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Choosing A Secondary School. Understanding the Wirral School Admissions System. When Does the Admission Round Begin?. S econdary admission round runs from September to October half term Application packs distributed by schools in early September contain information about:
Choosing A Secondary School Understanding the Wirral School Admissions System
When Does the Admission Round Begin? • Secondary admission round runs from September to October half term • Application packs distributed by schools in early Septembercontain information about: • Admission arrangements • Admission criteria • Schools • School Open Days • Parental Preference Form
Read the admissions booklet carefully. It explains Wirral’s admissions policy as well as admission and oversubscription criteria for all schools. Look at the list of open days and evenings for schools you are considering and decide which ones you wish to visit. Attend your child’s Headteacher’s transition talk. Obtain information about schools. You can get this from : School prospectus (from school or school website) Ofsted reports www.ofsted.gov.uk Performance data www.education.gov.uk/performancetables Choice Adviser 0844 880 1500 or email: www.choiceadviser@wired.me.uk Mainstream Admissions 0151 606 2000 Parents of pupils at the school Where Do I Start?
Checklist For Visiting Schools • What is the timetable for the school day? • How many children would be in your child’s class? • How does the school help children settle in and make friends? • What extra activities does the school offer at lunch-time/after school? • How well does the school communicate with parents? • What arrangements are there for parents to get involved with the school? • What will you have to provide for your child? (uniform/stationery/ money for trips etc) • Is the school easy for your child to get to? • How well does the school track the progress of pupils and what type of support do they provide for pupils to help them to meet their targets? • School’s academic results? After the visit • Discuss your thoughts and feelings about the school with someone else (include • your child in the discussion) • Did you feel welcomed at the school? • Did the students seem happy, friendly and helpful? • Do you think your child would be happy at that school? • Did the school answer all your questions or do you have other questions you would like to ask?
What Choices Do I Have? You can name up to 3 schools Include any out-of-area schools you wish to apply for on your home Preference Form You should only include a grammar school if your child has passed the entrance exam The Local Authority will try to match you to your preferred schools in the order you listed them How successful you are in being given your preferred school depends on how well you meet the school’s criteria and availability of places If you are not offered any of your preferred schools you will be offered the nearest suitable school which has places available.
Are All Wirral Schools the Same? There are currently thirteen Academies. Most are not selective (excepting the Grammar Academies), children are assessed to determine their ability band. 10% of places can be allocated to pupils who demonstrate an aptitude in the school’s specialism e.g music All-ability schools cater for the needs of most children. They are either mixed or single sex Faith Schools prioritise children of the Catholic faith or certain parishes, and children who attend Catholic Primaries, but anyone can apply for a place. Grammar Schools are selective and entry depends on the achieving the required pass mark and availability of places. Grammar schools on Wirral are all single sex Foundation & Trust Schools set their own criteria andare run by the school governors. They are usually backed by a business or faith organisation. Children who attend Special Schools have a statement of Special Educational Needs.
What Do Schools Offer? All mainstream schools offer the full National Curriculum (English, Maths, Science and P.E) Schools with Specialist Status have additional resources for their specialist subject. The admissions booklet and school prospectus will tell you if a school has specialist status. Specialist expertise of staff, equipment or facilities? Extracurricular activities/clubs etc
Grammar School Assessments If unsure about your child’s level ask school for advice Complete and return form asking for your child to be included in grammar school assessment test (check date this has to be returned by- should be last week of May) Familiarisation packs go to schools (or home if outside Wirral) during June Tests take place in early September in child’s primary school or at one of the Grammar schools or Test Centres Tests consist of 2 verbal reasoning papers St Anselm’s and Upton Hall set their own tests Pass mark is 236 Results standardised according to child’s age Inform Head Teacher in writing, of anything which may adversely affect your child’s performance on the day and provide evidence At Head’s discretion, cases where result does not match known ability may be referred confidentially to Independent Assessment Board Results are sent to parents in the second week of October You can only apply for a Grammar school if your child achieves 236+
What Do I Do Next? When you have decided on your preferences complete and return the application form before the closing date-31st October 2012 Forms can be returned to school, posted to Mainstream Admissions or completed online www.wirral-mbc.gov.uk/admissions
What If My Preferred School Is Oversubscribed? All schools are required to publish their admissions policy which sets out their priorities Schools who are their own admissions authority set their own criteria Schools do not know which order you placed your preferences If more pupils apply than there are places available they must be allocated in accordance with the published criteria.
When Will I Know The Outcome? Allocation letters sent out 1st March 2013 (or available on-line if application made on-line) You can also ask if places are available in another school which you would prefer in place of the allocated school If your child is not offered a place in your preferred school you can appeal against this decision Mainstream Admissions will give you all the information you need to do this and you can contact the School Choice Adviser for help.
Checklist for Applying for a Secondary School Place for Your Child to Start in September 2013 3. Closing dates You must return your completed form by 31st October 2012 Late forms not dealt with till end of allocations. Any supplementary forms should also be returned by the closing date. 1. May 2012 applications for grammar school test to be returned by end of month. September 2012 Information booklets sent out to parents. 11+ testing takes place 2. Choose your preferences Gather information about schools and attend their Open Evenings. You can also contact choice adviser Tel: 0844 880 1500 Email:choiceadviser@wired.me.uk 4. March 2013 The offer letters will be sent out on 1st March 2013.
Role of The Choice Adviser • Funded by DfE • Provides free, impartial advice to anyone who would like help when choosing, applying or appealing for a school for their child • Ensures parents have access to all the available, up-to-date information about local schools (Ofsted reports, prospectuses, performance results, uniform, location & transport etc) • Help parents to complete application/appeal forms • The Choice Adviser is available to give advice by telephone, email, or 1:1 meetings • Please call Angela Knox Carter; 0844 880 1500 or email: • www.choiceadviser@wired.me.uk
Preparing your child for Secondary School Many children feel anxious about the move to secondary school but there • are lots of ways that parents can help to make the transition easier. • Reassure them that most children will be feeling the same concerns as them • Help them to establish routines by working out when they will have to get up in the morning to get to school on time • Help to plan their journey with them and find out if there is a friend that they can • walk/travel in with • Get things ready the night before (uniforms, bag packed etc) • Be prepared! Put a copy of their timetable on the fridge and check it with them to make sure they have everything they need for the day (P.E kit, books etc) • Make sure your child knows who to contact (both in school and at home) • if there is a problem • Agree on when and where homework is to be done each day • Ensure your child understands how important regular attendance is • Encourage them to talk to you if they are worried about anything.
Advice for Parents of Children with Additional Needs without a Statement • Speak to Senco or SEN support team at open evening or make an appointment to discuss any particular concerns you have • Ask about what provision is available to meet your child’s needs • What experience do they have of meeting similar needs? • Where does1-1 or small group work take place? • Ask about transition support at primary and secondary school.
Secondary Transition for Children with Statements • Follow the advice previously given about visiting schools and speaking to SENcos • Discuss your thoughts with your child’s teacher at their year 5 review • Attend the transition talk by the Statementing officers at your child’s special school or Parent Partnership • Complete the Common Application Form within the given timeframe if applying for mainstream school • Proposed statement will be sent out in January 2013 • Final statement will be issued February.