • The class will be divided into Country Desk Teams that report on the current events of the countries you will visit

  8. While Abroad • You will get great foreign business exposure – Jobs and internship opportunities through networking! • You will keep a daily journal of your cultural experiences and business meetings • Country desks will lead discussions about observations

  9. Where You’ll Go December 27- January 12 3 Countries: Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam 6 cities Stay at 4 Star Hotels Cost= approximately $5600 Which includes all flights, hotels, tours, and almost all meals

  10. Businesses You Will Meet • HSBC Thailand • Microsoft • Better Factories Cambodia • Sobbhana Silk • Garment Factory • Saigon Cosmetics Corp • HCMC School of Economics • Siam Brothers Group

  11. You’ll visit cool places. You’ll see the old…

  12. …and the new,

  13. Have Unique Experiences and Adventures,

  14. Tentative Itinerary • WASHINGTON DC AND BANGKOK 27-29 December • 27DEC (FRI) Depart USA from Dulles Airport NOON • 28DEC (SAT) Late night BKK arrival • 29 DEC (SUN) Tour Bangkok • Century Park Hotel 2 nights • SIEM REAP CAMBODIA 30 December – 2 January • 30DEC (MON) [PG905 BKK-REP 1125-1235] • Angkor Century Hotel – 3 nights • New Years Eve Dinner at the Hotel • 31 DEC (TUE) Angkor sightseeing meetings; • Siem Reap Development Tours • Wat Bo Primary School and/ meetings; lunch at Viroth's • lunch at Angkor Café • Apsara Dinner/Dance Show • 1JAN (WED) Angkor sightseeing • /sunrise at Angkor Wat • PHNOM PENH CAMBODIA 2 January – 3 January • 2JAN (THUR] Bus • Cambodiana Hotel- 1 night • local sightseeing; lunch • 3JAN (FRI) AM – meetings • Lunch • Blue Cruiser chartered boat Phnom Penh-Chau Doc departs 1:00PM • CHAU DOC VIET NAM – 4January – 5 January • Victoria Hotel 2 nights • 4JAN (SAT)Meetings / local sightseeing • 5JAN (SUN) AM - by boat Chau Doc to Saigon • SAIGON VIET NAM- 5 January – 8 January • 6JAN (MON)Half day city tour; • Saigon House lunch; PM - meetings • 7JAN (TUE)Full day meetings • 8JAN (WED)AM - Cu Chi Tunnels; lunch • BANGKOK THAILAND 9 January – 13 January • PG940 SGN-BKK 1840-2005] • Century Park Hotel 4 nts • 9JAN (THURS) Full day meetings; lunch • 10JAN (FRI)Full day meetings; lunch • 11JAN (SAT ) FREE DAY • 12JAN (SUN) RETURN TO USA Return Dulles 14:45

  15. The Mason School of Business MBA ProgramPresentsBusiness 581-Global Business Immersion: Cambodia-Thailand-Vietnam Visit Bangkok, Siem Reap, Phnom Penh, Chau Doc, Sai GonBusiness Seminar Trip : December 27, 2013 to January 12, 2014 Course Objective: To explore the Southern Southeast Asian economies and provide students with first hand knowledge and experience with the region’s culture and business environment. Eight three hour class meetings will be held prior to the departure and two following our return. Fall /Spring Semester Credit: 3.0 hours. Limited availability (maximum 10 students). Application Deadline: Those interested need to contact Professor Don Rahtz ASAP Final Deadline for $500 Deposit: Friday, April 26, 2013. Watch for Information Session Posting Soon. Approximate Cost: $5,700 (covers all transportation, lodging, and most food.) RT Airfare from Dulles is about $1900 of that. (You can get student loans from Financial Aid.) For additional information contact Professor Don Rahtz at 221-2866 or email Professor Rahtz at don.rahtz@mason.wm.edu

  16. Contact Information Contact Dr. Don Rahtz at: don.rahtz@mason. wm.edu Also feel free to contact any of the past participants--- they love talking about the course and trip!

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