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Tuesday Oct 5th. Sit in your group location today! TODAY: TEST #2. Plus, with Question #10 we’ll begin our CLASS BRISTLECONE PINE TREE-RING PROJECT (to collect and analyze data for Assignment I-3) The MIDTERM EXAM is next week: Thursday Oct 14 th
Tuesday Oct 5th Sit in your group location today! TODAY: TEST #2 Plus, with Question #10 we’ll begin ourCLASS BRISTLECONE PINE TREE-RING PROJECT(to collect and analyze data for Assignment I-3) The MIDTERM EXAM is next week:Thursday Oct 14th The Midterm STUDY GUIDE will be posted tonight. Grading is STILL IN PROGRESS for I-1 & I-2Thank you for your patience!
IMPORTANT UPCOMING CLASSES: NOTE: If you miss a Group Activity – you will need to make it up by going to a TA office hour -- plus, YOUR GROUP NEEDS YOU!
This week only: My Oct 6th Wed afternoon 2 – 3 pm office hour is cancelled this week due to an unavoidable conflict – please email me to set up an appointment at another time if you need to see me this week. TA’s will hold theiroffice hours as usual! http://fp.arizona.edu/kkh/nats101gc/teachingteam.htm
Review of: INDIVIDUAL TEST PROCESS • Complete silence is needed in the classroom during the INDIVIDUAL TEST. • You should be sitting in the general area of your Group Location and already have an ANSWER FORM -- put your NAME & GROUP # on it NOW if you haven’t yet done so. • When everyone is ready, Dr H & TA’s will pass out the TEST QUESTION SHEET to each student. • Extra forms will be collected – raise your hand if we miscounted so we can collect the extras.
INDIVIDUAL TEST ANSWER FORM Be sure to enter yourNAME & GROUP # on BOTH the TEST QUESTION SHEET & THEANSWER FORM Also enter the TEST # Today’s Test is #2
INDIVIDUAL TEST PROCESS (cont.) • When you have completed your test and filled in the answer form, double check to be sure your NAME & GROUP # are on BOTHthe TEST QUESTION SHEET & ANSWER FORMS. • Place the ANSWER FORM (with your name showing) inside your FOLDED TEST QUESTION SHEET as directed to hide your answers, raise your hand & a TA will collect the test items from you • It’s EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to maintain the classroom SILENCE while others are finishing their tests. You WILL disturb your fellow students still taking the test if there is any talking whatsoever!
Answer Form When you are done, fold the TEST QUESTION SHEET in half and place your ANSWER FORM inside with only your NAME & GROUP # showing at the top . Then raise your hand. Someone will pick it up from you. PLEASE PROTECT THE INTEGRITY OF YOUR ANSWER FORM & KEEP YOUR ANSWERS COVERED! Name: Stan St StudentGroup # 0
TODAY’S SPECIAL PROCEDURES: After all individual tests are collected, QUESTION #10 will be explained by Dr H, THEN you will get into your groups to do the GROUP TEST, followed by QUESTION #10: (a) Your Individual Skeleton Plot (b) Your Group’s Pattern Matching
While waiting for others to finish, you may do the following IN SILENCE: • Snooze, daydream, think deeply about GLOBAL CHANGE . . . or plan your weekend • Read the Wildcat – allowed on Test Days only! Or work on materials from ANOTHER CLASS (not ours) • Absolutely no NATS 101–GC CLASS NOTES or laptops out • Absolutely NO PHONES OUT OR TEXTING – we will confiscate them until after class. • THIS IS A TEST! NO leaving the classroom while it is going on – even after you finish your own test! (Wait until group time if you absolutely have to go! If you are feeling ill and it is an emergency -- come down to front of classroom and ask permission)
OK . . . . Now that we’ve got THAT taken care of . . . Take a deep breath, Get into THINKING DEEPLY mode . . . And do a GREAT JOB!!!!
REMINDER . . . . Answer Form When you are done, fold the TEST QUESTION SHEET in half and place your ANSWER FORM inside with only your NAME & GROUP # showing at the top . Then raise your hand. Someone will pick it up from you. PLEASE PROTECT THE INTEGRITY OF YOUR ANSWER FORM & KEEP YOUR ANSWERS COVERED! Name: Stan St StudentGroup # 0
And now the . . . . . QUESTION #10 THE NATS 101-GC TREE-RING EXTRAVAGANZA!! Part 1
Question #10 will get you started on: Assignment I-3(the in-class part) The Bristlecone Pine (BCP) Activity
TODAY: • Skeleton Plotting your own core by hand, then • Pattern-Matching with the other students in your group to make a Site Composite, then • Crossdating with the Master Skeleton Plot (assigning Calendar dates to your own plot)
Your “paper” cores are from real BRISTLECONE PINE SITES (you’ll learn more about them on Thursday)
5 SITES IN WESTERN U.S. Upper forest border All are Bristlecone Pine sites SITE NAME (abrev) CORE ID Sheep Mt (SHP) C Campito Mt (CAM) D Methuselah Walk B (MWK) Almagre Mt (ALM) E Hermit Lake (HER) A Map is onp 135 in Class Notes
PROJECT’S PAPER CORES: Earlywood & latewood NOT shown INSTEAD: each narrow ring you should plot is colored infor you (yay!) REMEMBER: be sure to draw yourlongest lines for the most narrow rings! Frost ring = marked by xxxxx
WHAT ARE FROST RINGS? Permanent wood damage in cells, due to freezing & expansion of intercelluar water, can be useful for pattern matching & crossdating! Produced by a severe freeze occurring DURING the tree’s growing season
Core ID #Your NAME LABEL intervals of 10 FR FROST RING Starting Flag for Ring 0 (first ring) Ending Flag for LAST complete (not jagged) RING in core -- plot arrow when finished, not all cores have 60 rings SETTING UP YOUR SKELETON PLOT GRAPH PAPER: Important: USE A PENCIL not a pen! Note: be sure to plot your lines so that they reach the bottom edge of the paper!
