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XIII .  China a. Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) b.  Qing Dynasty i . Policy of isolationism

Empires of the 16 th and 17 th Century I.  Ottoman Empire created by Osman (1258-1326) a. Created a small state for his people the Ottomans b. His successors would expand the state           i. Advantage of gunpowder. `.

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XIII .  China a. Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) b.  Qing Dynasty i . Policy of isolationism

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  1. Empires of the 16th and 17th CenturyI. Ottoman Empire created by Osman (1258-1326)a. Created a small state for his people the Ottomansb. His successors would expand the state           i. Advantage of gunpowder

  2. `

  3. IV. Safavids and the Shi’a Empire a. Create an empire based on the Shi’a branch of Islam b. Fought against the Ottomans most notably c. Great Ruler Shah Abbas brings them a golden age of cultural blending and acceptance

  4. V. Mughal Empire (Mongols) a. Spread Islam to Hindu India b. Effected Architecture such as the Taj Mahal (As seen below)

  5. VI. Spain’s Empirea. Philip II inherited Spain1. Expands to control Portugal and parts ofa.  Africab.  Indiac.  East Indies2. Gains incredible wealth through holdings in the Americasa. Creates a large standing army

  6. b. Literature                i.  Don Quixote man of La Mancha1. by Miguel De Cervantes2. Known as the birth of the Modern European Novel

  7. VII. Francea. Between 1562 and 1598 many wars were fought between the Huguenots and Catholicsb. Henry of Navarre (Bourbon Dynasty)                 i. Huguenot King, Opposed by Catholics1. For his country Henry converts                      iii. 1598 signs Edict of Nantes1. Declaration of religious tolerancec.      Louis XIII             i. Appointed strong minister, Cardinal Richelieu`(increases monarchy's power) 1. Did not allow Huguenot towns to have walls 2. Weakened noble’s power a. Ordered to take down their fortified castlesii. Changed the 30 Years War from a religious to a political conflict

  8. d.      Louis XIV i. Archetype of the absolute monarch 1. Centralized Power 2. Ruled through Devine Right a. King was ordained by God             i. Weakened power of the nobles1. Placed them at the palace so he could keep an eye on themii. Mercantilism    1. Make France as self sufficient as possible                                    2. Government funded businesses                                    3. High tariffs on importsiii. Created Versailles 1. symbol of royal power

  9. VIII. 30 Years War (1618-1648) a. fought between Catholics and protestants b. Results            i. Germany Devastated ii. Peace of Westphalia (1648)1.Weakened Hapsburg states of Spain and Austria2. Strengthened France3. Ended religious wars in Europe 4. Introduced the new method of peace negotiation where all parties meet

  10. IX. Prussia a. Fredrick II “Fredrick the Great”              i.  Create a militaristic society             ii. Gained lands in Prussia in the

  11. XI. Russia a. Peter the Great (1672-1725)                  i. Russia had almost no exposure to the West and the Renaissance or Reformation                          ii. Visits West on “Grand Embassy”1. Gets ideas for reform and the idea that the sea was the future of Russia b. . Attempt at Westernizationa. Introduced Potatoesb. Began a Newspaperc. Told the nobles to dress in western fashions

  12. XII. Englanda. Charles I                 i. Needed money for wars with France and Spain ii. 1628 Parliament refuses to grant the King money unless he signed a petition iii. King agreed so he could get them money then ignored it

  13. b. English Civil War (1642-1649)     i. Charles I needed money to put down a rebellion in Scotland and needed to call Parliament into session to get it1. Parliament passes laws to limit the Power of the Kinga. Charles tried to arrest members of Parliament leading to a riot causing him to flee Englandii. Those loyal to Charles (Cavaliers) vs. the supporters of Parliament (Roundheads)           iii. 1644 Oliver Cromwell begins winning battles and continues until the Kings capture in 16471. King executed in 1649 after standing triala. Why is this so important?b. Cromwell establishes a Commonwealth but ends it in favor of a dictatorship                                        i. A puritan Cromwell seeks to usher in an age of morality

  14. iv. Restoration                   1. After Cromwell’s death his government fell and the people asked Charles II to come rule England Decreased the strict moral rules instituted by Cromwelle.  Glorious Revolution            i. After Charles II, James II becomes King 1. Flaunts his Catholicism and violates English law by appointing Catholics to high office 2. Parliament protested and James dissolved it 3. Has a son greatly concerning the public about a line of Catholic Kings a. Parliament asks Mary, James older sister, to have her husband William of Orange overthrow the British king                                         i. Mary was protestant                                                    ii. William agrees and invades England 1. James II flees

  15. ii. Results of the Glorious Revolution1. Constitutional Monarchy created through the Bill of Rights of 1689a. No                                         i. Suspending of Parliamentary law                                                ii. Levying taxes w/o consent of Parliament                                                iii. Interfering with freedom of speech in Parliament iv. Penalty for someone who petitions grievances

  16. XIII. Chinaa. Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)b.  Qing Dynastyi. Policy of isolationism

  17. XIV. Japana. Era of Sengoku (warring states) {1467-1568}         i. Powerful samurai create a feudalism1. Underneath are daimyou (nobles)

  18. a. Tokugawa unites Japani Creates Tokugawa Shogun1. Line of rulers linked by blooda. Much like the Monarchs of Europe2.      Society a. Feudalism             i. Emperor1. Daimyo/Shoguna. Samurai                                                 ii. Peasants/ Artisans iii. Merchants

