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4MAT by Bernice McCarthy. What is 4MAT. 4MAT is a lesson plan model that appeals to all types of learners and engages, informs, and allows for practice and creative use of material learned within each lesson. . http://www.aboutlearning.com/ (start about 4:45). 4MAT Lessons. Connect Attend
What is 4MAT 4MAT is a lesson plan model that appeals to all types of learners and engages, informs, and allows for practice and creative use of material learned within each lesson. http://www.aboutlearning.com/ (start about 4:45)
4MAT Lessons • Connect • Attend • Imagine • Inform • Practice • Extend • Refine • Perform
Concrete Experience PERFORMRight CONNECT Right Teacher more active Learner more active Integrate Experience REFINE Left ATTEND Left Act Reflective Observation Active Experimentation Reflect IMAGINE Right EXTENDRight Conceptualize PRACTICE Left INFORMLeft Teacher more active Learner more active Abstract Conceptualization
4 MAT Lesson DesignQuadrant 1 RIGHT: Connect • Capture student’s attention • Begin with a situation that is familiar to students and build on what they already know • Use cooperative learning that allows for diverse student responses • Connect learners to the concept in a personal way • Use “real” experience if possible. Have an experience Hunter calls this Anticipatory Set
4 MAT Lesson DesignQuadrant 1 LEFT: Attend • Guide students to reflect and analyze the experience. • Summarize and review similarities and differences. • Clarify the reason for learning React to an experience
4 MAT Lesson DesignQuadrant 2 RIGHT: Imagine • Use another medium (not reading or writing) to connect students’ personal knowing to the concept (i.e. visual arts, music, movement, etc.). • Relate what the students already know to what the experts have found. Build on experience
4 MAT Lesson DesignQuadrant 2 LEFT: Inform • Provide “expert knowledge” related to the concept. • Emphasize the most significant aspects of the concept in an organized, organic manner. • Present information sequentially so students see continuity. • Draw attention to important, discrete details; don’t swamp students with a myriad of facts. • Use a variety of delivery systems; interactive lecture, text, guest speakers, films, visuals, demonstrations, when available. Examine expert knowledge Hunter calls this Instructional Input
4 MAT Lesson DesignQuadrant 3 LEFT: Practice • Provide opportunities for students to practice new learning, (learning centers, games fostering skills development, etc.). • Check for understanding of concepts and skills by using relevant standard materials such as worksheets, text problems, workbooks, teacher prepared exercises, etc. • Use concept of mastery learning to determine if re-teaching (correctives) is necessary and how it will be carried out. Practice the skills
4 MAT Lesson DesignQuadrant 3 RIGHT: Extend • Encourage tinkering with ideas, relationships, connections. • Set up situations where student have to find information not readily available in school texts. • Provide opportunity for student to design their own open-ended explorations of the concept. Provide multiple options so student can plan a unique “proof” of learning. Make the content your own
4 MAT Lesson DesignQuadrant 4 LEFT: Refine • Help students analyze their use of the learning for meaning, relevance, and originality. • Help mistakes to become learning opportunities. • Summarize by reviewing the whole, bringing students “full circle” to the experience with which the learning began. Become more able, skilled, and knowledgeable
4 MAT Lesson DesignQuadrant 4 RIGHT: Perform • Students report and demonstrate what they have learned. • Make student learning available to the larger community, i.e. books students write are shared with other classes, students report in a school newspaper, student work is displayed, etc. • Leave students wondering (creatively) about further possible applications of the concept, extending the “what ifs” into the future. • Learning is celebrated. Integrate and demonstrate learning
Checklist for 4MAT lesson • Quadrant One: • Did you begin with situations that build on what the learners already know? • Did you use experiential learning? • Did you use problem-solving group work? • Did you establish the “Why”?
Checklist for 4MAT lesson • Quadrant Two: • Did you keep the “big idea” in mind while explaining the details of the concept? • Did you emphasize the most significant aspects of the concept in an organized, sequential manner? • Did you establish the “What”?
Checklist for 4MAT lesson • Quadrant Three • Did you set up ways in which your students can learn by doing? • Did you require that your students test the theories they are learning? • Are there elements of absorption, fascination, play, and wonder in this hands-on section of your teaching? • Did you establish the “How”?
Checklist for 4MAT lesson • Quadrant Four • Did you provide situations, related to the content, that allow the students to make the learning their own? • Did you provide opportunities for students to polish and share their new learning? • Did you establish the “What if”?
So how do I use this to plan a lesson? http://www.aboutlearning.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=79&Itemid=81