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NASA Space Radiation Laboratory

NASA Space Radiation Laboratory. NASA/BNL facility that explores risks to humans exposed to space radiation during space travel $34 million facility uses accelerator beams to simulate cosmic rays in space

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NASA Space Radiation Laboratory

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  1. NASA Space Radiation Laboratory • NASA/BNL facility that explores risks to humans exposed to space radiation during space travel • $34 million facility uses accelerator beams to simulate cosmic rays in space • Goal is to develop methods and materials that reduce the risk to human beings on prolonged space missions • Studies may expand the understanding of the link between ionizing radiation and aging or neuro-degeneration, as well as cancer; may also lead to improvements in cancer radiation treatments

  2. Center for Functional Nanomaterials • Will be a New York State hub for cutting-edge nanoscience studies • Nanoscience & technology is the study and use of materials a few billionths of a meter in size • 10,000 times smaller than the width of a human hair • Very different properties! • Inter-disciplinary exploration of materials that use energy more efficiently, and practical alternatives to fossil fuels • $81 million project expected to be completed 4/07; operational 4/08 • Highlights: Catalysts for more efficient energy production and use (current research)

  3. National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS II) • Proposed new state-of-the-art facility to replace the NSLS • Able to produce x-rays 10,000 times brighter than the current NSLS • Will play key role in BNL’s nanoscience, energy, biology, and materials research – complementary to the CFN • Make & study nanomaterials • Strong state support, $30 million promised for science institute • Competition for funding is fierce; low power rates one key to success of all big BNL facilities

  4. Homeland Security R&D • BNL his expertise in nuclear detectors to detect and interdict nuclear materials and in the study of dispersion studies of air contaminants • We manage the Radiological Assistance Program for DOE and provide support to first responders in NYC • We are working with DHS, NYS and NYC to get more homeland security money for the region • Have also reached out to Mike Balboni with offers of technical support from BNL

  5. Fundamental Research,Practical Discoveries • Curiosity-driven (“How does the universe work?”) • Use-inspired (“How do we address the nation’s energy needs?”) • Applied (“How do we make solar energy use more efficient?”) • BNL does research at all three levels • Knowledge gained here often leads to practical advances for humankind • L-dopa, used to treat Parkinson’s disease • Improving performance of rechargeable batteries • Thallium-201, used in heart stress tests • Promising addiction treatment • Oil burner advances, saving millions/year for Northeast residents • Development of Lyme disease vaccine

  6. Environmental Stewardship • We maintain a strong pollution prevention program • In 2005, saved more than $1 million, supported recycling/reuse of more than 2.8 million pounds of industrial materials • Program received several DOE awards in recent years • We are certified under the ISO 14001 environmental standard • Globally recognized standard of environmental excellence • BNL was first Long Island-based operation, first DOE Office of Science facility to achieve this accreditation • We support the use of alternative fuels • On-site natural gas fueling station used by Dowling College bus • Brookhaven maintains fleet of 73 natural gas vehicles • We support the Upton Ecological and Research Reserve • 10% of the site (530 acres) permanently set aside for conservation and ecological research, managed by the Foundation for Ecological Research in the Northeast (FERN) • FERN board includes BNL, Nature Conservancy, Dowling and Stony Brook • We have launched an Open Space Stewardship program • Fosters partnerships between schools, land stewards in local communities • Students in grades K through 12 perform environmental research, provide data that will help land stewards in making informed decisions

  7. Office of Educational Programs • Designs, develops, implements, and facilitates workforce development and education initiatives that support our scientific mission • Each summer, more than 100 high-school students work side-by-side with BNL researchers on cutting-edge research in physical science, life science, and technology development • Students also participate in research-based classes and lectures, and teachers are offered in-service training in hands-on workshops • Hundreds of undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral students each year participate in internships and programs

  8. Economic Contributions • LIA economist Pearl Kamer studied the economic impact of BNL in 2005, found BNL’s viability as a premier research facility crucial to N.Y. State’s growth: • From 1993 to 2003, BNL injected more than $4.76 billion in direct spending into the New York State economy • This increased the state’s output of goods and services by almost $9.2 billion and created almost 79,000 secondary jobs in the state • In 2004 alone, the Lab’s direct spending of $454.4 million resulted in the expansion of New York State’s total output of goods and services by more than $880 million and created more than 7,700 secondary jobs statewide • Projected spending for fiscal years 2005 through 2014 could total almost $5.6 billion. More than 91,000 jobs would be created statewide, and virtually all industries, including some of the state’s key manufacturing industries, would benefit from this spending

  9. Partnership/Collaboration Efforts and Opportunities • BlueGene-Class supercomputer/SBU partnership • Center for Environmental Molecular Sciences • Stony Brook Energy Center • BNL is exploring partnerships with other Long Island innovation sources

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