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Role of Information Technology in the Globalization. Dr. Prof. Syed Abdul Siraj Chairman Mass Communication Allama Iqbal open University. Concepts of Globalization. Globalization is a buzzword of the Decade.
Role of Information Technology in the Globalization Dr. Prof. Syed Abdul Siraj Chairman Mass Communication Allama Iqbal open University
Concepts of Globalization • Globalization is a buzzword of the Decade. • Journalists, Academic , businessmen, Politician etc are using this world to signify that some thing preformed is happening that the world is changing the new political, economic and cultural world is emerging. • Globalization entactswesternization of the World. • Some sees it Homogenization. • Some sees it Hybridization.
The businessmen sees it a strategy for increasing corporate profit and power. • NGOs sees it as a leaver to produce positive social good like democracy and humanization. • Globalization also means movement of people , goods and idea among boundaries and regions. • From terrorism to envoirmental, HIV-Aids to SARs, free trade to protectionist and population growth to poverty, globalization has deeply implicated our life in the new Millennium. • Under the concept of globalization to day every place look and feel like every place else where. Such as the same Restaurants, Hotels, same cloths, Shopping Malls, Super stores, same TV programmes and same values of life.
Media and Cultural Imperialism • Globalized media is waiting new form of information and entertainment which changes the human life dramatically and over night. • Some says that globalization is a modern form of imperialism through media. • Media generate powerful images that promise for good life and good things. • Titanic was the most popular movie in cinema and sub-continate than America. • Globalized Media is Exporting American culture because all the big Mugals/ Media conglomerate reside in USA.
America dreams are dreamed move by other then the America. • America products logo are recognizable world wide like Coca cola, Nike, MacDonald's etc all these products are exporting American Culture. • Every nation have become colony in the American Media networks. • Sociologist and Anthropologists are of the view that globalized Media is an instrument for destroying individual identity, culture and diversity. • Some says that the mighty dotter is not important nothing would move forward globally. • Youth from China and Argentina sees the same Movies, visit the same Internet Sites, desire for the same Brand using the same Music and desire for the same Life Style. • Today generation eat Mac Donald, hamburger, drink Starbuck Coffee and use English for their daily Communication.
Globalization and public Issues/ Social Development • Globalized Media seems relaxed in social responsibility and put generated emphasis on entertainment, particularly life Style features such on fashion traveling, foods, sports and weather. • Globalization de emphasis public affairs contents and increase the attention towards life Style features such on fashion traveling, foods, sports and weather. • Globalization has greatly effected the quality of Political information content. so the awareness on Public Issues and the role of watchdog by the media is disappearing. • Now the Audiences are treated as censured than citizen. For the commercialized media is filled with less public and movie private information. • This commercialized Media reflect a general with drawl ofcitizen from Government and Public life and turned them towards life style and consumption.
Globalization and Violence • One becomescynicalabout the society he lives in as media portray Society often in choitec state there are threatingways in both newsand entertainment programmes. • In the race of capturing more and more audience media contents become more dramatic and entertainment . • Mostly there under crime dominated news and other media outlets. • The TV in crime news is going up than the actual crime in the society.
Bads of Globalization Life of the middle class across the globeischaracterized by • Short term jobs • Changing portent and families. • Anonymous neighborhoods • Through away material goods • Promises ofpleasure • Opportunity for accommodatepersonal justification.
At globalization works where the solid and toxics be dumped. • Globalization has endangered envoirmental, agricultural and food supply. We now talk about on ozone layer depletion the pollution of the ocean and wears over resources such as oil and perhaps soon water. • Global media corporation placed reep mudk , technical and few other in position to transmit images and commercial values of thewest societyinto the brain of 75 % of the wesk population. • The over crowded cities unusual and disturbing wealth patren the growth of global poverty. The lowering of wages, the elimination of social services, the distinction of lderness and wildlife the protest of the labour envoirmentalists etc are all the product of globalization • They are connected to the trade economic, global politics and the restricting of social order. • Globalization resulted in the emergence of ethnicity nationist sentiments traditions and religious fundamentalism.
. Consumerism and media commercialism have segmented people into movie categories. • The problems of global phenomena have coined a slogan” Thick globally and act locally”. • Since the Media power is visited in few hands they limit the range of information and opinion on social developments. This multi media congratulates have derived out the alternative view and limited the freedom of comm. • Globalized media has also enslaved human being through its cheep low quality of information good entertainment funk food. • The third world countries rejected economic, cultural and media globalization on the following grounds. • It spreads western impearlism through the powerful media images. • There is inequality of world wide news flow. • Its spreading of western values are harmful to the indigenous cultural. • The third world countries cannot equate the power of western media congramlates who have imposed their media hegemony in the share of economic, politics, culture.
The western style of advertising are seriously being criticized in the Muslim world. • The nutritional, unrealistic, emotionally changed advertising risen unrealistic expection in the developing countries. • Current events of the third world countries are cut filteredslanted and distorted as per western objective. • There are rarely any positive information on the third world countries social, political and economic issues. If they carry any information regarding the third world they are relating strikes, crime street demonstration etc. These stories and images destroy the country dignity and respect. • So sum up, globalization is creating tension ,in security, confusion, panic and excitement thus producing a cultural of openness with out an check and balance.
Goods of Globalization • Globalization has made the national boundaries, irrelevant thus government can no longer control the media contents. • Now information of the world are equally sharing by the paper. • Globalized media has given great access of information to the people. • Muchof the data is now available free wide range of information and entertainment. • It has better inform the people who get a wide range of information and entertainment. • Package are more important than the contents. • People may buy inferior products over superior ones because the color and packages.
This all bizarre but true. • Satellite soon can bring information of one part of the involvedto the other in seconds. So every thing is here and now. • There is no time to just “Smell the Rose”. • All these things are causing stress and other problems • Individual are no more received rather they are the victim of information. • This over loaded information phenomena or information pollution is causing stress and anxiety.
The information & Technology and Today Culture • We now live in a three minutes culture because of the short sprang attention to media messages. • Today society is a visual society our reality is dominated by the popular media images. • Our reality is littered with videos footage computer games, advertisement films, television images and photography. • Advertisement techniques can make a company irrespective of the quality of the product. • The emphasis is on style rather than substance and contents. • people get influenced by branding. • One label becomes more important than the product.
Effects of Technology on Society • The idea of Mass Communication was generated by Gutenberg about 500 years ago in Germany. When he for the first time printed of Bible. • Since than some has been advancing through different process and method. • Today no part of the world is hidden from the eye of Sattelite. Every thing is here and now. • Technology revolution in Media/ Communication in its true sense startup from the wire age(1844). • It followed by wireless age1900. • Now we are in the integrated grid age- it combines wire and wireless and form system that transmit eight Million words a second. • They over loaded information Phenomena has also created a gas between what we understand and what we think. • Another concern is to heated the new technology is awareness to every one a that way one will use them equally. • Since the new technology is expensive and rare more likely to be used by the highly educated people. • This can lead to a gab between the information have and information not have” it is also called knowledge Gap. • Technological and advancement in common has made the rich advanced country more powerful in influencing the third world culture, market , politics and economic. • Earlier the world was divided by haves and haves not. • Now the world is divided have and information not have.