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Injection Phase Changes in force from 1 st April 2014. Crema, 13 th March 2014. RESOLUTION N.85 OF 27 TH FEBRUARY 2014 Provision for the allocation of Storage capacities for the Thermal Year 2014-2015.
Injection Phase Changes in force from 1st April 2014 Crema, 13th March 2014
RESOLUTION N.85 OF 27TH FEBRUARY 2014Provision for the allocation of Storage capacities for the Thermal Year 2014-2015 The Authority of Electricity and gas with Resolution 85/2014/R/gas has foreseen that Storage Operators, from 1° April 2014, have to define the UserInjection Capacity available for Peak/Flat Modulation Service, as a share of the total Injection Capacity available for these Services, as resulting from the application of Adjustment factors published on STOGIT website. According to Resolution 85/2014/R/gas it will be defined a monthly share factor for each User and for its Peak/Flat Modulation Service (Ru) depending from its actual filling ratio and its «commercial» filling profile as defined below. Link Resolution 85/2014/R/gas (http://www.autorita.energia.it/allegati/docs/14/085-14.pdf), GESCON 2
RESOLUTION N.85 OF 27TH FEBRUARY 2014Pubblications regarding the Injection Phase • The Adjustment factors will be applied at the totalPeak/Flat Modulation Injection Capacity offered for allocation • System volume bands (or system filling profile) will be applied at the total Peak/Flat Modulation Space offered for allocation http://www.stogit.it/repository/business_servizi/Comunicazioni_operative/Profili_utilizzo_fattori_adeguamento/Fattori_adeguamento_e_Profili_utilizzo_2014_03_10-_INIEZIONE.pdf GESCON 3
RESOLUTION N.85 OF 27TH FEBRUARY 2014Article 3 – «Commecial» filling profile 1/2 • Each User, for each Peak/Flat Modulation Service Capacities of which is owner as a result of different monthly allocation procedures (seasonal product, monthly product), will have a specific «commercial» filling profile based on the System volume bands (see slide below) as published on Stogit website. • Stogit will publish monthly, regarding the auction allocation procedures: • «Commercial» filling profile for the Peak/Flat Modulation Capacities (Seasonal product) • «Commercial» filling profile for the Peak/Flat Modulation Capacities (Monthly product) • These «commercial» filling profiles will be taken into account for the determination of the Ru coefficient and for the application of the charges referred to in Article 7.5.1 of the Storage Code. • For the Users who have participated in more than one auction allocation procedures it will be taken into account the sum of their “commercial” profiles for each type of capacity product allocated. GESCON 4
RESOLUTION N.85 OF 27TH FEBRUARY 2014Article 3 – «Commercial» filling profile 2/2 The «Commercial» filling profile for the Peak/Flat Modulation Services (Seasonal product) available from 1st April 2014 equals the system filling profile (Im,min e Im,max) The «Commercial» filling profile for the Peak/Flat Modulation Services available from month M following April 2014 (Im,min,infrannuale e Im,max,infrannuale), will be defined with the following formula: For the capacities related to Monthly product allocated starting from month M, the terms Imin,infrannualeandImax,infrannuale will be set at 1 from the month M up to the last month of the Injection Phase. GESCON 5
RESOLUTION N.85 OF 27TH FEBRUARY 2014Article 3.3 – Definition of Ru • where • Gmaxu,k is the User u maximum gas stock at the end of month k on the basis of its «commercial» filling profile • Giu,k is the maximum of the User u minimum gas stock on the basis of its «commercial» filling profile and the effective User u gas stock, at the beginning of the month k (that is at the end of month k-1*) • Gmaxs,kis the system maximum gas stock at the end of month k on the basis of the system filling profile • Gmins,kis the system minimum gas stock at the beginning of month k (that is at the end of month k-1) on the basis of the system filling profile • It should be noted that if a user at the beginning of the month k has an actual gas stock higher than the maximum gas stock at the end of the month k determined on the basis of its “commercial” filling profile (slide below), he will have an available Injection Capacity equal to zero. • *For April, the minimum gas stock on the basis of the «commercial» filling profile is determined on the basis of the actual system gas stock at 31th March. GESCON 6
RESOLUTION N.85 OF 27TH FEBRUARY 2014Article 3.3 – available Injection Capacities on Injection phase for Peak/Flat modulation Services • Stogit will calculate the Ru coefficient at the beginning of each month of the Injection phase (effective from first day of the month) after the gas allocation of the last day of the previous month • The control on the nomination of the last day of month will use an estimated Ru coefficient (on the basis of the user's inventory estimation at the end of month). • Stogit, after having calculatedthe Ru coefficient for each user/service, will manually update the Injection capacity on SAMPEI system, for proper controls on daily renomination (17:00) • In addition, Stogit will manually update the Injection capacity on the SAMPEI system for each user/service in case of variation of the total available Injection Capacity for the Peak/Flat modulation Services (change of the Adjustment factor based on the filling ratio of the system ) GESCON 7
RESOLUTION N.85 OF 27TH FEBRUARY 2014SAMPEI SYSTEM- Transitional phase • The current seasonal scheduling as provided in the SAMPEI system is not consistent with provisions of Resolution 85/2014/R/gas, so it has been temporarily disabled • Current monthly scheduling for Peak/Flat modulation Services will be submitted into SAMPEI system within 18:00 of 28/03/2014 as the sum of seasonal and monthly capacity allocations. The same deadline will apply to the other storage services • The weekly scheduling for the 27th March with validity from 1st / 6th April will not be submitted. The following scheduling for Peak/Flat modulation services will be submitted as the sum of seasonal and monthly capacity allocation • The (re)nomination will be submitted for each Storage Services • The PB-gas splitting procedure will not change GESCON 8