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Destiny Training 1. OUR MISSION. Equipping Parents and Volunteers to reach children with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, connect them with our church family, and prepare them for service. To raise a dedicated team of creative, passionate and efficient volunteers for the children’s ministry.
OUR MISSION • Equipping Parents and Volunteers to reach children with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, connect them with our church family, and prepare them for service. • To raise a dedicated team of creative, passionate and efficient volunteers for the children’s ministry. • Demonstrating Christ like love and compassion for children of all races backgrounds, and religion in order to attract and win them for the Lord Jesus Christ through our ‘Destiny Life’ children’s programs as well as Celebration services for children.
Mission • Establishing community based cells for children in all our zones and coordinated through our ‘Destiny Kids’children’s ministry program. • Running Children’s cell and celebration programs that are full of fun, adventure and excitement for children of all ages across our annual mission calendars for children. • Raising children who love God’s Word, Prayer, Worship, Witnessing and serving others as a lifestyle.
Mission • Positively affecting our communities through an outgoing children’s ministry that offers an alternative gospel culture to the existing contemporary or worldly cultures within our communities. • Building a children’s ministry that actively connects with the adult ministry by directly engaging parents in their children’s ministry through active support and involvement.
Our Vision • We want a growing number of children to visit our church, find a place where they feel loved, come to know Christ, and continue to grow through life-changing experiences. • We want parents to find a place where their lives are impacted by what they see happening in the lives of their children. • From the moment the children arrive until they leave we want their experience to be one of surprise and delight.
Our Goals • To provide a safe, secure and loving environment for children where parents feel comfortable leaving their children. • To help children feel a warm sense of belonging to their church family and to ensure each child knows they are welcomed and wanted. • To help each child understand that God is real and that a personal relationship with Him gives meaning to life. • To aid each child in accepting Jesus Christ and developing a dynamic relationship with Him.
Goals • To help each child understand that God’s Word is relevant and growth in Bible knowledge results in positive life changes in attitudes, actions and life-style. • To help each child grow in relationship to other believers and with un-churched friends. • To provide children the opportunity to participate in worship and ministry. • To support families in their responsibility for the spiritual nurture and growth of their child. • To provide godly men and women who are adequately trained to serve as positive role models as they minister with children.
Our Task • To expose children to the Word of God at an early stage in their lives. • Pro 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. • In this we work very close with and assist parents in their God-given task of training their children. • To re-enforce Biblical value systems in the lives of children. • To be examples that model the life of Christ before the children so they can learn better from observing living examples. • Helping children gain an understanding of God’s plan for their lives so we can guide them towards pursuing and fulfill their calling. • To work towards unlocking their God-given potential for living fruitful extraordinary lives under the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Our Task • Helping children gain an understanding of God’s plan for their lives so we can guide them towards pursuing and fulfill their calling. • To work towards unlocking their God-given potential for living fruitful extraordinary lives under the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Basic Aims • To raise up and equip children to know their identity in Christ. • To motivate children to recognize God’s purpose for their lives and help them achieve it. • To develop future leaders. • To make disciples of them and teach them how to win souls for Christ.
STANDARDS FOR CHILD CARE VOLUNTEERS • The responsibility of spiritual upbringing of children belongs first to the parents. The church’s role is to add to the training in the home. • We seek to work with the children’s parents, asking for their input and listening to their concerns. • It is unwise to side with a child against a parent, or contradict a parent in front of a child.
Standards • If you have a concern about a parent, or a home situation, talk to the Children’s Ministry Director immediately. • Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.
CHILDREN’S VOLUNTEERS STRIVE TO BEENCOURAGING IN SPEECH • We want our words to be encouraging and positive. There should be no insults, mockery, cut-downs, gossip, or slander, especially in • the presence of children. Humor should reflect a walk with God. • Colossians 4:6 Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. • Ephesians 5:4 Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving
AN EXAMPLE IN CHRISTIAN CHARACTER • Because volunteers in our Children’s Ministry should be examples to the children, we refrain from activities that do not honor God. • In “gray areas” we are sensitive to the convictions of others. • In our personal life we are committed to Bible study, prayer, church attendance and Christ-like living. • Titus 2:6-7 Encourage the young men to be self-controlled. In everything set them an example by doing what is good. • In your teaching, show integrity and seriousness
RESPECTFUL TO CO VOLUNTEERS • In interacting with each other, it is important that our speech and actions show the bible lessons we are trying to teach the kids. • We extend grace and resist the temptation to criticize, manipulate or argue. • We want the children to see examples of what it looks and sounds like when Jesus works through us. • Matthew 18:6 But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.
RESPONSIBLE IN LEADERSHIP • This involves responding to communications in a timely manner, knowing your work schedule and being on time, attending meetings, . • Give respect to church procedures by following them. • I Peter 2:17 Show proper respect to everyone: Love the brotherhood of believers
FAITHFUL IN COMMITMENTS MADE • When we give our word, we keep it. If we say we will do something, or be somewhere, we follow through on it. • If something happens where we cannot, then we communicate so that those affected can take necessary action. • I Corinthians 4:2 Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful. • Proverbs 28:20 A faithful [volunteer] will be richly blessed.