Student B’s plot Student A’s plot A-1 Pattern Matching
Making a Site Composite SITE COMPOSITE = all individual plots from your site pattern-matched & taped together
Crossdating with the Master Goal: To assign calendar dates to each of the skeleton plots in your group! Your 2 pts for yourINDIVIDUAL GRADE for Question #10 are based on: -- a correct skeleton plot -- correct dates assigned to your skeleton plot
Site Skeleton Plot Masters(with dates marked & narrowest rings shown by long lines)
Also on the Skeleton Plot Masters you will find “FROST RING YEARS” marked! FR = frost ring year
TODAY – QUESTION #10: (1) Plot the skeleton plot for the core given to you. (Please DO NOT WRITE ON THE CORE ITSELF) (2) Be sure your name & the CORE ID # is on your GRAPH PAPER when your PLOT is done. (3) Pattern match with other students – you’ll tape together the plots into a SITE COMPOSITE when match is made
TODAY – (cont.) (4) After the SITE COMPOSITE IS TAPED TOGETHER – Assign starting and ending CALENDAR DATES to each plot in the Composite (5) When everyone’s plot is dated, carefully take apart the composite and LEAVE you CORE & your PLOT in your GROUP FOLDER for Question #10 validation. – (Be sure your name and Core ID is on your PLOT.
GTA RebeccaFranklin 1 & 2 3 & 4 5 & 6 9 & 10 7 & 8 “Guest”GTA ElaCzyzowska “Guest”GTA Erica Bigio GTAElizabeth May 19 & 20 17 & 18 13 & 14 15 & 16 11 & 12 YOUR FACILITATORS Today: Dr H
AFTER YOU ARE DONE WITH YOUR GROUP TEST . . . Get your GROUP FOLDERThen WAIT for your Facilitator to arrive with the plotting materials…. TO SKELETON PLOT YOUR OWN CORE !!
Core ID #Your NAME LABEL intervals of 10 FR FROST RING Starting Flag for Ring 0 (first ring) Ending Flag for LAST complete (not jagged) RING in core -- plot arrow when finished, not all cores have 60 rings RECAP: HOW TO SET UP YOUR SKELETON PLOT GRAPH PAPER: Important: USE A PENCIL not a pen! Note: be sure to plot your lines so that they reach the bottom edge of the paper!
Thursday Oct 7th Sit in your group location today! TODAY: CLASS TREE-RING PROJECT The MIDTERM EXAM is next week:Thursday Oct 14th The Midterm STUDY GUIDE is now posted. Directions for ASSIGNMENT I-3 are now posted. Grading is STILL IN PROGRESS for I-1 & I-2Thank you for your patience!
IMPORTANT UPCOMING CLASSES: NOTE: If you miss a Group Activity – you will need to make it up by going to a TA office hour -- plus, YOUR GROUP NEEDS YOU!
9 & 10 7 & 8 19 & 20 1 & 2 GTA RebeccaFranklin GTAElizabeth May 11 & 12 13 & 14 17 & 18 15 & 16 5 & 6 3 & 4
5 SITES IN WESTERN U.S. Upper forest border All are Bristlecone Pine sites SITE NAME (abrev) CORE ID Sheep Mt (SHP) C Campito Mt (CAM) D Methuselah Walk B (MWK) Almagre Mt (ALM) E Hermit Lake (HER) A Map onp 135
Upper & Lower Forest Border: Temperature-sensitive and Precipitation-sensitive Trees Take notesp 136 Table
Upper forest border • SITE 1 (SHP) SHEEP MT, Inyo Range, California • In the White Mountains near Bishop, California • Elevation - 3475 meters (~11,500 ft) • Rock type - dolomite seep 136 Table
Upper forest border • SITE 2 (CAM) CAMPITO Mt • White Mts. Near Bishop California • Elevation - 3400 meters (~11,000 ft) • Rock type - sandstone seep 136 Table
Upper forest border • SITE 3 (MWK) METHUSELAH WALK • In White Mts near Bishop California • Elevation - 2805 meters (~ 9200 ft) • Rock type - Dolomite seep 136 Table
Upper forest border • SITE 4 (ALM) Almagre Mt • located in the Front Range of the Colorado Rockies • Elevation - 3536 meters (~11,600 ft) • Rock type - granite seep 136 Table