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Jim Croft – initial schema design, proof of concept Helen Thompson – project management, schema design, MS Word macros for XML markup, image scanning Scott Payne – database and application design, Java Greg Whitbread – initial database and application design, data import, Java.
Jim Croft – initial schema design, proof of concept • Helen Thompson – project management, schema design, MS Word macros for XML markup, image scanning • Scott Payne – database and application design, Java • Greg Whitbread – initial database and application design, data import, Java On-lineFlora of Australia Jim CroftCentre for Plant Biodiversity Research, Australian National Herbarium & Australian National Botanic Gardens Helen Thompson ; Scott PayneAustralian Biological Resources Study, Environment Australia Greg WhitbreadCentre for Plant Biodiversity Research, Australian National Herbarium & Australian National Botanic Gardens Structured data management in modern on-line Flora treatments
Outline • Background to the project • Structure of a Flora • Structure of a Flora in XML • Structure of a Flora in a database • Using structured Flora data • Flora of Australia examples • A general structure for Floras? • Concept for Flora production • Issues for Flora production • Suggestions / Recommendations
Flora of Australia pteridophytes • Three separate volumes in the Flora of Australia • The Electronic Pteridophyte Flora of Australia will integrate all these treatments a single on-line resource. Volume 48 includes all ferns and fern allies from mainland Australia Volume 49 covers the oceanic islands of Norfolk Is and Lord Howe Is. Volume 50 covers the oceanic islands of Christmas Is and Macquarie Is.
Electronic Flora of Australia • Design schema for published FloraUsing XML Schema; accommodate all data elements • Markup published FloraMS Word macros to replace style with XML tags • Design relational databaseStructured tables in Oracle; accommodate all data elements • Import Flora XML filesOracle; accommodate all data elements
Electronic Flora of Australia • Test, adjust schema, correct markup, re-importRefinement of structure, data and process • Test, adjust schema, correct markup, re-importRefinement of structure, data and process • Test, adjust schema, correct markup, re-importRefinement of structure, data and process • Test, adjust schema, correct markup, re-importRefinement of structure, data and process
Electronic Flora of Australia • Design query interfaceUsingHTML forms • Design output formatsHTML for maximum compatibility • Test output resultsFor structure and completeness • Adjust, correct code, correct markup, rerunetc., etc., etc…
What is XML? • XML, or Extensible Markup Language • A text markup language using simple and intuitive embedded plain text coding tags • Similar in appearance to the Hypertext Markup Language, HTML, used on the World Wide Web. • HTML controls the appearance of text delivered to Internet browsers • XML describes and controls the structure and content of a document. • XML and other style-sheets control the appearance on text based on its structure and content • Hierarchical sets of rules known as XML Schema can transform a word-processed text document into a structured, internally consistent, flexible database • XML can be imported into other databases or modern XML enabled browsers and computer applications to present selected views of the data in different ways.
What does XML look like? Example in HTML <p><b>Platyzomamicrophyllum</b>R.Br., <i>Prodr.</i> 160 (1810)</p> <p ><i>Gleichenia platyzoma</i> F.Muell., <i>Veg. Chatham.-Isl.</i> 63 (1864).T: Facing Island, Qld, <i>R.Brown Iter Austral. 102</i> ; lecto: BM.</p> <p>Illus.: S.B.Andrews…</p> <p>Rhizome short-creeping… Sporangia in zones in distal half of frond.Fig. 55</p> <p>Widespread across northern Australia… Grows in sandy or swampy soils....Map 135.</p> <p>W.A.: 14.4 km NW of Mt…</p> Example in XML <taxon><name>Platyzomamicrophyllum</name><author>R.Br</author>, <publication><title>Prodr.</title><page>160</page><date>1810</date></publication> <synonym> <name>Gleichenia platyzoma</name><author> F.Muell. </author><publication>Veg. Chatham.-Isl.</publication><page>63<page><date>1864</date><type>T: Facing Island, Qld, …</type></synonym> <illustration>Illus.: S.B.Andrews…</illustration> <description>Rhizome short-creeping… Sporangia in zones in distal half of frond. </description><figure>Fig. 55 </figure> <locality>Widespread across northern Australia… </locality><habitat>Grows in sandy or swampy soils...</habitat> <map>Map 135.</map> <specimens>W.A.: 14.4 km NW ofMt…</specimens></taxon>
Telopea speciosissima (Proteaceae) State flower ofNew South Wales the ‘Waratah’