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The Council of A randa

1473. PRINCESS ELIZABETH’S SWEARING. The Council of A randa. and. Festivity atmosphere on the streets. Spontaneous performances. medieval character. Play performances on the street Princess’ Elizabeth’ Swearing. On october , 6th, 1473, months before being crowned,

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The Council of A randa

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 1473 PRINCESS ELIZABETH’S SWEARING The Council of Aranda and

  2. Festivityatmosphereonthestreets

  3. Spontaneous performances

  4. medieval character

  5. Play performances on the street Princess’ Elizabeth’ Swearing On october, 6th, 1473, months before being crowned, Princess Elizabeth comes to Aranda and a crowd, led by Carrillo Bishop, receives her and promises her loyalty. The Princess swears the privileges, freedoms and exemptions that Aranda held form time immemorial and the town supports her against Juana’s «la Beltraneja» succession ambitions. Two months later, the council will take place. We come close to the history of Aranda with these two historical facts which were represented as follows in 2011

  6. solemnity

  7. tradition

  8. Santa María la Real Church (XV-XVI), with a elizabethangothicstylefacadebuiltby Simón de Colonia

  9. Alonso Carrillo, Archbishop of Toledo

  10. in San Juan balcony

  11. Lady Elizabeth and theArchbishop of Toledo

  12. ThePrincessswearsthetownprivileges

  13. councilretinue

  14. thetown

  15. literature and …

  16. … show

  17. San Juan Bautista Church (s XIV-XV), todaySacredMuseum . Ontheleft, la Casa de las Bolas.

  18. Actors and actresses’ colaboration in thetown

  19. cultural festivity

  20. Aranda’scouncil Aranda’scouncil, summonedbytheArchbishop of Toledo Alonso Carrillo de Acuña, washeld in San Juan Bautista ChurchonDecember 1473. Itwas a trascendental politicaleventwithimportantecclesiasticalreform in a period of upheaval and transitfrom Medieval Agetomodernity. There, sidesweretakenfor Elizabeth against Juana ‘‘ la Beltraneja’’. In theselastyears, Aranda’s City Hall and the Castilla y León LanguageInstitutehavebeen in charge of spreadingthishistoricaleventwiththeater performances wheremany local actors and actressestakepart.

  21. In thecouncil, theChurchtooksidesfor Elizabeth

  22. Assemblytofightignorance and dissolutelife

  23. 29 decreeswereenacted

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