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Laboratory of Radiation Biology

Establishing a calibration curve for chromosomal aberrations induced by proton beam therapy at JINR's Laboratory of Nuclear Problems. Learn about chromosomes, cell cycle stages, analysis methods, and retrospective dose estimation. Discover the CABAS software for biological dosimetry and experimental methodology.

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Laboratory of Radiation Biology

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  1. Laboratory of Radiation Biology

  2. Chromosomal analysis for calibration curve creation for potential retrospective dose estimation

  3. Egyptian Candidates Nadia AbdraboSamakFayrouzSayed Ahmed

  4. Supervised by • Dr. PolinaKutsalo • Dr. Anna Rzjanina

  5. Contents • Aim of our work • Introduction • Methodology • Results • Conclusion • References

  6. Aim of our work Establishing calibration curve for unstable chromosomal aberrations induced by the proton beam used in cancer therapy at Laboratory of Nuclear Problems at JINR.

  7. Introduction

  8. What are chromosomes? • Chromosomes are the things that make organisms what they are. • They carry all of the genetic information used to help cell growth and reproduction.

  9. Chromosome structure

  10. DNA and Histone proteins are packaged into structures called chromosomes.

  11. Cell Cycle

  12. Shapes of different stages of chromosomes under microscope

  13. (a) S-phase (b) Early G2-phase (c) Late G2-phase (d) Metaphase (e) Anaphase (f) G1-phase Courtesy of R.Lee (Ph.D thesis, 2005)

  14. acentric fragments Chromosomal aberrations Ionising radiation Primary lesions analysis of the frequencies of unstable aberrations by Giemsa staining Fluorescence in situ hybridyzation(FISH) translocation dicentric Micronuclei assay

  15. Lymphocyte Biological dosimetryallows to asses an accidental dose of ionising radiation by analysis of changes induced in chromosomes of peripheral blood human lymphocytes.

  16. Calibrationcurve • Established on the basis of the level of cytogenetic damage (chromosomal aberrations) induced by ionising radiation under in vitro conditions in human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL). • Used in biological dosimetry for retrospectivedoseestimation in case of accidental overexposure of people.

  17. CABAS Software designed for the purpose of biological dosimetry based on the analysis of chromosomal aberrations - dicentrics and rings, scored on Giemsa stained slides. Reference: Deperas J. et. al. (2007) CABAS - a freely available PC program for fitting calibration curves in chromosome aberration dosimeter. Radiat Prot Dosimetry 124:115-123, 2007.

  18. Methodology

  19. colcemid 46h SCHEME OF THE EXPERIMENT for the standard metaphase analysis (dicentric assay) PHA Culture of Irradiated blood BrdU Fixation 0-24 h 48-50h Staining with Fluorescence Plus Giemsa (FPG) Reference: Cytogenetic analysis for radiation dose assessment. A manual. (2001) International Atomic Energy Agency. Vienna. • light microscope

  20. Results We established dose calibration curve for unstable chromosomal aberrations induced by therapeutic proton beam in the dose range from 0 to 3 Gy.

  21. Conclusion The calibration curve may be useful to retrospective dose estimation in case of accidental exposure to protons.

  22. References: • IAEA (1986) Biological dosimetry: chromosome aberrations analysis for dose assessment. International Atomic Energy Agency Technical Report No 260.Vienna. • IAEA (2001) Cytogenetic analysis for radiation dose assessment. A manual. International Atomic Energy Agency. Vienna.

  23. Thank You

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