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SIX MAJOR RELIGIONS J udaism C hristianity I slam H induism B uddhism S hinto Belief about God M onotheism (God)___ or P olytheism (more than one god or goddess)___ Sacred book/teachings Holy Bible___, Torah___, Quran___, 12 Pillars___, 4 Noble Paths, __________
SIX MAJOR RELIGIONS Judaism Christianity Islam Hinduism Buddhism Shinto Belief about GodMonotheism (God)___ orPolytheism (more than one god or goddess)___ Sacred book/teachings Holy Bible___, Torah___, Quran___, 12 Pillars___, 4 Noble Paths, __________ Sacred PlaceJerusalem___, ______________________________ FounderAbraham___, Jesus___, Mohammad___, Siddhartha Gautama___, ________ Began where Israel___, Mecca/Medina, Saudi Arabia___, N. India___, ________________ Place of Worship Mosque, Temple/Synogogue, Church, _____________________ 7. Day of WorshipFriday___, Sunday___, Sundown Fri-Sundown Sat.___, any day ___, ________ 8. FollowersChristians___, Jews___, Muslims___, Hindu___, Buddhist___, ____________ 9. Name given to God Allah___, God___, Buddha___, Shiva___, ___________ 10. Sacred PlaceDome of Rock___, Western/Wailing Wall___, Church of Holy Sepulcher___, __________________, ___________________