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Using 4MAT Instructional Model. PCC Community Education Center. Faculty Development Workshop. 4MAT Origins. 4MAT is based on research from: Education Psychology Neurology Management. Faculty Development Workshop. 4MAT Origins.
Using 4MAT Instructional Model PCC Community Education Center Faculty Development Workshop
4MAT Origins • 4MAT is based on research from: • Education • Psychology • Neurology • Management Faculty Development Workshop
4MAT Origins • The purpose 4MAT is a simple and potent instructional model for designing and facilitating adult learning in schools. • The 4MAT method is especially effective for increasing learner motivation, retention, application, and extension of learning. Faculty Development Workshop
4MAT Origins • The purpose of 4MAT is for : • More dialogue, less monologue • More interactive exchange of information than just giving information • Greater appreciation for diversity as a positive outcome to enhance learning • A deeper sense of responsibility for student motivation • A new urgency for creating curiosity and interest Faculty Development Workshop
4MAT Origins • Inherent in the 4MAT system are two premises : • People have major learning styles and hemispheric (right-mode/left-mode) processing preferences • Using multiple instructional strategies to teach these preferences can improve teaching and learning Faculty Development Workshop
4MAT Origins • Differences in our learning styles depend on many things : • Who we are • Where we are • How we see ourselves • What we pay attention to • What people expect and ask of us Faculty Development Workshop
4MAT Origins • David Kolb (1976, 1984, 1985) described two major differences in how people learn: • How they perceive • How they process Faculty Development Workshop
4MAT Origins • How people perceive • Some people respond by sensing and feeling their way • Others think things through Faculty Development Workshop
4MAT Origins • Those that respond by sensing and feeling: • Project themselves into the reality of now • They attend to the actual experience itself • They immerse themselves directly • They perceive through their senses • They intuit Faculty Development Workshop
4MAT Origins • Those that think things through: • Attend to more abstract dimensions of reality • They analyze what is happening • Their intellect makes the first appraisal • They reason • They approach things logically Faculty Development Workshop
4MAT Origins • Those that respond by sensing and feeling & • Those that think things through • Every person needs both for the fullest possible understanding of experiences • Perception alone does not equal learning • You also learn by processing information Faculty Development Workshop
4MAT Origins • How people process: • Some people are watchers first • Some people are doers first Faculty Development Workshop
4MAT Origins • Watchers: • Reflect on new things • Filter them through their own experiences to create meaning in a slow, deliberate way • Doers: • Act on new information immediately • They reflect on it only after they have acted on it • They need to do it in order to make it theirs Faculty Development Workshop
4MAT Origins Sensing/Feeling Dynamic Learners Imaginative Learners 4 1 Doing Watching 3 2 Common Sense Learners Analytical Learners Thinking Faculty Development Workshop
4MAT Origins Left Brain: Analytical Rational Verbal Right Brain: Global Visual Holistic Common Sense Learners Dynamic Learners Analytical Learners Imaginative Learners Faculty Development Workshop
4MAT Origins Comfort Zones & Stretch Zones Left Brain: Analytical Rational Verbal Right Brain: Global Visual Holistic Common Sense Learners Dynamic Learners Analytical Learners Imaginative Learners Faculty Development Workshop
4MAT Origins • Imaginatively Learners: • Perceive information concretely • Process information reflectively • Believe in their own experiences • Work for harmony • Need to be personally involved • Seek commitment form others • Are interested in people and culture • Because they see all sides, often have difficulty making decisions • They school to fragmented and disconnected from personal issues • Struggle to connect the content of school with their need to grow and understand the world Faculty Development Workshop
4MAT Origins • Analytic Learners: • Perceive information abstractly • Process information reflectively • Devise theories by integrating their observations into what they know • They learn by thinking things through • They need to know what the experts think • They use sequential thinking • They need details, and are thorough and industrious • They enjoy traditional classrooms and find ideas fascinating • Sometimes they enjoy ideas more than people • They are highly skilled verbally and are avid readers Faculty Development Workshop
4MAT Origins • Common Sense Learners: • Perceive information abstractly • Process information actively • Integrate theory and practice into common sense • They believe if something works, then use it • Down to earth problems solvers • They resent being given answers • They value strategic thinking • They like to experiment and tinker because they need to know how things work • They edit reality and cut right to the heart of things • They find school frustrating because they want to work on real problems Faculty Development Workshop
4MAT Origins • Dynamic Learners: • Perceive information concretely • Process information actively • They learn by trial and error • Enthusiastic about new things and like change • Excel when flexibility is needed • Reach accurate conclusions in the absence of logical justification • Are risk takers and at ease with people • Often seen as pushy and manipulative • Like to influence • School to them is often tedious and overly sequential Faculty Development Workshop
4MAT Origins • Imaginatively Learners: • Emphasis is on PERSONAL MEANING (Why?) • Analytic Learners: • Emphasis is on CONTENT (What?) • Common Sense Learners: • Emphasis is on USEFULNESS (How?) • Dynamic Learners: • Emphasis is on CREATIVITY (If!) • These four create a complete development cycle for teaching and learning Faculty Development Workshop
8 Steps to 4MAT • Progressive Steps for Learning: • Step 1: Create an Experience: Link the concept to the individuals in a personal and meaningful way. Include sharing personal reflections and autobiographical information, brainstorming, listening, speaking, mind mapping, drawing, interacting, idea generating, and role play. • Step 2: Reflect on the Experience: Ask learners to think about the experience and share it with others. Create and reinforce the meaning that brings real understanding and the reason to learn. • Step 3: Integrate the Observations into Concepts: Synthesize the reflections from the previous personal experience into a visual or poetic image or feeling that links the personal experience to the concept under study. Include seeing relationships and connections; patterning; creating analogs, metaphors, and non-verbal or spatial representations; discussing. Faculty Development Workshop
8 Steps to 4MAT • Progressive Steps for Learning: • Step 4: Developing Theories and Concepts: Give learners conceptual and factual information from experts. Present information in an organized, sequential fashion, moving from parts to the whole. This is the traditional instructional presentation format of public schools. • Step 5: Using Information Practically: Learners practice using the information to see "how it works" in the real world. Include exploring, manipulating, applying the facts and concepts, field and lab work, adapting knowledge to personal use, demonstrations, worksheets, puzzles, diagrams, computer experiments, conversations with peers and instructors. Faculty Development Workshop
8 Steps to 4MAT • Progressive Steps for Learning: • Step 6: Integrating Material with Self: The learners add something of themselves by extending what is learned through their own project choices and individualizing their own experimentation. Learners begin integrating the information with themselves to evolve a personal synthesis. The learner can choose to work cooperatively on a team or alone and share resulting products later. • Step 7: Analyzing for Usefulness or Application: The learner moves beyond simple practice and reinforcement and uses the information in a creative way. This includes editing (revising, refining); assessing quality of evidence; synthesizing original performances; analyzing what they have planned as their "proof" of learning based on relevance to content, originality, and excellence; preparing and presenting exhibitions and publications, taking a position, coming to closure. Faculty Development Workshop
8 Steps to 4MAT • Progressive Steps for Learning: • Step 8: Integrating Application and Experience: The learners present or perform the original example of their learning, sharing it with others in a meaningful way. This is also the time to celebrate the learners' accomplishments. Faculty Development Workshop