  19. The Age of ExplorationI. Factors influencing exploration (God, Glory, and Gold)a. Muslims controlling the land route to Asia           i. Forces Europeans to explore new ways to the Westb. Spread Christianityc. Technological advances               i. Caravel1. Sturdy2. Triangular sailsii. Astrolabe iii. Magnetic compass

  20. d. Impact i. Paper, compass, silk, porcelain (China) ii. Textiles, numeral system (India and Middle East) iii. Scientific transfer—medicine, astronomy, mathematics

  21. II. Portugal a. Prince Henryii. Founded a navigation school b. . By 1460 Portuguese ships had traveled down the west coast of Africa and established trading posts there c. Bartholomew Dias reached the Southern tip of Africa 1488 d. Vasco De Gamasailed around Africa and reached Calicut in India i. Established first sea route to India

  22. e. Trading Empire               i.  Conquered important ports in west Indiaa. Lead to the ownership of the islands of Malecca or “Spice Islands” f. Nations such as Spain follow suit as Ferdinand Magellan sails to the Phillipenes and clams them for Spain

  23. III. Competing claims in the Easta.  1600- Dutch and English attempt to create their own trade empires           i. Dutch owned the largest fleet in the world ii. Eventually Dutch andEnglish break the Portuguese hold on the east                     iii. Compete with each other for dominance1. Both create East India Companies eventually the Dutch get the better of the competition

  24. IV. Japana.  Portuguese came in 1543 i. Brought firearms among other items1. Way of the Samuri endingb. Christian missionaries                i. Welcomed because they were associated with trade                      ii. Began converting large numbers of Japanese to Christianity1. Upset Tokugawa Ieysau 2. By 1612 he focused on ridding his country of Christians iii.      1637- uprising led by many Christians infuriates the Japanese leadershipiv. Ended religious tolerance in Japan

  25. c. Closed country policy                i. By 1639 Japan had safely excluded itself from both merchants and missionaries                  ii. Nagasaki was the only port remaining open for trade

  26. VI.  Atlantic Explorationa. Spanish, Columbus discovers Caribbean islands in 1492 b. Portuguese, Ferdinand Magellan 1522               i. Circumnavigates the globed. Spanish, Ponce De Leon, 1513,                i. Claims modern day Floridae. French, Jacques Cartier 1534               i. Discovers St. Lawrence River ii.Follows it toward island and named it Mont Royal

  27. VII. Spanish in Americasa. Hernando Cortez, 1519               i. Lands on the shore of Mexicoii. Carved through Mexico in hopes of gold and silver                     iii. reaches Aztec capitol of Tenochtitlan iv. Aztec leader Montezuma II thinks Cortez is a god                     v. Conquers the Aztecs because1. Superior weaponry2. Other tribes assistance 3. Disease

  28. b. Francisco Pizarro, 1532 and the Incas                  i. Defeated Incas c. Spain’s influence on the Americas i. Live with the conquered people, intermarrying ii. Mestizos- mixed Spanish and Native Americans           iii. Encomienda system 1. Conquered people basically slaves to Spanish2. Many natives revolt but without success                     iv. Catholic priests accompany conquests1. Create Santa Fe in what is now New Mexico

  29. VIII. New France (Canada)a. Fur trade dominatesIX.  Englisha. Establish Jamestown in 1607b. Puritans settle in “New England”, 1620

  30. IX. Slavery And the New World           a. Death of Native Americans causes a need for cheap labor           b. Plantations require large number of laborers i. Why Africans 1. Exposed to European disease 2. Had experience farming 3. Foreign to the land      c. Between 15 and 1600 i.  300,000 Africans were deported to the Americas ii. 1.2 million in the 1600’s c. Many African rulers play a cooperative role in the slave trade

  31. c. Triangular tradei. First route1. European goods to West Africaa. Exchange for Africans2. Africans transported across Atlantic sold in the West Indies b. Exchange for Sugar 3. Merchants bought sugar and Tobacco in West Indies and sailed back to Europe

  32. d. Slavery in Americas            i. Poor treatment1. Sold at auction2. Not properly fed or clothed ii. Some revolted

  33. e. Results               i. Africa1. Lost generations of most fit2. Devastated societya. Tore apart familiesb. Introduced guns                                              i. Increased warii. America1. Allowed for economic, colonial success2. Agriculturea. Allowed SC to become a successful rice growing state

  34. II. Columbian Exchangea. Global transfer of foods, plants and animals b. From America to Europe           i. Potatoes and Corn1. For longer healthier lives!c. From Europe to America               i. Livestock1. Horses2. Cattle 3. Pigs    ii. Disease 1. Kills native Americans

  35. III. Commercial Revolutiona. New wave of business and trade practices prompted by successes in colonization of the Americasb. Capitalism i. Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nationsii. System based on private ownership and investment for profit                     iii. Merchants obtain wealth rivaling governments

  36. b. Joint-Stock Companies                i. People pooled their wealth for a common investment                     ii. Many people invest little because one person was not willing to take the risk and lose a great deal of moneyc. Mercantilism               i. Country’s power depended mainly on wealth1. Through favorable balance of trade2. Obtain as much gold and silver as possibleii. Colonies exist for the benefit of the mother country

  37. The Enlightenment and Scientific RevolutionI. Scientific Revolution a. New way of looking at the world based on observation and questioning accepted beliefs b. Caused by mixing of cultures

  38. II. Geocentrism vs. heliocentrism      a. Nicolaus Copernicus i. Created heliocentric model of the universe in On the Resolutions of Heavenly Bodies b. Johannes Kepler i. Continues Copernicus’ research and discovers planets motion is governed by a law of motion

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