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“Introduction of social economy and rehabilitation of the cooperative system supporting Rural Development in Montenegro ”. Confcooperative Puglia Giovanni Tricarico. Just 5 minutes….
“Introduction of social economy and rehabilitation of the cooperative system supporting Rural Development in Montenegro” Confcooperative Puglia Giovanni Tricarico
Just 5 minutes… …. to thankyouall for the opportunity to meet friends, to share informations, to create a virtual bridge betweentwo Country divided and jointed by the Adriatic Sea; …. to signifythattodayit’snot just the end of a projectbut, at the same time, the beginning (ifyouwish) of a stable partnership for achieving new importantgoalstogether.
WHY ARE WE IN? Confcooperative reallybelievesthatCo-operative enterprises can build a better world! Confcooperative takes part in internationalcooperationprogrammeonlyifitaccomplishedone of the followingconditions: Implementing the cooperative model; Creating the conditions for connectingitaliancooperatives to localones in order to start viable partnership. Westronglybelievethathere in Montenegro wefoundboth of them!
We’llkeep on tryingtill the end During the project wesharedour best practices, wetrasmissedour way to manage cooperative enterprises, to runourAssociation and our way to help cooperatives by providingservices. Nowwekeep on going, ifyouwish… … you’renot alone: webelievethatall partner involved in the project are willing to stay by your side in the future.
Ittakestwoto Tango Are gatheredheretoday Public administrations, Association, Chamber of Commerce, ForeingBodies… Ittakestwo to tango! Cooperative Associationshave to face the Public Administration in order to clarify the needs of theirassociates and, on the otherhand, P.A. have to know, by the mostauthoritativesource, the peculiarity of co-operatives model in order to enact appropriate Laws and Regulations.
Ittakestwoto Tango Cooperative Associationshave to connect themselves with other Associations because: we could grow only together. There’re good practices (for ex: Apulian Global Grant) where, by a real sharing of responsibility, an Intermediate Body (composed by NGO’s, Association and private bodies) received, by the PA, the power to act in a specific sector providing financial facilities using Structural Funds.
Ittakestwoto Tango You’ll join in EU in a periodmarked by a new Cohesion policy focused on implementing multi-levelgovernance. With its new proposals for the cohesion policy reform package 2014‐2020, the European Commission aims to promote the partnership principle between different levels of governance and different actors much more intensively than in the past and render its realization at least partially obligatory. You don’t just join in EU youhaveto“hit the groundrunning”like a paratrooper who must scramble, after his landing, to stay on his feet.
The nextStructuralFunds Strengtheningpartnerships. The Commissionmeans to increase the involvement of local and regionalstakeholders, social partners and civil society organisations in the implementation of operationalprogrammes. Italsowishestoencourage the spread oflocaldevelopmentapproachesbased on partnershipsamong the variousrelevantactors. The European Grouping for Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) is a new European legal instrument designed to facilitate and promote cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation. The EGTC is a legal entity and as such, will enable regional and local Authorities and other public bodies from different member states, to set up cooperation groupings with a legal personality. It could be a way to stay together.
Lastly… P.A.: Have to complete the Co-operative Regulationcoveringalleconomicsectors; Union of Cooperatives of Montenegro: Have to prepare to face the challenges of the accession in Europe and the new role of representation; All of us: wehave to keep on believingthat co-operative enterprises do build a better world.
ThankYou for the attention Giovanni Tricarico tricarico.g@confcooperative.it