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University of Maryland School of Social Work Students who Enter Fall 2011

University of Maryland School of Social Work Students who Enter Fall 2011. Academic Planning. Foundation Curriculum. SOWK 600 – Social Welfare/Soc. Policy SOWK 640 & 641 – Human Behavior I & II SOWK 670 – Social Work Research SOWK 630 & 631 – Soc. Wk Practice I & II

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University of Maryland School of Social Work Students who Enter Fall 2011

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  1. University of Maryland School of Social WorkStudents who Enter Fall 2011 Academic Planning

  2. Foundation Curriculum • SOWK 600 – Social Welfare/Soc. Policy • SOWK 640 & 641 – Human Behavior I & II • SOWK 670 – Social Work Research • SOWK 630 & 631 – Soc. Wk Practice I & II • SOWK 635 & SOWK 636 – Foundation Field (2 days a week – starting in fall) Total of 24 credits of 60 credits for MSW

  3. Foundation Curriculum for those entering in 2012 • SOWK 600- Social Welfare/Social Policy • SOWK 645- Hum Behavior in Soc Envir • SOWK 670- SW Research • SOWK 630, 631, 632 SW Practice (630 and 631 taken with SOWK 635; 632 taken with SOWK 636) • SOWK 635, 636 Foundation Field (2 days a week, begins in fall)

  4. Advanced Curriculum = 36 cr. • Concentrations are Clinical and Management & Community Organization (MACO) • You can have a primary and secondary concentration if you want course load in other • Choose specialization – Aging, Families & Children, Health, Mental Health, & Social Action and Comm. Develop. (MACO only) • There are also sub-spec. in Child, Adolescent, & Family Health, EAP, and Substance Abuse.

  5. Sub-specializations • The Child, Adolescent, and Family Health sub-specialization is available under the Health Specialization. • Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) and Substance Abuse sub-spec. are also available under Mental Health. • Each subspecialization has specific course requirements.

  6. Advanced Curriculum – 8 courses + advanced field • Advanced policy (after SOWK 600) • Advanced research (after SOWK 670) • 2 required courses in the concentration – If Clinical, take SWCL 700 & 744; if MACO take SWOA 703 & 704 • 2 more concentration-related courses • 2 electives, one of which must have diversity-related content (if not fulfilled elsewhere)

  7. Full-time Schedule FALL 2011 SOWK 600, 670, 640, 630 + 635 (15 cr) SPRING 2012 SOWK 641, 631+ 636 + two adv. courses (15 cr) (advanced courses are: adv. Policy; adv. Research; CLINICAL:SWCL 700, SWCL 744; and, for MACO: having fulfilled Communities and Org. content in second module of foundation practice, may take SWOA 703 and SWOA 704 )

  8. Full-time Schedule (cont.) Fall 2012 3 Advanced courses + field (15 credits) Spring 2013 3 Advanced courses + field (15 credits) Graduate May 2013 (May and July graduates attend the May ceremony)

  9. About Full-time • It is two years of 15 credits per semester without summer courses – you start your advanced courses in the first spring while you complete foundation; foundation field is 2 days a week (2 semesters) and advanced field is 3 days a week (2 semesters); it is a Sept-May schedule for 2 years. You may reduce your semester load by taking summer courses. You can also extend adv. field by going 2 days a week Sept. - July

  10. Extended Schedule Fall, ’11: SOWK 640 and 600 or 670 = p-t (6 cr.) Spring, ’12: SOWK 641 and 600 or 670 = p-t (6 cr.) (9-15 credits is f-t) Fall, ’12: SOWK 630 and 631 and 635 (field) = f-t (9 credits) -may also take adv. policy &/or research this semester Spring, ‘13 SOWK 632 and 636 (field) = p-t (6 cr.) (may take some advanced courses and be f-t: see slide #7) Fall ’13 > Spring ’14/’15 – take Adv. Field and rest of classes (depends on 3 or 4 year plan)

  11. About the Extended Plan • You can take up to 4 years • You must take a minimum of 6 credits per semester • For at least two semesters you must be full-time- 9 credits (advanced field + one course is minimum to be full-time) • With notice and enough time you can change to a shorter plan

  12. There are Financial Implications • 6 credits – you are part-time and pay per credit (summer is always part-time, max 6 credits) • 9-15 credits you are full-time regardless of whether you are taking 9 credits or 15 • If you want to be here for 4 years and spread out courses as much as possible, including summer, it is possible to be in school for no more than 2 classes or field and one or two classes at any one time

  13. One Four Year Extended Schedule: Fall ’11-Summer ‘15 • Fall ‘11 – 640 and 600 or 670 • Spring ’12 – 641 and 670 or 600 • Fall ’12 - 630 + 631 + 635 (9 cr.) • Spring ’13 - 632 + 636 • Fall ’13 – 2 courses (no Advanced field) • Spring ’14 - 2 courses (no Advanced field) • Summer ‘14– 1 course • Fall ’14 – 1 course + Advanced field (9 cr.) • Spring ’15 – 1 course + Advanced field (9 cr.) • NOTE: due to 27 credits from foundation, 3 credits less are req’d for adv. curr (elective credit)

  14. What is a Diversity Requirement? • Content on diversity is woven into the foundation courses and advanced courses • Faculty wish to insure that students have additional content and have designated certain advanced courses as being more focused on diversity, including populations at risk, as defined by CSWE; competency is demonstrated • Class schedules list these courses (after Shady Grove courses appear)

  15. Diversity Requirement • Each student must take one of the following courses, some of which may fulfill other requirements you have: SOWK 713-Soc. Policy and Health Care SOWK 715-Children and Social Policy SOWK 720-Comparative Social Policy SOWK 764-Multicultural Perspectives

  16. Diversity • courses continued: SOWK 783 Qualitative Cross-Cultural Research SWCL 710 Advanced Group Methods SWCL 724 Clin SW with Aging & Families SWCL 726 Clin SW with African-American Families SWCL 730 Clin SW in Relation to Chronic Mental Illness SWCL 748 Clin SW w/ Death, Dying, Bereavement SWCL 749 Clin SW w/ Lesbian/Gay Clients SWCL 752 Best Practices and Innov. In School MH SWOA 704 Community Organization SWOA 706 Multicultural Practice in Comm and Org

  17. Secondary Concentration and Individual Specialization While you must choose a primary concentration, you may take courses in the other (secondary) one. The field placement will reflect the primary concentration only; the secondary concentration is a classroom designation only and does not include field experience. You may also create your own specialization as long as concentration requirements are met. This is called an individualized specialization.

  18. Other Points Overviews of Curriculum & Specializations are on the web • You must take a methods (practice) course with each semester of advanced field (an SWCL course if you are a Clinical concentration and an SWOA course if you are a MACO concentration) • Meet with your advisor (assigned every Sept. and listed in student mailroom and online); read the Bulletin and your university email • The tentative class schedule is on the web for spring ‘12 (register in Nov.); summer of ’12 may resemble summer of ’11 (summer ’12 and next academic year schedules will be available in mid-March 2012); summer and fall registration in April

  19. Still More Points • Be pro-active in understanding your requirements and get engaged in learning • Understand that 2 grades of F any time while enrolled or one F and 3 unbalanced Cs will result in dismissal • 3.0 needed to go into advanced year of field placement and to graduate • Most teachers require class attendance

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