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  1. LENINA CROWNE Lenina Crowne is a 19 year old girl who shares her last name with her friend Fanny. She accepts the way of life she is expected to live and does not doubt it, a result of the hypnopaedia. Lenina takes drugs and is constantly on a high. She is encouraged to have frequent relationships with men although recently has been with Henry Foster a lot which is frowned upon. This is why she has decided to spend time with Bernard aswell.

  2. Superficial “But Henry, with whom, one evening when they were in bed together, Lenina had rather anxiously discussed her new lover, Henry had compared poor Bernard to a rhinoceros.” - P72 This shows that Lenina is quite superficial; she is worried about what Henry will think of Bernard, because he is a bit different.. She doesn’t really want to tell Henry about him.

  3. Contrast Between Personalities “Walking and talking – that seemed a very odd way of spending the afternoon. In the end she persuaded him, much against his will, to fly over to Amsterdam to see the Semi-Demi-Finals of the Women's Heavyweight Wrestling Championship.” – P73 This shows that Lenina would prefer to do other things. She sees walking and talking as odd which is quite normal to us. It shows a contrast in Bernard and Lenina’s personalities as they want to do different things.

  4. No Individuality ““But it’s horrible,” said Lenina, shrinking bck from the window. She was appalled by the rushing emptiness of the night, by the black foam-flecked water heaving beneath them, by the pale face of the moon, so haggard and distracted among the hastening clouds. ‘Let’s turn on the radio. Quick!’ she reached for the dialling knob on the dashboard and turned at random”” – P74 This shows that Lenina is not used to doing nothing and just spending time with somebody. This is because almost everything is done in groups and lenina is so used to this, so she doesn’t really know how to be an individual when alone somebody.

  5. Attitude Towards Drugs ““why you don’t take soma when you have those dreadful ideas of yours. You’d forget all about them. And instead of being miserable, you’d be jolly. So jolly,” she repeated and smiled, for all the puzzled anxiety in her eyes, with what was meant to be an inviting and voluptuous cajolery.”” – P75/76 This shows Lenina’s attitude towards the drugs and how she has been brainwashed into doing everything that she is expected to within society. She is trying to persuade Bernard to take soma to make him feel ‘jolly’ she is obviously uncomfortable with the fact that Bernard does not think like the rest of society.

  6. Conforming To Society “He began to talk a lot of incomprehensible and dangerous nonsense. Lenina did her best to stop the ears of her mind; but every now and then a phrase would insist on becoming audible. “...to try the effect of arresting my impulses,” she heard him say. The words seemed to touch a spring in her mind. “Never put off till to-morrow the fun you could have to-day,” she said gravely.” – P77 This quote shows that Lenina has all the information from the hypnopaedia drilled into her head and whenever someone is doubtful she will automatically recite a quote. Shows how all alphas are taught the same things so they will conform to society and behave in the correct manner.

  7. Superficial ““But it was fun,” Lenina insisted. “wasn’t it?” “Oh, the greatest,” he answered, but in a voice so mournful, with an expression so profoundly miserable, that Lenina felt all her triumph suddenly evaporate. Perhaps he had found her to plump, after all.””- P78 This quote shows that Lenina is very superficial because when Bernard says they should have waited she completely disregards his opinions. She thinks the reason Bernard isnt happy is because she was ‘a little to plump’ for him. Obviously appearances matter greatly within society.

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