RESPECTFUL OF AUTHORITY in word, action, and attitude • Hebrews 13:17 Obey your leaders and submit to their authority. • They keep watch over you as men who must give an account. • Obey them so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no advantage to you
PARTNERS WITH PARENTS • The responsibility of spiritual upbringing of children belongs first to the parents. The church’s role is to add to the training in the home. • We seek to work with the children’s parents, asking for their input and listening to their concerns. • It is unwise to side with a child against a parent, or contradict a parent in front of a child.
Partner Parents • If you have a concern about a parent, or a home situation, talk to the Children’s Ministry Director immediately. • Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.
TEACHABLE IN SPIRIT • This may be the most important trait of any volunteer who is seeking to serve the Lord! We all have weaknesses, but if we remain teachable, there is always hope! We must be willing to listen to constructive criticism and prayerfully consider the input of others. • We do not need to always agree, but if we fail to listen we hurt only ourselves and rob ourselves of another chance to grow.
Teachable • Proverbs 12:15 The way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice. • Proverbs 13:10 Pride only brings quarrels, but wisdom is found in those who take advice. • Proverbs 19:20 Listen to advice and accept instruction, and in the end you will be wise.
4 Requirements For Being A Teacher 1. YOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN! • John 3:1-21 • Must have been COMMITTED Christian for at least one year. • "I tell you the truth; no man can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again." • John 3:3
2. YOU MUST HAVE A CONSISTENT WALK WITH THE LORD • James 1:2-8 & Ephesians 4:14-16 • No roller coaster lifestyle. Must have attended, ON A CONSISTENT BASIS, • Calvary Christian Life Missions for at least one year to be a teacher, and six months to be a helper. • "Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching . . . " Ephesians 4:14
3. YOU MUST BE FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT • The Spirit must FIRST be filled in a person BEFORE it can be spilled out to others. • ". . . Instead, be filled with the Spirit." Ephesians 5:18
4. YOU MUST HAVE A TRUE LOVE FOR KIDS • The children are just as important as adults and should be treated with the same priority. • Their needs, desires, disappointments and plans are as intensely felt as ours. • They should be treated with love and respect. • No person should fill a teachers spot simply because there is a need, but because God is calling you, and with His calling He will enable you. • That means that He will shower you with a love to teach and a love for each and every child.
Love Children • With God's Agape love we can love them all, the lovable and the unlovable. • Love is a natural attribute when one is walking with the Lord. • 1 Corinthians 13 & Matthew 18:10-14 • You must be FAITHFUL, RESPONSIBLE and TEACHABLE! • "Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones: for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven." Matthew 18:10
HOW IMPORTANT IS THE CHILDREN’S MINISTRY TO JESUS? • He respected children • He identified Himself with them • He spent time with them • He took them in order to pay attention to them • He used their behavior in order to illustrate His teachings • He blessed them • He fed them • He healed them
Importance of Children • He let them help Him • He gladly received the praise of children affirming that it was worthy in God’s sight • He commended their childlike faith as worthy of pleasing the Father • He also came to save the children • He likens the greatest un the kingdom to children
Our Expectation • God responds to the childlike faith, simple obedience attitude and approach of people to life’s situations. WHAT WE EXPECT • Every Child: • Has the opportunity to receive Christ as their personal Savior. • Gains Bible knowledge and is capable of knowing and applying its truth.
Expectation • Knows the Word, believes the Word and performs the Word. • Experiences a spirit filled life. • Gets the opportunity to be filled with the Holy Spirit • Learns to live a spirit filled life and can grow spiritually. • Learns to be a servant of Christ and obeys His commandments.
TODAY’S CHURCH • Children are not the church of tomorrow as is generally espoused by many. • Contrary to this notion, children are part and parcel of the fabric of today’s church, capable of responding to God’s word and effectively fulfilling its requirements in their lives just as the adults do. • Therefore they deserve all the attention, resources and training that can prepare them for fulfilling their God given mandates. They should be treated the same way we would treat the adult believers serve for the methods and levels of ministry that correspond to their age levels.
METHOD • Our methods of presentation should vary greatly from simple, short games to reflective Bible studies depending on the age of the children. • All activities must be exciting, involving and relevant to the various age groups. • A plethora of activities should be engaged in including such as, simple lessons, quiz, objective lessons, drama, music, dance, projects, Bible Games, miming, memory verses, treasure hunts etc in order to help the children apply the Bible truths in their day by day experiences in life.
CHILD TO CHILD MINISTRY • Children’s ministry basically implies children ministering to other children. • They must be given plenty of opportunities to minister to one another in order to appreciate their gifts and learn to serve one another. • They must be taught to identify needs in other children so they can help meet some of these needs according to their individual abilities.
Child to Child • As they work in their small groups (teams), a strong team spirit must be encouraged to induce healthy cooperation among them. • The spirit of competition must be kept to a minimum level whenever desirable and must be done under a spirit of camaraderie and not bitter rivalry which may endanger sweet fellowship in the long run.
OUR MINISTRY TO CHILDREN • Feeding the young of God’s flock is a high and significant calling. • It is an honor and privilege to help lay foundations in the hearts of children, to teach the Biblical, Godly principles that will affect their lives for eternity. • Jesus loves children and wants them to be saved early (Jas. 1:27). Children are also included in the Great Commission (Mark 16:15).
Ministry to Children • There is need to minister change to them and not just to try and occupy or entertain them so that they may not disturb adults during service. • Not to carelessly regard them as immature or incapable of comprehending spiritual truth.