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Transforming Education: Thinking Schools Ethiopia Program Proposal

This proposal presents a collaboration between Thinking Schools Ethiopia and Thinking Schools International to enhance teacher training, student learning, and school collaboration in Addis Ababa. The program focuses on research-based quality thinking approaches and the use of ICT to support collaborative development. Through reflective questioning, thinking skills training, and visual mapping, the program aims to create a bidirectional model of education nationally and internationally. The pilot phase involved large-scale teacher training sessions for over two thousand educators between 2009 and 2011.

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Transforming Education: Thinking Schools Ethiopia Program Proposal

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  1. Thinking Schools Ethiopia ProgramGovernment Schools Proposal presentation Addis Ababa Bureau of EducationAugust 2003

  2. BACKGROUND • Ethiopia has shown significantprogress in • Access to education • Fair equity • Increase in the number of teachers, schools and institutions • Female participation

  3. GOVERNMENT VISON “to see all school-age children get access to quality primary education by the year 2015 and realize the creation of trained and skilled human power at all levels who will be driving forces in the promotion of democracy and development in the country”.

  4. EDUCATION CHALLENGES • Quality education • Active learning • Cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains • Quality education Vs. Enrollment • Student achievement • transformation of the school in to a motivational and child-friendly learning environment • Lack of a sufficient number of qualified teachers • High turnover of professional personnel • Use of ICT

  5. Eminence Social Entrepreneurs and Thinking Schools International • Eminence Social Entrepreneurs • diverse trainings and consulting • event organization • general advertising • tour operation • Media and communication

  6. Continued…. • Thinking Schools International is a company focused on facilitating expertise within schools, school systems and across regions and countries for transforming the practice of education towards the collaborative development of a wide range of thinking processes of all members of learning organizations.

  7. THINKING SCHOOLS ETHIOPIA • The Thinking Schools Ethiopia program for schools in Addis Ababa is a collaboration between Thinking Schools Ethiopia (part of Eminence in Ethiopia) and Thinking Schools International.

  8. THINKING SCHOOLS ETHIOPIAVISION “For all Ethiopian children to have an opportunity to access high quality education led by trained and certified Ethiopian educators that becomes a bidirectional model of education nationally and internationally”.

  9. GOALS • Research based quality thinking approach for all students • High quality on going teachers training on whole school thinking • Schools working collaboratively, learning and implementing thinking skills •  Use of ICT to develop and support thinking collaboration • Collaborating with Teachers’ colleges and universities for training of teachers in thinking Skills and Whole School development. • Giving training and certification for Ethiopian master facilitators •  Research and documentation of Thinking Schools Ethiopia’s approach

  10. MISSION • Transformational Design • It is not just about students, or Teachers, or senior management: it is about engaging in the transformation of an interdependent community. Every one becomes a learner, teacher and leader. 2. Bidirectional Development • Thinking Schools Ethiopia and Thinking Schools International collaborate globally through bidirectional development.

  11. OBJECTIVES • Impact-Ethiopia with its unique place historically be a model of educational change. • Far Reaching -Ethiopia can connect and excel in the world as a collaborative model with Thinking Schools including initiatives in Brazil, UK, South Africa, India, USA, Norway ,Singapore and other countries. • Sustainable-The trainers and research will grow from educators in the Ethiopian classrooms. • Assessment-ethnographic observation; interviews with students, teachers, and leaders; evaluation of student work; and test scores.


  13. GROWING THINKING SCHOOLS INSIDE OUT APPROCH SIX STARTING POINTS • Reflective Questioning (e.g. training in Shared Inquiry) high quality questioning and listening skills • Thinking Skills (e.g. training in six thinking hats) explicit use of cognitive processes • Visual Mapping (e.g. Visual Tools and/or Thinking Maps Training) the use of visual tools to map out ideas • Collaborative Networking (e.g. training in collegial coaching; collaborative learning)between us in pairs, groups, schools, and global networks • Developing Dispositions (e.g. Habits of Mind Training) • Structuring Environment (e.g. training in Reggio Emilia) considering how the physical space is organize and resources used

  14. ICT • Use of computers, internet, plasma TV, video and DVD’s for teacher trainings in Ethiopia; documentation and assessment of Thinking Schools vision; collaboratively networking schools within Wereda’s, cities and regions throughout Ethiopia through technology; and collaborations with Thinking Schools internationally.

  15. PILOT • The pilot phase of the Thinking Schools Ethiopia Project included many large-­‐scale teacher training sessions for over two thousand (2000) educators including many whole school staffs between August 2009 and April 2011.



  18. KEY ORGANIZATIONS Continued…..

  19. KEY ORGANIZATIONS Continued…..

  20. CONCLUSION • Our program will- • Facilitate Active learning • Introduce Analytical thinking • Guide students to think about their thinking(Meta cognition) • Promote high order thinking skill • Form collaborative learning networks • Change communitys’ perception of quality education • Provide CPD (continuous professional development) • Use ICT efficiently • Use visual languages school wide • Define use of available resources within and around schools


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