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Genre: Realistic Fiction. Lesson 12. Read Aloud. Why might you read or listen to a story? for enjoyment to learn about certain events or people Remember that a realistic story has characters and events that could be real. Think about the plot as I read. Read Aloud. Read Aloud.
Genre: Realistic Fiction Lesson 12
Read Aloud • Why might you read or listen to a story? • for enjoyment • to learn about certain events or people • Remember that a realistic story has characters and events that could be real. • Think about the plot as I read. T125
Read Aloud • What happens at the beginning of the story? • What happens at the end of the story? T125
Phonics and Spelling • Letters are sometimes silent; that is, they do not stand for any sound on their own. Read this word with me. • knob • The k in knob is silent. • knob • This week we will learn more about silent letters and letters that stand for unexpected sounds. Help me find the silent letters in these words. • gnat • wrist • gnat • wrist
Phonics and Spelling • gh • gh is a common letter pair in English, and it can stand for different sounds. • One of these sounds is /f/. • When gh makes the /f/ sound it is usually found at the end of the word. • rou • The ou makes the /u/ sound. Read the word with me. • r-ou-gh
Phonics and Spelling Circle the consonant pairs that stand for one sound. • 1. wrench • 2. gnome • 3. knit • 4. enough
Phonics and Spelling • knee • knee gnaw gnaw write write tough tough /f/
As I read the beginning, I ask myself, “What is the character’s problem or goal?” When I think I know what the problem is, I continue reading to find important events. I know that the important events usually lead to the solution of the problem. Remember that all stories have a beginning, middle and end. T129 SE 334-335
Plot Focus Skill Help me fill out this graphic organizer. Reread page 335. Characters Setting Orlando, Florida Emma and her father. Problem Emma doesn’t have a chessboard. Important Events Emma told her father her problem, he helped her.. Solution She and her father make one. T128
DOL Amira wrote to her • her wrote to Amira cousin • hours drove for six They . They drove for six hours . . T132
Grammar: Singular and Plural Pronouns • A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. Writers use pronouns to keep from using the same noun over and over again. • I you we he she it they me him her them • One week she even sent a snowball. • She is a pronoun that takes the place of Julien. • Mr. and Mrs. Valdez hurried so they would be on time. • They - Mr. and Mrs. Valdez T132
Grammar: Singular and Plural Pronouns • Charlie wished he could hit a home run. • He – Charlie • Tom and Gianna said, “We had a picnic at the park. • We –Tom Gianna • Lisa’s friends waited for her to join them. • Her – Lisa them – her friends • I asked Sam to go with me to the store. • I & me – speaker • Marcus wrote a letter and mailed it. • It- letter T132
Writing: Realistic Story • A Realistic Story….. • Includes characters and settings that could be real • Includes events that could happen • The author uses words and phrases that create a unique voice, or a special style of writing. T133
Writing: Realistic Story • You try! • Write a sentence about each of the following topics: • The ocean • A bear • Winter • Now turn and talk to a partner and compare your sentences and ideas. Notice how they are different. T133