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How to treat some diseases ?. A cold , the flu and other common diseases or injuries. Although the flu and common cold have similar symptoms , the flu tends to be more severe. In general , the flu is worse than the common cold. A cold or the flu ?. Flu symptoms include :
How to treatsomediseases? A cold, thefluandothercommondiseasesorinjuries
Althoughthefluandcommoncoldhavesimilarsymptoms, theflutends to be more severe. • In general, thefluisworsethanthecommoncold. A coldortheflu? Flusymptomsinclude: • A 100°F or higher fever or feeling feverish • (not everyone with the flu has a fever) • A cough and/or sore throat • A runny or stuffy nose (more common in a cold) • Headaches and/or body aches • Chills • Fatigue • Nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea
Symptoms - Flu symptoms include a body aches, fever, tiredness, and cough.
What would you recommend someone with a cold / the flu? • To cure/get rid of a cold a headache, a scratchy throat and a stuffy nose youshould stay indoors to get plenty of rest, take cough drops for your sore throat, nasal drops for your runnynose, eat chicken noodle soup, have hot tea with lemon or ginger to get yourself sweaty, take two aspirinsorcold and flu tablets,use cough syruporbreathe in a salt solution. • It’s no use taking antibiotics because they don’t help as flu is a virus
What could you do to preventfromcatching a coldorflu? • to prevent getting sick /falling illyoucan take regular exercise, dressed reasonably, gethardy, getvaccinated/ flu shots/ immunized against cold/ flu/ viruses... • Didyouknow? Cooler weather doesn’t cause colds, but the beginning of autumn and spring. • To prevent an infection we should limit contact (even shaking hands and using the same objects) with the affected/infected people and keep distance when someone sneezes, coughs or sniffles. Also whenhaving a cold, we should cover our mouth when sneezing or coughing.
Choose the right possibility • How long 1have you been/2 are you here? • What time 1are you sneezing/2 have you sneezed/3have you been • sneezingfortoday? • How many tablets1have you taken/2have you been taking? • When 1has itcome/2 did it come? • You’re so sleepy. What’s up? 1 I’ veached/2 I’ve been aching allover. • You’re back. Where have you 1 been/ 2 gone? • How long 1are you/2have you been3 /are you been ill? • How long 1 has she stayed/2 has she been staying? Since morning… • What have you1 done/2 been doing with your leg that there is a bandage • round it? • What 1have you 1done/2 been doing with my medicine that itisn‘t here?! • Why1did she buy/2 has she bought the pills? • Since when1are youfeeling/2 haveyoufelt/3 have you been feelinglike • that? • Where 1did youget/2 have you gotthe cold? • How many times 1have you had/2 are you having/3do you havefluthis • year? • She 1has never caught /2hasn’t never caught/3has never been catching • flu.
Použité zdroje a literatura: • http://youtu.be/U8eIE3caNA4 • http://webctor.com/articles/cold_and_flu_cures__true_or_false,118,1.htmlhttp://www.evolutionezine.net/natural-remedies-ready-flu-season/ • http://rescu.com.au/how-to-prevent-cold-and-flu/http://victoriachiropractor.ca/build-a-natural-defense/ • http://blog.naturalhealthyconcepts.com/2013/11/09/winter-health-woes/ • http://www.ordinace.cz/clanek/horeckou-vam-telo-rika-ze-neco-neni-v-poradku/ • http://www.luminearth.com/2014/01/04/home-remedies-for-colds-and-flu/ • http://www.herbalhealthpharmacy.com/images/4197/benylin-cold-and-flu-day-and-night-max-strength-capsules.jpg • http://www.terrywhitechemists.com.au/codral-relief-cold-flu-plus-decongestant-pe-10-tablets.html • http://www.realstylenetwork.com/news/beauty/2012/01/natural-cold-flu-remedies/ • http://cinestars.stltoday.com/saint-louis-healthguru/ • http://feedingyourhealth.com/7-foods-to-fight-the-common-cold-and-flu/ • http://www.feedthemind.com.au/